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7.3 Very Advanced Usage
If you wish Wget to keep a mirror of a page (or FTP
subdirectories), use ‘--mirror’ (‘-m’), which is the shorthand
for ‘-r -l inf -N’. You can put Wget in the crontab file asking it
to recheck a site each Sunday:
crontab 0 0 * * 0 wget --mirror http://www.gnu.org/ -o /home/me/weeklog
In addition to the above, you want the links to be converted for local
viewing. But, after having read this manual, you know that link
conversion doesn’t play well with timestamping, so you also want Wget to
back up the original HTML files before the conversion. Wget invocation
would look like this:
wget --mirror --convert-links --backup-converted \ http://www.gnu.org/ -o /home/me/weeklog
But you’ve also noticed that local viewing doesn’t work all that well
when HTML files are saved under extensions other than ‘.html’,
perhaps because they were served as ‘index.cgi’. So you’d like
Wget to rename all the files served with content-type ‘text/html’
or ‘application/xhtml+xml’ to ‘name.html’.
wget --mirror --convert-links --backup-converted \ --html-extension -o /home/me/weeklog \ http://www.gnu.org/
Or, with less typing:
wget -m -k -K -E http://www.gnu.org/ -o /home/me/weeklog
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