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actool(1)                                                            actool(1)


       actool - compiles, prints, updates, and verifies asset catalogs.


       actool [options] document


       actool  verifies, updates, and prints the contents of an asset catalog,
       generating its output in standard plist format.   The  tool  follows  a
       "read", "modify", "write", "print" order of operations.


   Specifying Output:
       --write path
              Write the resulting asset catalog to the specified path.

       --output-format format
              By  default,  actool provides output in the form of an XML prop-
              erty list. Specifying binary1 will instruct actool to  output  a
              binary  property list. Similarly, xml1 specifies an XML property
              list, and human-readable-text specifies human readable text.

       --compile path
              Compiles document and writes the output to the specified  direc-
              tory path. The name of the CAR file will be The com-
              pile option instructs actool to  convert  an  asset  catalog  to
              files optimized for runtime. Additionally, --warnings, --errors,
              and --output-format are three other options  that  are  commonly
              combined with --compile.

              Include  document  warning  messages  in  actool's plist output.
              Warnings       will       appear       under       the       key
    ,  with  messages listed under
              the subkey message and warning types under the subkey type.

              Include  document  error  messages  in  actool's  plist  output.
              Errors        will        appear       under       the       key
    , with messages listed under the
              subkey message and error types under the subkey type.

              Include  document  notice  messages  in  actool's  plist output.
              Notices       will       appear       under       the        key
    ,  with  messages  listed under
              the subkey message and error types under the subkey type.

       --output-partial-info-plist path
              Emit a plist to path that contains keys and values to include in
              an  application's  info plist. path is the full path to the info
              plist, and should have the path extension .plist specified.  The
              plist is populated with information gathered while compiling the
              CAR file, and currently contains information about the app  icon
              and launch images used by the project. During builds, the infor-
              mation produced here will be merged  into  the  target  bundle's

       --app-icon name
              Can  be  combined  with --compile to select an app icon. The app
              icon will either be copied into the output  directory  specified
              by  --compile,  or into the generated CAR file, depending on the
              value of --minimum-deployment-target. Deploying to  macOS  10.13
              or  iOS 11.0 and later will cause the app icon to be included in
              the generated CAR file. A partially defined image is still  gen-
              erated  into  the  output path, but this behavior may go away in
              the future. This flag also causes actool to declare the app icon
              in  the  patrial info plist component specified by --output-par-

       --launch-image name
              Can be combined with --compile to select a launch image to  com-
              pile  to  the output directory, for most platforms. On tvOS, the
              launch image is compiled into the resulting CAR file. This  flag
              also  causes  actool  to declare the launch image in the patrial
              info plist component specified by --output-partial-info-plist.

       --platform platform-name
              Specifies the target platform to compile for. This option influ-
              ences warnings, validation, and which images are included in the
              built product.

       --minimum-deployment-target version
              Specifies the minimum deployment target  to  compile  for.  This
              option  influences  warnings,  validation,  and which images are
              included in the built product.

       --target-device device-name
              Specifies the target device to compile for, and  may  be  passed
              multiple times. This option influences warnings, validation, and
              which images are included in the built product.

              PNGs copied into iOS targets will be processed using pngcrush to
              optimize  reading  the images on iOS devices. This has no effect
              for images that wind up in the compiled CAR  file,  as  it  only
              affects PNG images copied in to the output bundle.

       --filter-for-device-model device
              Causes  actool  to  filter  the  files  put into the CAR file by
              device. This simulates how the App Store will  thin  the  devel-
              oper's  application.  For example, if you pass iPhone9,1, actool
              will only include images appropriate to iPhone 7. This is useful
              for  testing  to  make sure thinned applications will work prop-
              erly.  During  build  time,  this  is   driven   by   the   TAR-
              GET_DEVICE_MODEL  build setting, and is selected by choosing the
              active run destination in the scheme pop-up. When  the  argument
              is not present, no thinning will occur.

       --filter-for-device-os-version os_version
              Causes  actool  to  filter the files put into the CAR file by OS
              version. This simulates how the App Store will thin  the  devel-
              oper's  application based on the final target OS of the app. For
              example, if you pass /fI11.0/fR, actool will only include images
              appropriate to iOS 11.0, but not previous versions. This is use-
              ful for testing to make  sure  thinned  applications  will  work

   Sticker Packs:
       --sticker-pack-identifier-prefix prefix
              Sets the default prefix used to identify your sticker path. This
              should  be  a  valid  domain  type  identifier.   For   example:

       --sticker-pack-strings-file strings_file
              Specifies  a  string file that maps the stickers names to local-
              ized translations.

       --product-type product-type
              Sets the type of the product that's being built. In  Xcode,  all
              targets  have  a  product  type,  and certain product types will
              cause slightly different behaviors in  actool.  These  behaviors
              are  currently  centered around how stickers generate their con-
              tent, as sticker packs have special requirements for  where  and
              how content should be formatter. actool currently recognizes two
              special product types:
              sages-sticker-pack and

   On Demand Resources (ODR):
              Tells actool to process on-demand resources. This may result  in
              multiple  CAR  files being produced. Without this option, actool
              ignores ODR tags found in the asset catalog.

       --asset-pack-output-specifications filename
              Tells actool where to write the information about ODR  resources
              found in the asset catalog. The emitted file will be a plist.

   Listing Content:
              Include a listing of the catalog's content in the output.

   Version Information:
              Print  the version of actool.  The version information is output
              under the key with the subkeys  bundle-
              version and short-bundle-version.


       actool --compile /tmp MyApp.xcassets
              actool  will compile MyApp.xcassets and produce /tmp/



Apple Inc.                        Dec 15 2011                        actool(1)

Mac OS X 10.13.1 - Generated Sun Nov 5 18:52:36 CST 2017
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