compile_et(1) compile_et(1)
compile_et - tool for generating com_err error tables
compile_et [ --base table_base ] [ --etout out_dir ] [ --stringsout out_strings_dir ] error_table
compile_et is a tool to produce com_err style error code to string map- pings for use with the com_err error_message() API. compile_et takes the com_err error table file error_table and generates a com_err source and header file for use with add_error_table() and remove_error_table(). It also generates an optional strings file for use with bundled applications. If the contents of the strings file are added to Localizable.strings, then the application does not need to use add_error_table() and remove_error_table(). compile_et is intended to be used by the Kerberos implementation and third party plugins (eg: KLLoginLogoutNotification and KLPrincipal- Translation plugins).
--etout out_dir output source, header and strings files to the directory out_dir. By default compile_et places files in the current working directory. --stringsout out_strings_dir output the strings file to the directory out_strings_dir. By default compile_et places the strings file in out_dir (if it is specified) or the current working directory. --base table_base use table_base as the error table base name. This is a four character code which identifies the error table in the error ta- ble database.
Currently compile_et has no support for generating strings files for multiple localizations. Strings files must be manually localized. compile_et(1)
Mac OS X 10.6 - Generated Thu Sep 17 20:07:21 CDT 2009