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     podcast -- Podcast Producer command line tool


     podcast [-s server] [-u username] [-p password] [--auth {Password |
             Kerberos}] [--checksslcert] [--timeout seconds] command


     The Podcast Producer command line tool is used to interface with a Pod-
     cast Producer Server. Using the tool it is possible to query the server
     for status, bind a local device to the server for recording, or control
     the capture and submission of media for processing by Podcast Producer.
     It is also possible to perform a number of administrative configuration
     tasks related to access control and feed generation.

     Use podcast by passing options for making the connection to the server
     (see OPTIONS) followed by a command (see COMMANDS). Commands may take
     additional arguments or options as specified.


     -s, --server server   The network address of the Podcast Producer server
                           (defaults to the value returned by hostname(1))
                           Format: "" or

     -u, --user username   The username for authentication (used only with
                           Password auth; defaults to the current console

     -p, --pass password   The password for authentication (used only with
                           Password auth; podcast will prompt for the password
                           it is not provided on the command line)

     --auth type           The type of authentication to use, either Password
                           or Kerberos (defaults to Password)

     --checksslcert        Validate server SSL certificate

     --timeout seconds     Specify a network timeout in seconds (defaults to
                           60 seconds)

     --help                Display this man page


   Information Commands
     --listcameras         List available cameras

     --listworkflows       List available workflows

     --listfeeds           Lists available feeds

     --listcatalogs        Lists available catalogs

     --listservers         List available servers (Bonjour discovery)

     --listinfo            List information for a given server (does not
                           require authentication)

   Agent Commands
     --isbound             Check if the local camera agent is bound to a
                           server (returns 1 if bound, 0 if unbound)

     --bind camera_name [--lockdown]
                           Bind local camera to a server with name
                           camera_name.  The lockdown flag restricts the cam-
                           era to the Administrator group (80).

     --unbind camera_name  Remove binding for local camera

     --presets             Lists available capture presets for camera agent

     --devices             Lists available devices for camera agent configura-

     --getconfig           Read agent configuration settings

     --setconfig key=value[;key=value ...]
                           Write an agent configuration setting (requires root
                           privileges). Valid keys are:

                           o   Capture
                                     Value takes the form of a
                                     <Type>:<Quality> pair. Valid Types:
                                     "Audio" or "Video" or "Screen". Valid
                                     Qualities: "Good" or "Better" or "Best"

                           o   AudioDevice
                                     Value is one of [Automatic | SysPref |
                                     Automatic will use the default audio
                                     device input. SysPref will use the audio
                                     device input from System Preferences. Use
                                     <DeviceID> to specify a particular audio

                           o   VideoDevice
                                     Value is one of [Automatic | <DeviceID>]
                                     Automatic will use the default video
                                     device input. Use <DeviceID> to specify a
                                     particular video device.

   Camera Control Commands
     --status camera_name [--update_preview_image [--include_preview_image]]
                           Get status of a specific remote camera. Optionally,
                           ask for the preview image to be updated. When
                           updating the preview image, specifying
                           --include_preview_image will return image data with
                           the command response.

     --start camera_name [--audio_only] [--delay seconds]
                           Start capture on a specific remote camera. Option-
                           ally, start recording with audio only mode or with

     --pause camera_name   Pause capture on a specific remote camera

     --resume camera_name  Resume capture on a specific remote camera

     --stop camera_name {--workflow_uuid UUID | --submission_uuid UUID}
                           [--user_metadata metadata_file_path] [--title
                           title] [--description description]
                           Stop capture on a specific remote camera and either
                           submits footage for processing with the workflow
                           specified by UUID or as the source for the pre-cre-
                           ated submission specified by UUID (see MULTI-SOURCE
                           RECORDING for more information). The
                           metadata_file_path specifies the location of the
                           file containing user metadata for the recording
                           (note that for compatibility reasons
                           --user_metadata and --metadata are equivalent). You
                           can also specify this information by using title
                           and description

     --cancel camera_name  Cancel capture for a specific remote camera

   Submission Commands
     --create_recording --workflow_uuid UUID
                           Create an empty recording container for the work-
                           flow specified by UUID (see MULTI-SOURCE RECORDING
                           for more information)

     --submit --file file_path [--file file_path ...] {--workflow_uuid UUID |
                           --submission_uuid UUID} [--user_metadata
                           user_metadata_file_path] [--recording_metadata
                           recording_metadata_file_path] [--title title]
                           [--description description]
                           Submit file(s) specified by the file_path arguments
                           either for processing with the workflow specified
                           by UUID or as the source for the pre-created sub-
                           mission specified by UUID (see MULTI-SOURCE
                           RECORDING for more information). The
                           metadata_file_path, if present, specifies the
                           location of the file containing user metadata for
                           the submission (note that for compatibility reasons
                           --user_metadata and --metadata are equivalent). You
                           can also specify this information by using title
                           and description.  The recording_metadata_file_path
                           allows you to submit a metadata file containing
                           recording information.

                           The --submit command can also take the following
                           optional arguments:

                           --upload_buffer_size buffer_size     Specifies the
                                                                network trans-
                                                                fer size for
                                                                an upload
                                                                (default is

                           --delete                             Delete the
                                                                local copy of
                                                                the uploaded
                                                                data on a suc-
                                                                cessful sub-

     --run_uploader        Start the uploader process

     --list_uploads        Lists pending uploads and progress status

                           Clears completed uploads from list

   Workflow Administration Commands
     --installworkflow --path workflow_bundle_path [--overwrite]
                           [--master_password password]
                           Install the workflow at workflow_bundle_path. If a
                           workflow already exists at this location on the
                           server, then it will be replaced if --overwrite is
                           specified. If the workflow bundle is protected by a
                           master password, then the password can be specified
                           with the --master_password argument. If the master
                           password is needed but not specified the command
                           line will attempt to retrieve it from the System

     --enableworkflow --workflow_uuid UUID
                           Enable the workflow specified by UUID

     --disableworkflow --workflow_uuid UUID
                           Disable the workflow specified by UUID

     --downloadworkflow --workflow_uuid UUID --path workflow_bundle_path
                           Download the workflow bundle for the workflow spec-
                           ified by UUID to the path specified by

     --infoworkflow --workflow_uuid UUID
                           Get information about the workflow specified by

     --deleteworkflow --workflow_uuid UUID
                           Delete the workflow specified by UUID from the

   ACL Administration Commands
     --addaccess --resource_type {Camera | Workflow | Feed} --resource_uuid
                           UUID --record_type {group | user} --shortname name
                           Grant access for a user or group to a resource.
                           This will only have an affect if access controls
                           have been enabled via the --enableacls command.

     --removeaccess --resource_type {Camera | Workflow | Feed} --resource_uuid
                           UUID --record_type {group | user} --shortname name
                           Remove access for a user or group to a resource.
                           This will only have an affect if access controls
                           have been enabled via the --enableacls command.

     --showacl --resource_type {Camera | Workflow | Feed} --resource_uuid UUID
                           List all of the access control entries for a

     --enableacl --resource_type {Camera | Workflow | Feed} --resource_uuid
                           Enable access controls for a particular resource

     --enableacls --resource_type {Camera | Workflow | Feed}
                           Enable access controls for a particular resource

     --disableacl --resource_type {Camera | Workflow | Feed} --resource_uuid
                           Disable access controls for a particular resource

     --disableacls --resource_type {Camera | Workflow | Feed}
                           Disable access controls for a particular resource

     --checkaccess --resource_type {Camera | Workflow | Feed} --resource_uuid
                           UUID --shortname username
                           Verify that a given user has an access to a

     The ACL Administration commands take the following options:

     --resource_type {camera | workflow | feed}
                           Specifies the type of resource for access control

     --resource_uuid UUID  The UUID of the resource for access control admin-

     --record_type {group | user}
                           Indicates whether access should be modified for a
                           single user or for a group of users

     --shortname name      The directory service shortname of the user or
                           group whose access is being modified

   Feed Administration Commands
     --addfeed {--shortname name | --keyword keyword_string | --query
                           query_string --feed_name name --description
                           Create a new feed on the server based either on a
                           specific username, a keyword search of podcast
                           metadata, or a query string. See FEED
                           ADMINISTRATION for more information on creating new

     --enablefeed --feed_uuid UUID
                           Enable the feed specified by UUID

     --disablefeed --feed_uuid UUID
                           Disable the feed specified by UUID

     --removefeed --feed_uuid UUID
                           Remove the feed specified by UUID from the server

     --setfeedimage --feed_uuid UUID --path PATH_TO_IMAGE
                           Set the logo for the feed specified by UUID to the
                           image at PATH_TO_IMAGE

     --makeexplicit --feed_uuid UUID
                           Tag the feed specified by UUID as explicit

     --makenonexplicit --feed_uuid UUID
                           Tag the feed specified by UUID as non explicit

     --setfeedproperty --feed_uuid UUID --property_name PROPERTY --value VALUE
                           Set the PROPERTY to the specified VALUE for the
                           feed specified by UUID. The following properties
                           can be set for a feed: 'name', 'description',
                           'author_shortname', 'copyright'.

     --setcatalogimage --feed_uuid UUID --path PATH_TO_IMAGE
                           Set the logo for the catalog specified by UUID to
                           the image at PATH_TO_IMAGE

     --setcatalogproperty --catalog_uuid UUID --property_name PROPERTY --value
                           Set the PROPERTY to the specified VALUE for the
                           catalog specified by UUID. The following properties
                           can be set for a catalog: 'title', 'subtitle',
                           'author_shortname', 'copyright'.


     List Workflows on the server:

           podcast -s -u username -p password --listworkflows

     List cameras agents currently bound to the server:

           podcast -s -u username -p password --listcameras

     Submit a file to the server. (NOTE: Multiple files can be submitted to a
     single workflow or source at once by appending additional --file
     file_path arguments):

           podcast -s -u username -p password --submit --file /path/to/file --workflow_uuid 73CD7C50-E909-425B-AD22-C6359E5B5D74 --metadata /path/to/metadata.plist

     Bind a camera agent to a server:

           podcast -s -u adminuser -p password --bind 'MyCamera'

     Set the configuration for a camera agent:

           podcast --setconfig 'Capture=Video:Good;VideoDevice=iSight;AudioDevice=Automatic'

     Start a recording on a remote camera agent:

           podcast -s -u username -p password --start 'MyCamera'

     Stop a recording on a remote camera agent:

           podcast -s -u username -p password --start 'MyCamera' --workflow_uuid 73CD7C50-E909-425B-AD22-C6359E5B5D74 --metadata /path/to/metadata.plist


     Multi-source workflows can be used with multiple cameras, multiple files
     to be uploaded, or a combination of the two.With multi-source recording,
     instead of submitting a file or camera recording to a workflow for pro-
     cessing, a recording container is first generated for the workflow to be
     used. This container creation returns submission UUIDs that can then be
     used for file upload or camera recording. To create the container:

           podcast -s -u username -p password --create_recording --workflow_uuid 52DCABC4-8E4F-4A1F-848B-08A3B5692F40

     If recording container creation is successful, the output of this command
     will look like:

           <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
           <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN""">
           <plist version='1.0'>

     The array of submission UUIDs is the information needed to then use this
     recording container. To submit one (or more) file(s) to the recording:

           podcast -s -u username -p password --submit --file /path/to/file --submission_uuid 41A92378-0D9C-45EF-BD57-BADC89402771

     Cameras to be used with a multi-source recording are started as in the
     original maner (see COMMAND EXAMPLES) and can even be started before the
     creation of the recording container. When the camera to be used is
     stopped, pass the submission UUID instead of the workflow UUID:

           podcast -s -u username -p password --stop 'MyCamera' --submission_uuid 68192B93-374D-4E41-A8A4-5C1770B932EA --metadata /path/to/metadata.plist

     The ordering of the submission UUIDs returned when the recording con-
     tainer is created is the same as the ordering of sources in the corre-
     sponding workflow's sources.plist file. Workflow processing will begin
     once all submission UUIDs have been used for either file submission or
     camera recording.


     Using the podcast tool, it is possible to add, remove, enable, and dis-
     able feeds. These feeds utilize the Podcast Producer library to create
     collections of Podcasts created by a particular user or based on a key-
     word search. It is also possible to create a feed based on a custom query
     string. Creating a feed based on username or keyword requires only the
     username or keyword for feed generation:

           podcast -s -u username -p password --addfeed --shortname podcast_user

     Generates a feed that will contain all of the episodes produced by the
     user whose shortname is "podcast_user".

           podcast -s -u username -p passoword --addfeed --keyword gravity

     Generates a feed that will contain all of the episodes that contain the
     keywork "gravity".

     On the other hand, creating a feed for a custom query string requires
     that you give the feed a name and short description, in addition to the
     string containing the query. The query string uses SQL syntax.

           podcast -s
           username -p
           password --addfeed --feed_name
           "Test feeds"
           "Feeds generated during testing" --query
           "episode.title LIKE '%test%'"

     Available fields include: episode.title, episode.summary,
     episode.author_shortname, episode.author_fullname, episode.author_email,
     episode.keywords, episode.workflow_uuid, episode.explicit,
     episode.enabled, episode.created_at, episode.updated_at

     After generating a feed, the feed can be checked with any RSS reader at:
     where "UUID" is the UUID of the created feed (returned by the podcast
     command upon successful creation).


     The podcast command has various return codes to indicate errors. They are
     grouped generally as follows:
           o   0 if command completed successfully.
           o   10-19 for local command line issues.
           o   20-29 for server connectivity problems.
           o   30-39 for server command problems.
           o   40 and above for agent response errors.

     The specific return values are listed below.

     10  Root is required.

     11  There was an error reading or writing to a Plist

     12  There were command line parameter errors.

     20  The server is unavailable.

     21  There was a server hostname lookup failure.

     22  There was a server timeout.

     23  The server is not running SSL.

     24  The server certificate is not valid (only with --checksslcert).

     25  There was a bad response from the server.

     26  The server returned an authorization failure.

     30  The submission create failed.

     31  The upload server is unavailable.

     32  The file upload failed.

     33  The file copy failed.

     34  The submission complete failed.

     35  The agent bind failed on the server.

     36  An agent command failed on the server.

     37  An unknown server error occurred.


     Example of a metadata file submitted during camera stop or file upload
     with --metadata:

           <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
           <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
           <plist version="1.0">
                   <string>Professor Rick Hathaway</string>
                   <string>Strangely, things fall together. Sorry Yeats.</string>
                   <string>Copyright (c) 2007 Vox Clamantis College</string>
                   <string>Gravitation is a phenomenon through which all objects attract each other.</string>
                   <string>gravitation phys13</string>
                   <string>Lecture 4 -- The theory of gravitation</string>


     Sample output from the --listworkflows command example (see COMMAND
     EXAMPLES above):

           <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
           <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
           <plist version='1.0'>
                           <string>Physics 13 Workflow</string>
                           <string>Create podcast for Fall 2007 Physics 13</string>
                           <string>Chemistry 5 Workflow</string>
                           <string>Create podcast for Fall 2007 Chemistry 5</string>

     Sample output from the --listcameras command example (see COMMAND
     EXAMPLES above):

           <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
           <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
           <plist version='1.0'>

Mac OS X                      September 17, 2009                      Mac OS X

Mac OS X 10.6 - Generated Thu Sep 17 20:08:51 CDT 2009
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