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symbols(1)                BSD General Commands Manual               symbols(1)


     symbols -- display symbol information about a file or process


     symbols [-help] [-w] [-uuid] [-arch arch_name] [-saveSignature path]
             [-lookup (0x1234 | symbol) ...] file...  pid...  process-name...


     The symbols command may be used to examine library, symbol, and source
     line information in files and running processes.

     You may need root priviledges to examine running processes.

     The symbols command can be used to determine symbol availability to tools
     such as Instruments, dtrace, and sample.


     -help            Print a more extensive list of options

     -v               Print version information

     -w               Print wide output, do not clip to terminal width

     -uuid            Print UUID info only.

     -arch arch_name  Specify the target architecture. The default value is
                      any , which matches the first available architecture.
                      The value all may be used to iterate over all architec-
                      tures in a target. The arch name may also be any of the
                      commonly used architecture mnemonics, for example i386,
                      x86_64, or arm

     -cpuTpe #        Specify the target architecture cpu type as a numeric

     -cpuSubtype #    Specify the target architecture cpu subtype as a numeric

     -noHeaders       Do not print library level information. This also
                      supresses printing of any lower level information, which
                      implies -noRegions, -noSymbols, and -noSources

     -noRegions       Do not print segment/section level information. This
                      also supresses printing of any lower level information,
                      which implies -noSymbols and -noSources

     -noSymbols       Do not print symbol level information. This also
                      supresses printing of any lower level information, which
                      implies -noSources

     -noSources       Do not print source level information

     -noDemangling    Do not print the human readable form of symbol names,
                      instead print the name used by the linker

     -printSignature  Print a "signature" for each target, which can later be
                      used as input to the symbols command. This is a way to
                      archive target data for later use. See also the
                      -saveSignature flag

     -deepSignature   Causes all signatures to be "deep copies", containing
                      complete copies of all available information

     -fullSourcePath  Print the entire source path for each source info

     -printDsymPaths  Print the path of the dSYM file (if found) used when
                      creating symbol information

     -lookup (0x1234 | symbol)
                      Find one or more addresses or symbols in the targets.
                      Symbols may contain simple shell globbing style pat-


     Output from symbols has the following format:

     target [arch_name, elapsed-time]:
       UUID symbol-owner-path [FLAGS]
         address (size) region-name
           address (size) symbol-name [FLAGS]
             address (size) sourcefile : line #

     Symbol owner flags have the following meanings:

     PROT             A load command has the SG_PROTECTED_VERSION_1 flag set
     AOUT             This symbol owner is an executable
     DYLIB            This symbol owner is a dylib or framework
     DYLIB-STUB       This symbol owner is used only by the linker
     DYLD             This symbol owner is the runtime dynamic linker
     BUNDLE           This symbol owner is a loadable bundle
     OBJECT           This symbol owner is an unlinked object file
     KEXT-BUNDLE      This symbol owner is a kext
     dSYM_v#          This symbol owner is a dSYM, of version '#'
     DYLDSHAREDCACHE  This symbol owner was found in the dyld shared cache
     ObjC-RR          This symbol owner supports manual retain-release
     ObjC-GC          This symbol owner supports old-style garbage collection
     SLID             This symbol owner was relocated from its base address
     PIE              This symbol owner is compiled position independent
     RESTRICTED       This symbol owner has a restrict segment/section
     STATIC-LIB       This symbol-owner is from a static library (.a)
     FaultedFromDisk  The data for this symbol owner was found on disk
     FaultedFromTask  The data for this symbol owner was retrieved from a run-
                      ning task
                      The data for this symbol owner was found in the current
                      processes dyld shared cache
     Found-dSYM       A dSYM was found for this symbol owner
                      The binary for this symbol owner was found by looking up
                      the dSYM, and then looking next to the dSYM
                      The binary for this symbol owner was found by looking up
                      the dSYM, and then reading its plist
     MMap32           The symbol owner is using a mmap'd file cache for symbol
     MMap64           The symbol owner is using a mmap'd file cache for symbol
     Empty            No data was found for this symbol owner

     Symbol flags have the following meanings:

     FUNC                   This symbol has executable code
     DYLD-STUB              This symbol is a stub used by the dynamic linker
     OBJC                   This symbol is an Objective C method
     THUMB                  This symbol uses thumb instruction encoding
     OMIT-FP                This symbol does not create a frame pointer.
     EXT                    This symbol has external visibility
     PEXT                   This symbol has private-external visibility
     LENGTH                 The length of this symbol is known, not guessed
     NameNList              The name of this symbol comes from NList data
     NameDwarf              The name of this symbol comes from Dwarf data
     NameDwarfMIPSLinkage   The name of this symbol is from specialized Dwarf
     MangledNameNList       The mangled name of this symbol is from NList data
     MangledNameDwarf       The mangled name of this symbol is from Dwarf data
                            The mangled name of this symbol is from special-
                            ized Dwarf
     Merged                 This symbol has multiple data sources
     NList                  This symbol was found in NList data
     Dwarf                  This symbol was found in Dwarf data
     DebugMap               This symbol was found in DebugMap data
     FunctionStarts         This symbol was found in function starts data


     symbols uses multiple sources of symbol information. All sources are
     queried, and the resulting data is merged.

     NLIST symbol information is found in the LINKEDIT segment. It is impre-
     cise, and only contains a starting address, not a length or ending
     address. Nlist data is not required to (and typically does not) reference
     all symbols. Usually only external symbol information is available. Even
     that may be removed by use of strip(1)

     DEBUG MAP symbol information is multi-part. A per-symbol reference in the
     original file points to an external file containing additional debug
     information, usually DWARF.

     FUNCTION STARTS symbol information is found in the LC_FUNCTION_STARTS
     load command of the target. It is imprecise, and only contains a starting
     address, not a length or ending address. Furthermore, it contains no name
     or mangled name information. The LC_FUNCTION_STARTS load command is
     optional, it may not be found in all targets.

     DWARF symbol information is true debug info. It is usually precise (but
     it is not required to be). When available, dwarf information is treated
     as more reliable than any other information source, and conflicts are
     resolved in favor of dwarf data.

     DSYM. A dSYM is an external file containing DWARF and NLIST symbol infor-


     Kernel symbols are available by using the special pid "-1". This includes
     loaded kexts.


     A signature is the information needed to reconstruct symbol information
     at a later date. For example, a signature contains a list of libraries,
     and for each library a UUID and the addresses the segments were loaded
     at. You can also ask for a "deep" signature, which contains complete
     information about every piece of information symbols could find. This can
     be very useful for later diagnosis and exploration.


     symbols /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/AppKit
             Print out all symbol and source line information in the default
             architecture of AppKit.

     symbols -uuid /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/AppKit
             Print out summarized UUID information for each arch in AppKit.

     symbols -arch i386 /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/AppKit
             Print out all symbol and source line information in the i386
             architecture of AppKit.

     symbols 7085
             Print out all symbol and source line information in pid 7085.

     symbols 7085 -lookup 0x7fff5bf0008
             Print the symbol and source line information in pid 7085 at
             address 0x7fff5bf0008.

     symbols Safari
             Attempt to find a process named Safari, and print its symbol and
             source line information.

     symbols -deepSignature -saveSignature /tmp/Safari.signature
             Attempt to find a process named Safari, and save a copy of all
             discoverable information to a file in /tmp.

     symbols /tmp/Safari.signature -lookup "*alloc*"
             Using the cached information in /tmp/Safari.signature, find every
             method/function matching the wildcard name *alloc*

     symbols -w -1
             Print out in wide format all available information on kernel sym-

Darwin                         October 13, 2013                         Darwin

Mac OS X 10.9 - Generated Sun Oct 13 13:07:39 CDT 2013
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