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xgrid(1)                  BSD General Commands Manual                 xgrid(1)


     xgrid -- submit and monitor xgrid jobs


     xgrid [-h[ostname] hostname] [-auth { Password | Kerberos }]
           [-p[assword] password] [-f[ormat] { plain | xml }]
           [-failover { YES | NO }] [-autocopy { YES | NO }]
     xgrid -job run [-gid grid-identifier] [-si stdin] [-in indir]
           [-so stdout] [-se stderr] [-out outdir] [-email email-address]
           [-art art-path [-artid art-identifier]] [-artequal art-value]
           [-artmin art-value] [-artmax art-value] cmd [arg1 [...]]
     xgrid -job submit [-gid grid-identifier] [-si stdin] [-in indir]
           [-dids jobid[,jobid[,...]]] [-email email-address]
           [-art art-path [-artid art-identifier]] [-artequal art-value]
           [-artmin art-value] [-artmax art-value] cmd [arg1 [...]]
     xgrid -job batch [-gid grid-identifier xml-batch-file]
     xgrid -job results -id identifier [-so stdout] [-se stderr] [-out outdir]
           [-tid task-identifier]
     xgrid -job { stop | suspend | resume | delete | restart } -id identifier
     xgrid -job { attributes | specification | log | wait } -id identifier
     xgrid -job list [-gid grid-identifier]
     xgrid -grid list
     xgrid -grid attributes -gid identifier
     xgrid -controller { list | role }
     xgrid -controller { promote | autopromote } [-role { MASTER | PASSIVE }]


     -h[ostname] hostname                hostname or IP address of the con-
                                         troller (default is :user:)

     -auth { Password | Kerberos }       authentication method to use (default
                                         is Password)

     -p[assword] password                password to use if the Password
                                         authentication method is chosen

     -f[ormat] { plain | xml }           format to write output in (default is

     -failover { YES | NO }              enable or disable failover (default
                                         is YES)

     -autocopy { YES | NO }              enable or disable autocopy (default
                                         is YES)


     -job run cmd [arg1 [...]]           specify a command (with arguments) to
                                         run and retrieve results for syn-

     -job submit cmd [arg1 [...]]        specify a command (with arguments) to
                                         submit asynchronously

     -job batch xml-batch-file           specify a batch file containing a
                                         list of job specifications to submit

     -job results                        retrieve results of job previously

     -job stop                           stop job execution but don't delete

     -job suspend                        suspend execution of the job (i.e. do
                                         not schedule any pending tasks)

     -job resume                         resume execution of the job -- any
                                         pending tasks may now be scheduled

     -job delete                         stop job execution (if it is running)
                                         and delete job

     -job restart                        restart a running or stopped job from
                                         the beginning

     -job attributes                     retrieve attributes of a job

     -job specification                  retrieve specification of a job

     -job log                            retrieve log of a job

     -job wait                           wait synchronously until job state

     -job list                           retrieve list of jobs

     -grid list                          list identifiers of all logical grids

     -grid attributes                    retrieve attributes of a grid

     -controller list                    retrieve list of failover controllers

     -controller role                    retrieve role of controller

     -controller promote                 promote the controller to the speci-
                                         fied role

     -controller autopromote             promote the controller (or first
                                         available failover controller) to the
                                         specified role


     -id identifier                      identifier for the job of interest

     -gid grid-identifier                identifier for grid of interest

     -si stdin                           file to use for standard input

     -in indir                           working directory to submit with job

     -so stdout                          file to write the standard output
                                         stream to

     -se stderr                          file to write the standard error
                                         stream to

     -out outdir                         directory to store job results in

     -dids jobid[,jobid[,...]]           do not schedule this job for execu-
                                         tion until the list of dependent jobs
                                         have successfully Finished.

     -email email-address                email address to send job state
                                         change notifications

     -art art-path                       the agent ranking tool to use to rank
                                         the agents (the tool must be exe-
                                         cutable and will be copied to agents)

     -artid art-identifier               identifier that uniquely identifies
                                         the agent ranking tool

     -artequal art-value                 restrict tasks to only run on agents
                                         for which the agent ranking tool
                                         returns the specified art-value

     -artmax art-value                   restrict tasks to only run on agents
                                         for which the agent ranking tool
                                         returns a value no more than the
                                         specified art-value

     -artmin art-value                   restrict tasks to only run on agents
                                         for which the agent ranking tool
                                         returns a value no less than the
                                         specified art-value (default is 1 if
                                         none of artequal, artmax, or artmin
                                         are specified)

     -role { MASTER | PASSIVE }          the role to change the controller to
                                         (default is MASTER)


     Submit a simple job to the default grid:

           $ xgrid -job submit /usr/bin/cal
           { jobIdentifier = 0; }

     List all jobs in the default grid:

           $ xgrid -job list
           { jobList = (0); }

     Show information about job 0:

           $ xgrid -job attributes -id 0
           { jobAttributes = {...}; }

     Submit myscript with the files in the input directory, wait for the job
     state to change, then retrieve the results and save the stdout and stderr
     streams to files, save the output files to the specified directory, and
     then delete the job:

           $ xgrid -job submit -in ~/data/working myscript param1 param2
           { jobIdentifier = 1; }
           $ xgrid -job wait -id 1
           { jobStatus = Finished; }
           $ xgrid -job results -id 1 -so job.out -se job.err -out job-outdir
           $ xgrid -job delete -id 1
           $ { }

     Do the same thing as the previous example but use run instead of sub-

           $ xgrid -job run -in ~/data/working -so job.out -se job.err -out
           job-outdir myscript param1 param2

     Submit a batch of job specifications from a property list file:

           $ xgrid -job batch jobs.plist

     Re-submit an existing job by retrieving the specification and piping it
     back to batch using the special filename '-':

           $ xgrid -job specification -id 0 | xgrid -job batch -


     The following property list specifies a simple /usr/bin/cal job:

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
     <plist version="1.0">
             <string>cal 6 2005</string>

     The following property list demonstrates the usage of many of the avail-
     able batch job options:

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
     <plist version="1.0">
             <!-- A symbolic name of the job -->
             <string>Full Job</string>

             <!-- Notification of all job state changes will be sent to this email address -->

                 <!-- do not schedule this job until the following job (id's) have finished successfully -->

                 <!-- the file 'textfile1' will be created on agent machines in the working directory -->
                     <!-- include the base64 encoded file data inline -->
                     <!-- 'this is a test' -->
                     <!-- should this file have the executable bit set? -->

                 <!-- the file 'textfile2' will be created on agent machines in the sub-directory 'task1' of the working directory -->
                     <!-- read file data from the specified path on the local host and include it with the job submission -->

             <!-- define some prototype task specifications. Here we can define sets of common parts of taskSpecifications -->
             <!-- Any taskSpecifications settings are valid. -->
                         <string>echoTask Arguments</string>
                         <string>are here</string>

             <!-- specifications of all tasks of this job -->

                 <!-- key is symbolic task name -->
                     <!-- command to execute -->

                     <!-- environment dictionary -->

                     <!-- argument array -->

                     <!-- use the given file as <stdin> -->

                     <!-- do not start this task until the following tasks (symbolic names) have finished successfully -->

                     <!-- by default use the echoTask prototype settings -->

                     <!-- override the prototype setting for arguments -->
                         <string>Task 1</string>

                     <!-- map a subset of files in the 'inputFiles' section for this task only -->


         <!-- a completely different job -->
             <string>Calendar Job</string>





     By default xgrid will attempt to include all of the necessary files with
     the job submission.  xgrid examines the job command and each argument to
     determine which ones refer to local files.  If the command or argument is
     not an absolute path and refers to a file that exists on the local disk
     then it will get included with the job submission.  This behavior can be
     turned off using the -autocopy NO option.


     Prints the job identifier when a job is submitted.

     Returns 0 if command completed successfully.


             hostname to use by default if -h[ostname] is not specified

             password to use by default if -p[assword] is not specified


             Password that the agent may require the controller to have (only
             readable by root)

             Password that the controller may be required by the agent to have
             (only readable by root)

             Password that the controller may require the client to have (only
             readable by root)

             Controller preferences file

             Agent preferences file


     xgrid with no arguments will print the usage message


     If a job fails due to an error, the error code reported is simply the
     error code that was returned by the task (or by the system).  (For system
     error descriptions, see /usr/include/sys/errno.h.) Common errors include:

     o   Error 1: The permissions of some file are set incorrectly.

     o   Error 2: No such file exists.

     o   Error 8: The executable file wasn't actually executable.


     xgridctl(8) ssh(1)


     The protocol used by Xgrid conforms to:

     o   RFC 3080 (BEEP Protocol)

     o   Apple XML property list (plist) specification


     Xgrid's history can be traced back to Zilla, which was developed by NeXT
     in the late 80's and was the first clustering desktop program to make use
     of the "noninterventive screen saver" motif, a motif which is now common-
     place and widely used in projects like Seti@Home.  Zilla won the 1991
     national ComputerWorld-Smithsonian Award in the science category for this
     noninterventive, community-supercomputing paradigm.

     Apple acquired the rights to Zilla in 1997, and later used that as the
     inspiration for the research project which became Xgrid.  Xgrid was pub-
     licly launched as a Technology Preview on January 6, 2004 at MacWorld San


     Some commonly reported issues are:

     1.   The controller always copies over the commands and working directory
          to the agent before each individual task, rather than checking to
          see if it is cached

     Bug reports can be sent to

     Feedback can be sent to

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