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man utimes(2)
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utimes(2)                   BSD System Calls Manual                  utimes(2)


     futimes, utimes -- set file access and modification times


     Standard C Library (libc, -lc)


     #include <sys/time.h>

     futimes(int fildes, const struct timeval times[2]);

     utimes(const char *path, const struct timeval times[2]);


     The access and modification times of the file named by path or referenced
     by fildes are changed as specified by the argument times.

     If times is NULL, the access and modification times are set to the cur-
     rent time.  The caller must be the owner of the file, have permission to
     write the file, or be the super-user.

     If times is non-NULL, it is assumed to point to an array of two timeval
     structures.  The access time is set to the value of the first element,
     and the modification time is set to the value of the second element.  The
     caller must be the owner of the file or be the super-user.

     In either case, the inode-change-time of the file is set to the current


     Upon successful completion, the value 0 is returned; otherwise the
     value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the


     The utimes() system call will fail if:

     [EACCES]           Search permission is denied for a component of the
                        path prefix; or the times argument is NULL and the
                        effective user ID of the process does not match the
                        owner of the file, and is not the super-user, and
                        write access is denied.

     [EFAULT]           path or times points outside the process's allocated
                        address space.

     [EIO]              An I/O error occurs while reading or writing the
                        affected inode.

     [ELOOP]            Too many symbolic links are encountered in translating
                        the pathname.  This is taken to be indicative of a
                        looping symbolic link.

     [ENAMETOOLONG]     A component of a pathname exceeds NAME_MAX characters,
                        or an entire path name exceeded PATH_MAX characters.

     [ENOENT]           The named file does not exist.

     [ENOTDIR]          A component of the path prefix is not a directory.

     [EPERM]            The times argument is not NULL and the calling
                        process's effective user ID does not match the owner
                        of the file and is not the super-user.

     [EROFS]            The file system containing the file is mounted read-

     The futimes() system call will fail if:

     [EBADF]            fildes does not refer to a valid descriptor.

     All of the functions will fail if:

     [EACCES]           The times argument is NULL and the effective user ID
                        of the process does not match the owner of the file,
                        and is not the super-user, and write access is denied.

     [EFAULT]           times points outside the process's allocated address

     [EIO]              An I/O error occurred while reading or writing the
                        affected inode.

     [EPERM]            The times argument is not NULL and the calling
                        process's effective user ID does not match the owner
                        of the file and is not the super-user.

     [EROFS]            The file system containing the file is mounted read-


     stat(2), utime(3)


     The utimes() function call appeared in 4.2BSD.  The futimes() function
     call first appeared in FreeBSD 3.0.

BSD                              June 4, 1993                              BSD

Mac OS X 10.9.1 - Generated Mon Jan 6 18:35:26 CST 2014
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