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man Asttypes(3)
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Asttypes(3)                      OCaml library                     Asttypes(3)


       Asttypes - no description


       Module   Asttypes


       Module Asttypes
        : sig end

       type constant =
        | Const_int of int
        | Const_char of char
        | Const_string of string * string option
        | Const_float of string
        | Const_int32 of int32
        | Const_int64 of int64
        | Const_nativeint of nativeint

       type rec_flag =
        | Nonrecursive
        | Recursive

       type direction_flag =
        | Upto
        | Downto

       type private_flag =
        | Private
        | Public

       type mutable_flag =
        | Immutable
        | Mutable

       type virtual_flag =
        | Virtual
        | Concrete

       type override_flag =
        | Override
        | Fresh

       type closed_flag =
        | Closed
        | Open

       type label = string

       type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
        txt : 'a ;
        loc : Location.t ;

       type variance =
        | Covariant
        | Contravariant
        | Invariant

OCamldoc                          2014-10-18                       Asttypes(3)

ocaml 4.02.1 - Generated Sun Oct 19 06:37:02 CDT 2014
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