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man CoordToWin(3)
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Tk_CoordsToWindow(3)         Tk Library Procedures        Tk_CoordsToWindow(3)


       Tk_CoordsToWindow - Find window containing a point


       #include <tk.h>

       Tk_CoordsToWindow(rootX, rootY, tkwin)


       X-coordinate  (in root window coordinates).  Y-coordinate (in root win-
       dow coordinates).  Token for window that identifies application.


       Tk_CoordsToWindow locates the window that contains a given point.   The
       point  is specified in root coordinates with rootX and rootY (if a vir-
       tual-root window manager is in use then rootX  and  rootY  are  in  the
       coordinate  system  of the virtual root window).  The return value from
       the procedure is a token for the window that contains the given  point.
       If  the  point is not in any window, or if the containing window is not
       in the same application as tkwin, then NULL is returned.

       The containing window is decided using the same  rules  that  determine
       which  window  contains the mouse cursor:  if a parent and a child both
       contain the point then the child gets preference, and if  two  siblings
       both contain the point then the highest one in the stacking order (i.e.
       the one that's visible on the screen) gets preference.


       containing, coordinates, root window

Tk                                                        Tk_CoordsToWindow(3)

CoordToWin 8.5.4 - Generated Sat Aug 23 06:19:55 CDT 2008
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