MPI_Wait(3OpenMPI) MPI_Wait(3OpenMPI)
MPI_Wait - Waits for an MPI send or receive to complete.
C Syntax
#include <mpi.h> int MPI_Wait(MPI_Request *request, MPI_Status *status)
Fortran Syntax
C++ Syntax
#include <mpi.h> void Request::Wait(Status& status) void Request::Wait()
request Request (handle).
status Status object (status). IERROR Fortran only: Error status (integer).
A call to MPI_Wait returns when the operation identified by request is complete. If the communication object associated with this request was created by a nonblocking send or receive call, then the object is deal- located by the call to MPI_Wait and the request handle is set to MPI_REQUEST_NULL. The call returns, in status, information on the completed operation. The content of the status object for a receive operation can be accessed as described in Section 3.2.5 of the MPI-1 Standard, "Return Status." The status object for a send operation may be queried by a call to MPI_Test_cancelled (see Section 3.8 of the MPI-1 Standard, "Probe and Cancel"). If your application does not need to examine the status field, you can save resources by using the predefined constant MPI_STATUS_IGNORE as a special value for the status argument. One is allowed to call MPI_Wait with a null or inactive request argu- ment. In this case the operation returns immediately with empty status.
Successful return of MPI_Wait after an MPI_Ibsend implies that the user send buffer can be reused i.e., data has been sent out or copied into a buffer attached with MPI_Buffer_attach. Note that, at this point, we can no longer cancel the send (for more information, see Section 3.8 of the MPI-1 Standard, "Probe and Cancel"). If a matching receive is never posted, then the buffer cannot be freed. This runs somewhat counter to the stated goal of MPI_Cancel (always being able to free program space that was committed to the communication subsystem). Example: Simple usage of nonblocking operations and MPI_Wait. CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(comm, rank, ierr) IF(rank.EQ.0) THEN CALL MPI_ISEND(a(1), 10, MPI_REAL, 1, tag, comm, request, ierr) **** do some computation **** CALL MPI_WAIT(request, status, ierr) ELSE CALL MPI_IRECV(a(1), 15, MPI_REAL, 0, tag, comm, request, ierr) **** do some computation **** CALL MPI_WAIT(request, status, ierr) END IF
Almost all MPI routines return an error value; C routines as the value of the function and Fortran routines in the last argument. C++ func- tions do not return errors. If the default error handler is set to MPI::ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS, then on error the C++ exception mechanism will be used to throw an MPI::Exception object. Before the error value is returned, the current MPI error handler is called. By default, this error handler aborts the MPI job, except for I/O function errors. The error handler may be changed with MPI_Comm_set_errhandler, MPI_File_set_errhandler, or MPI_Win_set_errhandler (depending on the type of MPI handle that gener- ated the request); the predefined error handler MPI_ERRORS_RETURN may be used to cause error values to be returned. Note that MPI does not guarantee that an MPI program can continue past an error. Note that per MPI-1 section 3.2.5, MPI exceptions on requests passed to MPI_WAIT do not set the status.MPI_ERROR field in the returned status. The error code is passed to the back-end error handler and may be passed back to the caller through the return value of MPI_WAIT if the back-end error handler returns it. The pre-defined MPI error handler MPI_ERRORS_RETURN exhibits this behavior, for example.
MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(3), MPI_File_set_errhandler(3), MPI_Test(3), MPI_Testall(3), MPI_Testany(3), MPI_Testsome(3), MPI_Waitall(3), MPI_Waitany(3), MPI_Waitsome(3), MPI_Win_set_errhandler(3) Open MPI 1.2 March 2007 MPI_Wait(3OpenMPI)
Mac OS X 10.6 - Generated Thu Sep 17 20:13:22 CDT 2009