#import <MPSMatrixSolve.h> Inherits MPSMatrixBinaryKernel. Instance Methods (nonnull instancetype) - initWithDevice:right:upper:transpose:unit:order:numberOfRightHandSides:alpha: (void) - encodeToCommandBuffer:sourceMatrix:rightHandSideMatrix:solutionMatrix: Additional Inherited Members
Detailed Description
MPSMatrixSolve.h MetalPerformanceShaders.framework Copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. MetalPerformanceShaders filter base classes This depends on Metal.framework. A kernel for computing the solution of a linear system of equations using a triangular coefficient matrix. A MPSMatrixSolveTriangular finds the solution matrix to the triangular system: op(A) * X = alpha * B or X * op(A) = alpha * B Where A is either upper or lower triangular and op(A) is A**T or A. B is the array of right hand sides for which the equations are to be solved. X is the resulting matrix of solutions.
Method Documentation
- (void) encodeToCommandBuffer: (nonnull id< MTLCommandBuffer >) commandBuffer(MPSMatrix const *__nonnull) sourceMatrix(MPSMatrix const *__nonnull) rightHandSideMatrix(MPSMatrix *__nonnull) solutionMatrix Encode a MPSMatrixSolveTriangular kernel into a command Buffer. Parameters: commandBuffer A valid MTLCommandBuffer to receive the encoded filter sourceMatrix A valid MPSMatrix containing the source matrix. rightHandSideMatrix A valid MPSMatrix containing the right hand side values. solutionMatrix A valid MPSMatrix to contain the result. This function encodes the MPSMatrixSolveTriangular object to a valid command buffer. rightHandSideMatrix and solutionMatrix must be large enough to hold at least order * numberOfRightHandSides values starting at secondarySourceMatrixOrigin and resultMatrixOrigin respectively. sourceMatrix must be at least size order x order starting at primarySourceMatrixOrigin. - (nonnull instancetype) initWithDevice: (nonnull id< MTLDevice >) device(BOOL) right(BOOL) upper(BOOL) transpose(BOOL) unit(NSUInteger) order(NSUInteger) numberOfRightHandSides(double) alpha Initialize an MPSMatrixSolveTriangular object on a device Parameters: device The device on which the kernel will execute. right A boolean value which indicates if the coefficient matrix is multiplied on the left or right side of the solution. NO indicates the multiplication is on the left. upper A boolean value which indicates if the source is lower or upper triangular. NO indicates that the coefficient matrix is lower triangular. transpose A boolean value which indicates if the source matrix should be used in transposed form. NO indicates that the coefficient matrix is to be used normally. unit A boolean value which indicates if the source matrix is unit triangular. order The order of the source matrix and, if right == NO, the number of rows in the solution and right hand side matrices. If right == YES the number of columns in the solution and right hand side matrices. numberOfRightHandSides If right == NO, the number of columns in the solution and right hand side matrices. The number of rows otherwise. alpha A double precision value used to scale the right hand sides. This function initializes a MPSMatrixSolveTriangular object. It may allocate device side memory. Returns: A valid MPSMatrixSolveTriangular object or nil, if failure.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for MetalPerformanceShaders.framework from the source code. Version MetalPerformanceShaders-Thu2Jul 13 2017 MPSMatrixSolveTriangular(3)
Mac OS X 10.12.6 - Generated Tue Oct 31 07:23:53 CDT 2017