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man MPSMatrixUnaryKernel(3)
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       #import <MPSMatrixTypes.h>

       Inherits MPSKernel.

       Inherited by MPSMatrixDecompositionCholesky, and

       MTLOrigin sourceMatrixOrigin
       MTLOrigin resultMatrixOrigin
       NSUInteger batchStart
       NSUInteger batchSize

   Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

       This depends on Metal.framework  A MPSMatrixUnaryKernel consumes one
       MPSMatrix and produces one MPSMatrix.

Property Documentation

   - batchSize [read],  [write],  [nonatomic],  [assign]
       The number of matrices in the batch to process. This property is
       modifiable and by default allows all matrices available at encoding
       time to be processed. If a single matrix should be processed set this
       value to 1.

   - batchStart [read],  [write],  [nonatomic],  [assign]
       The index of the first matrix in the batch. This property is modifiable
       and defaults to 0 at initialization time. If batch processing should
       begin at a different matrix this value should be modified prior to
       encoding the kernel.

   - resultMatrixOrigin [read],  [write],  [nonatomic],  [assign]
       The origin, relative to [0, 0] in the result matrix, at which to start
       writing results. This property is modifiable and defaults to [0, 0] at
       initialization time. If a different origin is desired then this should
       be modified prior to encoding the kernel. The z value must be 0.

   - sourceMatrixOrigin [read],  [write],  [nonatomic],  [assign]
       The origin, relative to [0, 0] in the source matrix, at which to start
       reading values. This property is modifiable and defaults to [0, 0] at
       initialization time. If a different origin is desired then this should
       be modified prior to encoding the kernel. The z value must be 0.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for
       MetalPerformanceShaders.framework from the source code.

Version MetalPerformanceShaders-Thu2Jul 13 2017        MPSMatrixUnaryKernel(3)

Mac OS X 10.12.6 - Generated Tue Oct 31 07:25:49 CDT 2017
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