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man MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication(3)
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       #import <MPSMatrixMultiplication.h>

       Inherits MPSMatrixBinaryKernel.

   Instance Methods
       (nonnull instancetype) -
       (nonnull instancetype) - initWithDevice:rows:columns:
       (nonnull instancetype) - initWithDevice:
       (void) - encodeToCommandBuffer:inputMatrix:inputVector:resultVector:

   Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

       This depends on Metal.framework.

       A matrix-vector multiplication kernel.

       A MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication object computes:

                   y = alpha * op(A) * x + beta * y

               A is a matrix represented by a MPSMatrix object. alpha and beta
               are scalar values (of the same data type as values of y) which are
               applied as shown above.  A may have an optional transposition
               operation applied.

               A MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication object is initialized with the transpose
               operator to apply to A, sizes for the operation to perform,
               and the scalar values alpha and beta.

Method Documentation

   - (void) encodeToCommandBuffer: (nonnull id< MTLCommandBuffer >)
       commandBuffer(MPSMatrix const *__nonnull) inputMatrix(MPSVector const
       *__nonnull) inputVector(MPSVector *__nonnull) resultVector
       Encode a MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication object to a command buffer.

           commandBuffer A valid MTLCommandBuffer to receive the encoded
           inputMatrix A valid MPSMatrix object which specifies the input
           matrix A.
           inputVector A valid MPSVector object which specifies the input
           vector x.
           resultVector A valid MPSVector object which specifies the addend
           vector which will also be overwritten by the result.

       The left input matrix must be large enough to hold an array of size
       (rows x columns) elements beginning at primarySourceMatrixOrigin.

       The input vector must be large enough to hold an array of size
       (columns) elements beginning at secondarySourceMatrixOrigin.x
       secondarySourceMatrixOrigin.y and secondarySourceMatrixOrigin.z must be

       The result vector must be large enough to hold an array of size (rows)
       elements beginning at resultMatrixOrigin.x. resultMatrixOrigin.y and
       resultMatrixOrigin.z must be zero.

   - (nonnull instancetype) initWithDevice: (nonnull id< MTLDevice >) device
       Use the above initialization method instead.

       Reimplemented from MPSKernel.

   - (nonnull instancetype) initWithDevice: (nonnull id< MTLDevice >)
       device(NSUInteger) rows(NSUInteger) columns
       Convenience initialization for a matrix-vector multiplication with no
       transposition, unit scaling of the product, and no accumulation of the
       result. The scaling factors alpha and beta are taken to be 1.0 and 0.0

           device The device on which the kernel will execute.
           rows The number of rows in the input matrix A, and the number of
           elements in the vector y.
           columns The number of columns in the input matrix A, and the number
           of elements in the input vector x.

           A valid MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication object or nil, if failure.

   - (nonnull instancetype) initWithDevice: (nonnull id< MTLDevice >)
       device(BOOL) transpose(NSUInteger) rows(NSUInteger) columns(double)
       alpha(double) beta
       Initialize an MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication object on a device for a
       given size and desired transpose and scale values.

           device The device on which the kernel will execute.
           transpose A boolean value which indicates if the input matrix
           should be used in transposed form. if 'YES' then op(A) == A**T,
           otherwise op(A) == A.
           rows The number of rows in the input matrix op(A), and the number
           of elements in the vector y.
           columns The number of columns in the input matrix op(A), and the
           number of elements in the input vector x.
           alpha The scale factor to apply to the product. Specified in double
           precision. Will be converted to the appropriate precision in the
           implementation subject to rounding and/or clamping as necessary.
           beta The scale factor to apply to the initial values of y.
           Specified in double precision. Will be converted to the appropriate
           precision in the implementation subject to rounding and/or clamping
           as necessary.

           A valid MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication object or nil, if failure.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for
       MetalPerformanceShaders.framework from the source code.

Version MetalPerformanceShaders-Thu2Jul 13 201MPSMatrixVectorMultiplication(3)

Mac OS X 10.12.6 - Generated Tue Oct 31 07:26:25 CDT 2017
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