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MPSNNFilterNode(3)     MetalPerformanceShaders.framework    MPSNNFilterNode(3)




       #import <MPSNNGraphNodes.h>

       Inherits NSObject.

       Inherited by MPSCNNConvolutionNode, MPSCNNDilatedPoolingMaxNode,
       MPSCNNLogSoftMaxNode, MPSCNNNeuronNode, MPSCNNNormalizationNode,
       MPSCNNPoolingNode, MPSCNNSoftMaxNode, MPSCNNUpsamplingBilinearNode,
       MPSCNNUpsamplingNearestNode, MPSNNBinaryArithmeticNode,
       MPSNNConcatenationNode, and MPSNNScaleNode.

   Instance Methods
       (nonnull instancetype) - init

       MPSNNImageNode * resultImage
       MPSNNStateNode * resultState
       NSArray< MPSNNStateNode * > * resultStates
       id< MPSNNPadding > paddingPolicy
       NSString * label

Detailed Description

       A placeholder node denoting a neural network filter stage  There are as
       many MPSNNFilterNode subclasses as there are MPS neural network filter
       objects. Make one of those. This class defines an polymorphic interface
       for them.

Method Documentation

   - (nonnull instancetype) init
       Reimplemented in MPSCNNNeuronNode.

Property Documentation

   - label [read],  [write],  [atomic],  [copy]
       A string to help identify this object.

   - (id<MPSNNPadding>) paddingPolicy [read],  [write],  [nonatomic],
       The padding method used for the filter node  The default value varies
       per filter.

   - (MPSNNImageNode*) resultImage [read],  [nonatomic],  [assign]
       Get the node representing the image result of the filter  Except where
       otherwise noted, the precision used for the result image (see format
       property) is copied from the precision from the first input image node.

   - (MPSNNStateNode*) resultState [read],  [nonatomic],  [assign]
       convenience method for resultStates[0]  If resultStates is nil, returns

   - (NSArray<MPSNNStateNode*>*) resultStates [read],  [nonatomic],  [assign]
       Get the node representing the state result of the filter  If more than
       one, see description of subclass for ordering.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for
       MetalPerformanceShaders.framework from the source code.

Version MetalPerformanceShaders-Thu2Jul 13 2017             MPSNNFilterNode(3)

Mac OS X 10.12.6 - Generated Tue Oct 31 16:17:16 CDT 2017
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