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man MPSVector(3)
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MPSVector(3)           MetalPerformanceShaders.framework          MPSVector(3)




       #import <MPSMatrixTypes.h>

       Inherits NSObject.

   Instance Methods
       (nonnull instancetype) - initWithBuffer:descriptor:
       (nonnull instancetype) - init

       id< MTLDevice > device
       NSUInteger length
       NSUInteger vectors
       MPSDataType dataType
       NSUInteger vectorBytes
       id< MTLBuffer > data

Detailed Description

       This depends on Metal.framework

       A MPSVector object describes a 1-dimensional array of data and provides
       storage for its values. Some MPSMatrixKernel objects operate on
       MPSVector objects for convenience.

Method Documentation

   - (nonnull instancetype) init
   - (nonnull instancetype) initWithBuffer: (nonnull id< MTLBuffer >)
       buffer(nonnull MPSVectorDescriptor *) descriptor
       Initialize a MPSVector object with a MTLBuffer.

           buffer The MTLBuffer object which contains the data to use for the
           MPSVector. May not be NULL.
           descriptor The MPSVectorDescriptor. May not be NULL.

           A valid MPSVector object or nil, if failure.

       This function returns a MPSVector object which uses the supplied
       MTLBuffer. The length, number of vectors, and stride between vectors
       are specified by the MPSVectorDescriptor object.

       The provided MTLBuffer must have enough storage to hold

       (descriptor.vectors-1) * descriptor.vectorBytes +
        descriptor.length * (element size) bytes.

Property Documentation

   - data [read],  [nonatomic],  [assign]
       An MTLBuffer to store the data.

   - dataType [read],  [nonatomic],  [assign]
       The type of the MPSVector data.

   - device [read],  [nonatomic],  [retain]
       The device on which the MPSVector will be used.

   - length [read],  [nonatomic],  [assign]
       The number of elements in the vector.

   - vectorBytes [read],  [nonatomic],  [assign]
       The stride, in bytes, between corresponding elements of consecutive

   - vectors [read],  [nonatomic],  [assign]
       The number of vectors in the MPSVector.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for
       MetalPerformanceShaders.framework from the source code.

Version MetalPerformanceShaders-Thu2Jul 13 2017                   MPSVector(3)

Mac OS X 10.12.6 - Generated Wed Nov 1 05:56:37 CDT 2017
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