ModPerl::Code(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation ModPerl::Code(3)
$class\::Const - Perl Interface for $class Constants
EOF my $groups = $data{$class}; for my $group (sort keys %$groups) { print $fh <<"EOF"; ":$group" use $class\::Const -compile qw(:$group); The ":$group" group is for XXX constants. EOF for my $const (sort @{ $groups->{$group} }) { print $fh "=head3 C<$class\::$const>\n\n\n"; } } print $fh "=cut\n"; } } sub generate_constants_lookup_doc { my ($data) = @_; while (my ($class, $groups) = each %$Apache2::ConstantsTable) { my $constants = [map { @$_ } values %$groups]; constants_lookup_code_doc($constants, $class, $data); } } sub generate_constants_group_lookup_doc { my ($data) = @_; while (my ($class, $groups) = each %$Apache2::ConstantsTable) { constants_group_lookup_code_doc($class, $groups, $data); } } sub constants_group_lookup_code_doc { my ($class, $groups, $data) = @_; my @tags; my @code; while (my ($group, $constants) = each %$groups) { $data->{$class}{$group} = [ map { my @ifdef = constants_ifdef($_); s/^($constant_prefixes)_?//o; $seen_const{$class}{$_}++; $_; } @$constants ]; } } sub constants_lookup_code_doc { my ($constants, $class, $data) = @_; my (%switch, %alias); %alias = %shortcuts; my $postfix = lc $class; my $package = $class . '::'; my $package_len = length $package; my $func = canon_func(qw(constants lookup), $postfix); for (@$constants) { if (s/^($constant_prefixes)(_)?//o) { $alias{$_} = join $2 || "", $1, $_; } else { $alias{$_} ||= $_; } next unless /^([A-Z])/; push @{ $switch{$1} }, $_; } for my $key (sort keys %switch) { my $names = $switch{$key}; for my $name (@$names) { my @ifdef = constants_ifdef($alias{$name}); push @{ $data->{$class}{other} }, $name unless $seen_const{$class}{$name} } } } sub generate_exports { my ($self, $c_fh) = @_; require ModPerl::WrapXS; ModPerl::WrapXS->generate_exports($c_fh); } # src/modules/perl/*.c files needed to build APR/APR::* outside # of sub src_apr_ext { return map { "modperl_$_" } (qw(error bucket), map { "common_$_" } qw(util log)); } 1; __END__
ModPerl::Code - Generate mod_perl glue code
use ModPerl::Code (); my $code = ModPerl::Code->new; $code->generate;
This module provides functionality for generating mod_perl glue code. Reason this code is generated rather than written by hand include: consistency thin and clean glue code enable/disable features (without #ifdefs) adapt to changes in Apache experiment with different approaches to gluing
Doug MacEachern perl v5.10.0 2007-12-30 ModPerl::Code(3)
Mac OS X 10.6 - Generated Thu Sep 17 20:13:40 CDT 2009