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Mojo::UserAgent(3)    User Contributed Perl Documentation   Mojo::UserAgent(3)


       Mojo::UserAgent - Non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket user agent


         use Mojo::UserAgent;

         # Fine grained response handling (dies on connection errors)
         my $ua  = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
         my $res = $ua->get('')->result;
         if    ($res->is_success)  { say $res->body }
         elsif ($res->is_error)    { say $res->message }
         elsif ($res->code == 301) { say $res->headers->location }
         else                      { say 'Whatever...' }

         # Say hello to the Unicode snowman and include an Accept header
         say $ua->get('' => {Accept => '*/*'})->result->body;

         # Extract data from HTML and XML resources with CSS selectors
         say $ua->get('')->result->dom->at('title')->text;

         # Scrape the latest headlines from a news site
         say $ua->get('')->result->dom->find('h2 > a')->map('text')->join("\n");

         # IPv6 PUT request with Content-Type header and content
         my $tx = $ua->put('[::1]:3000' => {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'} => 'Hi!');

         # Quick JSON API request with Basic authentication
         my $url = Mojo::URL->new('')->userinfo('sri:a');
         my $value = $ua->get($url)->result->json;

         # JSON POST (application/json) with TLS certificate authentication
         my $tx = $ua->cert('tls.crt')->key('tls.key')->post('' => json => {top => 'secret'});

         # Form POST (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
         my $tx = $ua->post('' => form => {q => 'mojo'});

         # Search DuckDuckGo anonymously through Tor
         say $ua->get('api.3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/?q=mojolicious&format=json')->result->json('/Abstract');

         # GET request via UNIX domain socket "/tmp/myapp.sock" (percent encoded slash)
         say $ua->get('http+unix://%2Ftmp%2Fmyapp.sock/test')->result->body;

         # Follow redirects to download Mojolicious from GitHub

         # Non-blocking request
         $ua->get('' => sub ($ua, $tx) { say $tx->result->dom->at('title')->text });
         Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

         # Concurrent non-blocking requests (synchronized with promises)
         my $mojo_promise = $ua->get_p('');
         my $cpan_promise = $ua->get_p('');
         Mojo::Promise->all($mojo_promise, $cpan_promise)->then(sub ($mojo, $cpan) {
           say $mojo->[0]->result->dom->at('title')->text;
           say $cpan->[0]->result->dom->at('title')->text;

         # WebSocket connection sending and receiving JSON via UNIX domain socket
         $ua->websocket('ws+unix://%2Ftmp%2Fmyapp.sock/echo.json' => sub ($ua, $tx) {
           say 'WebSocket handshake failed!' and return unless $tx->is_websocket;
           $tx->on(json => sub ($tx, $hash) {
             say "WebSocket message via JSON: $hash->{msg}";
           $tx->send({json => {msg => 'Hello World!'}});
         Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;


       Mojo::UserAgent is a full featured non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket
       user agent, with IPv6, TLS, SNI, IDNA, HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy, UNIX domain
       socket, Comet (long polling), Promises/A+, keep-alive, connection
       pooling, timeout, cookie, multipart, gzip compression and multiple
       event loop support.

       All connections will be reset automatically if a new process has been
       forked, this allows multiple processes to share the same
       Mojo::UserAgent object safely.

       For better scalability (epoll, kqueue) and to provide non-blocking name
       resolution, SOCKS5 as well as TLS support, the optional modules EV
       (4.32+), Net::DNS::Native (0.15+), IO::Socket::Socks (0.64+) and
       IO::Socket::SSL (2.009+) will be used automatically if possible.
       Individual features can also be disabled with the "MOJO_NO_NNR",
       "MOJO_NO_SOCKS" and "MOJO_NO_TLS" environment variables.

       See "USER AGENT" in Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook for more.


       Mojo::UserAgent inherits all events from Mojo::EventEmitter and can
       emit the following new ones.

         $ua->on(prepare => sub ($ua, $tx) {...});

       Emitted whenever a new transaction is being prepared, before relative
       URLs are rewritten and cookies added. This includes automatically
       prepared proxy "CONNECT" requests and followed redirects.

         $ua->on(prepare => sub ($ua, $tx) {
           $tx->req->url(Mojo::URL->new('/mock-mojolicious')) if $tx->req->url->host eq '';

         $ua->on(start => sub ($ua, $tx) {...});

       Emitted whenever a new transaction is about to start. This includes
       automatically prepared proxy "CONNECT" requests and followed redirects.

         $ua->on(start => sub ($ua, $tx) {
           $tx->req->headers->header('X-Bender' => 'Bite my shiny metal ass!');


       Mojo::UserAgent implements the following attributes.

         my $ca = $ua->ca;
         $ua    = $ua->ca('/etc/tls/ca.crt');

       Path to TLS certificate authority file used to verify the peer
       certificate, defaults to the value of the "MOJO_CA_FILE" environment

         # Show certificate authorities for debugging
         IO::Socket::SSL::set_defaults(SSL_verify_callback => sub { say "Authority: $_[2]" and return $_[0] });

         my $cert = $ua->cert;
         $ua      = $ua->cert('/etc/tls/client.crt');

       Path to TLS certificate file, defaults to the value of the
       "MOJO_CERT_FILE" environment variable.

         my $timeout = $ua->connect_timeout;
         $ua         = $ua->connect_timeout(5);

       Maximum amount of time in seconds establishing a connection may take
       before getting canceled, defaults to the value of the
       "MOJO_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" environment variable or 10.

         my $cookie_jar = $ua->cookie_jar;
         $ua            = $ua->cookie_jar(Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar->new);

       Cookie jar to use for requests performed by this user agent, defaults
       to a Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar object.

         # Ignore all cookies
         $ua->cookie_jar->ignore(sub { 1 });

         # Ignore cookies for public suffixes
         my $ps = IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix->default;
         $ua->cookie_jar->ignore(sub ($cookie) {
           return undef unless my $domain = $cookie->domain;
           return ($ps->public_suffix($domain))[0] eq '';

         # Add custom cookie to the jar
             name   => 'foo',
             value  => 'bar',
             domain => '',
             path   => '/Mojolicious'

         my $timeout = $ua->inactivity_timeout;
         $ua         = $ua->inactivity_timeout(15);

       Maximum amount of time in seconds a connection can be inactive before
       getting closed, defaults to the value of the "MOJO_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT"
       environment variable or 40. Setting the value to 0 will allow
       connections to be inactive indefinitely.

         my $bool = $ua->insecure;
         $ua      = $ua->insecure($bool);

       Do not require a valid TLS certificate to access HTTPS/WSS sites,
       defaults to the value of the "MOJO_INSECURE" environment variable.

         # Disable TLS certificate verification for testing
         say $ua->insecure(1)->get('')->result->code;

         my $loop = $ua->ioloop;
         $ua      = $ua->ioloop(Mojo::IOLoop->new);

       Event loop object to use for blocking I/O operations, defaults to a
       Mojo::IOLoop object.

         my $key = $ua->key;
         $ua     = $ua->key('/etc/tls/client.crt');

       Path to TLS key file, defaults to the value of the "MOJO_KEY_FILE"
       environment variable.

         my $max = $ua->max_connections;
         $ua     = $ua->max_connections(5);

       Maximum number of keep-alive connections that the user agent will
       retain before it starts closing the oldest ones, defaults to 5. Setting
       the value to 0 will prevent any connections from being kept alive.

         my $max = $ua->max_redirects;
         $ua     = $ua->max_redirects(3);

       Maximum number of redirects the user agent will follow before it fails,
       defaults to the value of the "MOJO_MAX_REDIRECTS" environment variable
       or 0.

         my $max = $ua->max_response_size;
         $ua     = $ua->max_response_size(16777216);

       Maximum response size in bytes, defaults to the value of
       "max_message_size" in Mojo::Message::Response. Setting the value to 0
       will allow responses of indefinite size. Note that increasing this
       value can also drastically increase memory usage, should you for
       example attempt to parse an excessively large response body with the
       methods "dom" in Mojo::Message or "json" in Mojo::Message.

         my $proxy = $ua->proxy;
         $ua       = $ua->proxy(Mojo::UserAgent::Proxy->new);

       Proxy manager, defaults to a Mojo::UserAgent::Proxy object.

         # Detect proxy servers from environment

         # Manually configure HTTP proxy (using CONNECT for HTTPS/WebSockets)

         # Manually configure Tor (SOCKS5)

         # Manually configure UNIX domain socket (using CONNECT for HTTPS/WebSockets)
         $ua->proxy->http('http+unix://%2Ftmp%2Fproxy.sock') ->https('http+unix://%2Ftmp%2Fproxy.sock');

         my $timeout = $ua->request_timeout;
         $ua         = $ua->request_timeout(5);

       Maximum amount of time in seconds establishing a connection, sending
       the request and receiving a whole response may take before getting
       canceled, defaults to the value of the "MOJO_REQUEST_TIMEOUT"
       environment variable or 0.  Setting the value to 0 will allow the user
       agent to wait indefinitely. The timeout will reset for every followed

         # Total limit of 5 seconds, of which 3 seconds may be spent connecting

         my $server = $ua->server;
         $ua        = $ua->server(Mojo::UserAgent::Server->new);

       Application server relative URLs will be processed with, defaults to a
       Mojo::UserAgent::Server object.

         # Mock web service
         $ua->server->app->routes->get('/time' => sub ($c) {
           $c->render(json => {now => time});
         my $time = $ua->get('/time')->result->json->{now};

         # Change log level

         # Port currently used for processing relative URLs blocking
         say $ua->server->url->port;

         # Port currently used for processing relative URLs non-blocking
         say $ua->server->nb_url->port;

         my $options = $ua->socket_options;
         $ua         = $ua->socket_options({LocalAddr => ''});

       Additional options for IO::Socket::IP when opening new connections.

         my $t = $ua->transactor;
         $ua   = $ua->transactor(Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor->new);

       Transaction builder, defaults to a Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor object.

         # Change name of user agent
         $ua->transactor->name('MyUA 1.0');

         # Disable compression


       Mojo::UserAgent inherits all methods from Mojo::EventEmitter and
       implements the following new ones.

         my $tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => '');
         my $tx = $ua->build_tx(PUT => '' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Content!');
         my $tx = $ua->build_tx(PUT => '' => {Accept => '*/*'} => form => {a => 'b'});
         my $tx = $ua->build_tx(PUT => '' => {Accept => '*/*'} => json => {a => 'b'});

       Generate Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object with "tx" in

         # Request with custom cookie
         my $tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => '');
         $tx->req->cookies({name => 'user', value => 'sri'});
         $tx = $ua->start($tx);

         # Deactivate gzip compression
         my $tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => '');
         $tx = $ua->start($tx);

         # Interrupt response by raising an error
         my $tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => '');
         $tx->res->on(progress => sub ($res) {
           return unless my $server = $res->headers->server;
           $res->error({message => 'Oh noes, it is IIS!'}) if $server =~ /IIS/;
         $tx = $ua->start($tx);

         my $tx = $ua->build_websocket_tx('ws://');
         my $tx = $ua->build_websocket_tx( 'ws://' => {DNT => 1} => ['v1.proto']);

       Generate Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object with "websocket" in

         # Custom WebSocket handshake with cookie
         my $tx = $ua->build_websocket_tx('wss://');
         $tx->req->cookies({name => 'user', value => 'sri'});
         $ua->start($tx => sub ($ua, $tx) {
           say 'WebSocket handshake failed!' and return unless $tx->is_websocket;
           $tx->on(message => sub ($tx, $msg) {
             say "WebSocket message: $msg";
         Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

         my $tx = $ua->delete('');
         my $tx = $ua->delete('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Content!');
         my $tx = $ua->delete('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => form => {a => 'b'});
         my $tx = $ua->delete('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => json => {a => 'b'});

       Perform blocking "DELETE" request and return resulting
       Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object, takes the same arguments as "tx" in
       Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor (except for the "DELETE" method, which is
       implied). You can also append a callback to perform requests non-

         $ua->delete('' => json => {a => 'b'} => sub ($ua, $tx) { say $tx->result->body });
         Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

         my $promise = $ua->delete_p('');

       Same as "delete", but performs all requests non-blocking and returns a
       Mojo::Promise object instead of accepting a callback.

         $ua->delete_p('' => json => {a => 'b'})->then(sub ($tx) {
           say $tx->result->body;
         })->catch(sub ($err) {
           warn "Connection error: $err";

         my $tx = $ua->get('');
         my $tx = $ua->get('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Content!');
         my $tx = $ua->get('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => form => {a => 'b'});
         my $tx = $ua->get('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => json => {a => 'b'});

       Perform blocking "GET" request and return resulting
       Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object, takes the same arguments as "tx" in
       Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor (except for the "GET" method, which is
       implied). You can also append a callback to perform requests non-

         $ua->get('' => json => {a => 'b'} => sub ($ua, $tx) { say $tx->result->body });
         Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

         my $promise = $ua->get_p('');

       Same as "get", but performs all requests non-blocking and returns a
       Mojo::Promise object instead of accepting a callback.

         $ua->get_p('' => json => {a => 'b'})->then(sub ($tx) {
           say $tx->result->body;
         })->catch(sub ($err) {
           warn "Connection error: $err";

         my $tx = $ua->head('');
         my $tx = $ua->head('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Content!');
         my $tx = $ua->head('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => form => {a => 'b'});
         my $tx = $ua->head('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => json => {a => 'b'});

       Perform blocking "HEAD" request and return resulting
       Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object, takes the same arguments as "tx" in
       Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor (except for the "HEAD" method, which is
       implied). You can also append a callback to perform requests non-

         $ua->head('' => json => {a => 'b'} => sub ($ua, $tx) { say $tx->result->body });
         Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

         my $promise = $ua->head_p('');

       Same as "head", but performs all requests non-blocking and returns a
       Mojo::Promise object instead of accepting a callback.

         $ua->head_p('' => json => {a => 'b'})->then(sub ($tx) {
           say $tx->result->body;
         })->catch(sub ($err) {
           warn "Connection error: $err";

         my $tx = $ua->options('');
         my $tx = $ua->options('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Content!');
         my $tx = $ua->options('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => form => {a => 'b'});
         my $tx = $ua->options('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => json => {a => 'b'});

       Perform blocking "OPTIONS" request and return resulting
       Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object, takes the same arguments as "tx" in
       Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor (except for the "OPTIONS" method, which is
       implied). You can also append a callback to perform requests non-

         $ua->options('' => json => {a => 'b'} => sub ($ua, $tx) { say $tx->result->body });
         Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

         my $promise = $ua->options_p('');

       Same as "options", but performs all requests non-blocking and returns a
       Mojo::Promise object instead of accepting a callback.

         $ua->options_p('' => json => {a => 'b'})->then(sub ($tx) {
           say $tx->result->body;
         })->catch(sub ($err) {
           warn "Connection error: $err";

         my $tx = $ua->patch('');
         my $tx = $ua->patch('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Content!');
         my $tx = $ua->patch('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => form => {a => 'b'});
         my $tx = $ua->patch('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => json => {a => 'b'});

       Perform blocking "PATCH" request and return resulting
       Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object, takes the same arguments as "tx" in
       Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor (except for the "PATCH" method, which is
       implied). You can also append a callback to perform requests non-

         $ua->patch('' => json => {a => 'b'} => sub ($ua, $tx) { say $tx->result->body });
         Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

         my $promise = $ua->patch_p('');

       Same as "patch", but performs all requests non-blocking and returns a
       Mojo::Promise object instead of accepting a callback.

         $ua->patch_p('' => json => {a => 'b'})->then(sub ($tx) {
           say $tx->result->body;
         })->catch(sub ($err) {
           warn "Connection error: $err";

         my $tx = $ua->post('');
         my $tx = $ua->post('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Content!');
         my $tx = $ua->post('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => form => {a => 'b'});
         my $tx = $ua->post('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => json => {a => 'b'});

       Perform blocking "POST" request and return resulting
       Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object, takes the same arguments as "tx" in
       Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor (except for the "POST" method, which is
       implied). You can also append a callback to perform requests non-

         $ua->post('' => json => {a => 'b'} => sub ($ua, $tx) { say $tx->result->body });
         Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

         my $promise = $ua->post_p('');

       Same as "post", but performs all requests non-blocking and returns a
       Mojo::Promise object instead of accepting a callback.

         $ua->post_p('' => json => {a => 'b'})->then(sub ($tx) {
           say $tx->result->body;
         })->catch(sub ($err) {
           warn "Connection error: $err";

         my $tx = $ua->put('');
         my $tx = $ua->put('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Content!');
         my $tx = $ua->put('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => form => {a => 'b'});
         my $tx = $ua->put('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => json => {a => 'b'});

       Perform blocking "PUT" request and return resulting
       Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object, takes the same arguments as "tx" in
       Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor (except for the "PUT" method, which is
       implied). You can also append a callback to perform requests non-

         $ua->put('' => json => {a => 'b'} => sub ($ua, $tx) { say $tx->result->body });
         Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

         my $promise = $ua->put_p('');

       Same as "put", but performs all requests non-blocking and returns a
       Mojo::Promise object instead of accepting a callback.

         $ua->put_p('' => json => {a => 'b'})->then(sub ($tx) {
           say $tx->result->body;
         })->catch(sub ($err) {
           warn "Connection error: $err";

         my $tx = $ua->start(Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new);

       Perform blocking request for a custom Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object,
       which can be prepared manually or with "build_tx". You can also append
       a callback to perform requests non-blocking.

         my $tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => '');
         $ua->start($tx => sub ($ua, $tx) { say $tx->result->body });
         Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

         my $promise = $ua->start_p(Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new);

       Same as "start", but performs all requests non-blocking and returns a
       Mojo::Promise object instead of accepting a callback.

         my $tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => '');
         $ua->start_p($tx)->then(sub ($tx) {
           say $tx->result->body;
         })->catch(sub ($err) {
           warn "Connection error: $err";

         $ua->websocket('ws://' => sub {...});
         $ua->websocket('ws://' => {DNT => 1} => ['v1.proto'] => sub {...});

       Open a non-blocking WebSocket connection with transparent handshake,
       takes the same arguments as "websocket" in Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor.
       The callback will receive either a Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket or
       Mojo::Transaction::HTTP object, depending on if the handshake was

         $ua->websocket('wss://' => ['v1.proto'] => sub ($ua, $tx) {
           say 'WebSocket handshake failed!' and return unless $tx->is_websocket;
           say 'Subprotocol negotiation failed!' and return unless $tx->protocol;
           $tx->on(finish => sub ($tx, $code, $reason) { say "WebSocket closed with status $code." });
           $tx->on(message => sub ($tx, $msg) {
             say "WebSocket message: $msg";
         Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;

       You can activate "permessage-deflate" compression by setting the
       "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions" header, this can result in much better
       performance, but also increases memory usage by up to 300KiB per

         $ua->websocket('ws://' => {
           'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions' => 'permessage-deflate'
         } => sub {...});

         my $promise = $ua->websocket_p('ws://');

       Same as "websocket", but returns a Mojo::Promise object instead of
       accepting a callback.

         $ua->websocket_p('wss://')->then(sub ($tx) {
           my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
           $tx->on(finish => sub { $promise->resolve });
           $tx->on(message => sub ($tx, $msg) {
             say "WebSocket message: $msg";
           return $promise;
         })->catch(sub ($err) {
           warn "WebSocket error: $err";


       You can set the "MOJO_CLIENT_DEBUG" environment variable to get some
       advanced diagnostics information printed to "STDERR".



       Mojolicious(3), Mojolicious::Guides(3), <>.

perl v5.32.1                      2022-01-31                Mojo::UserAgent(3)

mojolicious 9.260.0 - Generated Fri May 27 13:18:42 CDT 2022
© 2000-2025
Individual documents may contain additional copyright information.