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man Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers(3)
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Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers(3)         User Contributed Perl Documentation


       Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers - Tag helpers plugin


         # Mojolicious

         # Mojolicious::Lite
         plugin 'TagHelpers';


       Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers is a collection of HTML tag helpers for
       Mojolicious, based on the HTML Living Standard

       Most form helpers can automatically pick up previous input values and
       will show them as default. You can also use "param" in
       Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers to set them manually and let
       necessary attributes always be generated automatically.

         % param country => 'germany' unless param 'country';
         <%= radio_button country => 'germany' %> Germany
         <%= radio_button country => 'france'  %> France
         <%= radio_button country => 'uk'      %> UK

       For fields that failed validation with "validation" in
       Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers the "field-with-error" class will
       be automatically added through "tag_with_error", to make styling with
       CSS easier.

         <input class="field-with-error" name="age" type="text" value="250">

       This is a core plugin, that means it is always enabled and its code a
       good example for learning how to build new plugins, you're welcome to
       fork it.

       See "PLUGINS" in Mojolicious::Plugins for a list of plugins that are
       available by default.


       Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers implements the following helpers.

         %= asset_tag '/app.js'
         %= asset_tag '/app.js', async => 'async'

       Generate "script", "link" or "img" tag for static asset.

         %= button_to Test => 'some_get_route'
         %= button_to Test => some_get_route => {id => 23} => (class => 'menu')
         %= button_to Test => '' => (class => 'menu')
         %= button_to Remove => 'some_delete_route'

       Generate portable "form" tag with "form_for", containing a single

         <form action="/path/to/get/route">
           <input type="submit" value="Test">
         <form action="/path/to/get/route/23" class="menu">
           <input type="submit" value="Test">
         <form action="" class="menu">
           <input type="submit" value="Test">
         <form action="/path/to/delete/route?_method=DELETE" method="POST">
           <input type="submit" value="Remove">

         %= check_box 'employed'
         %= check_box employed => 1
         %= check_box employed => 1, checked => undef, id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "checkbox". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="employed" type="checkbox">
         <input name="employed" type="checkbox" value="1">
         <input checked id="foo" name="employed" type="checkbox" value="1">

         %= color_field 'background'
         %= color_field background => '#ffffff'
         %= color_field background => '#ffffff', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "color". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="background" type="color">
         <input name="background" type="color" value="#ffffff">
         <input id="foo" name="background" type="color" value="#ffffff">

         %= csrf_button_to Remove => 'some_delete_route'

       Same as "button_to", but also includes a "csrf_field".

         <form action="/path/to/delete/route?_method=DELETE" method="POST">
           <input name="csrf_token" type="hidden" value="fa6a08...">
           <input type="submit" value="Remove">

         %= csrf_field

       Generate "input" tag of type "hidden" with "csrf_token" in

         <input name="csrf_token" type="hidden" value="fa6a08...">

         %= date_field 'end'
         %= date_field end => '2012-12-21'
         %= date_field end => '2012-12-21', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "date". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="end" type="date">
         <input name="end" type="date" value="2012-12-21">
         <input id="foo" name="end" type="date" value="2012-12-21">

         %= datetime_field 'end'
         %= datetime_field end => '2012-12-21T23:59:59'
         %= datetime_field end => '2012-12-21T23:59:59', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "datetime-local". Previous input values
       will automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="end" type="datetime-local">
         <input name="end" type="datetime-local" value="2012-12-21T23:59:59">
         <input id="foo" name="end" type="datetime-local" value="2012-12-21T23:59:59">

         %= email_field 'notify'
         %= email_field notify => ''
         %= email_field notify => '', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "email". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="notify" type="email">
         <input name="notify" type="email" value="">
         <input id="foo" name="notify" type="email" value="">

         %= favicon
         %= favicon '/favicon.ico';

       Generate "link" tag for favicon, defaulting to the one that comes
       bundled with Mojolicious.

         <link rel="icon" href="/mojo/favicon.ico">
         <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico">

         %= file_field 'avatar'
         %= file_field 'avatar', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "file".

         <input name="avatar" type="file">
         <input id="foo" name="avatar" type="file">

         %= form_for login => begin
           %= text_field 'first_name'
           %= submit_button
         % end
         %= form_for login => {format => 'txt'} => (method => 'POST') => begin
           %= text_field 'first_name'
           %= submit_button
         % end
         %= form_for '/login' => (enctype => 'multipart/form-data') => begin
           %= text_field 'first_name', disabled => 'disabled'
           %= submit_button
         % end
         %= form_for '' => (method => 'POST') => begin
           %= text_field 'first_name'
           %= submit_button
         % end
         %= form_for some_delete_route => begin
           %= submit_button 'Remove'
         % end

       Generate portable "form" tag with "url_for" in Mojolicious::Controller.
       For routes that do not allow "GET", a "method" attribute with the value
       "POST" will be automatically added. And for methods other than "GET" or
       "POST", an "_method" query parameter will be added as well.

         <form action="/path/to/login">
           <input name="first_name" type="text">
           <input type="submit" value="Ok">
         <form action="/path/to/login.txt" method="POST">
           <input name="first_name" type="text">
           <input type="submit" value="Ok">
         <form action="/path/to/login" enctype="multipart/form-data">
           <input disabled="disabled" name="first_name" type="text">
           <input type="submit" value="Ok">
         <form action="" method="POST">
           <input name="first_name" type="text">
           <input type="submit" value="Ok">
         <form action="/path/to/delete/route?_method=DELETE" method="POST">
           <input type="submit" value="Remove">

         %= hidden_field foo => 'bar'
         %= hidden_field foo => 'bar', id => 'bar'

       Generate "input" tag of type "hidden".

         <input name="foo" type="hidden" value="bar">
         <input id="bar" name="foo" type="hidden" value="bar">

         %= image '/images/foo.png'
         %= image '/images/foo.png', alt => 'Foo'

       Generate portable "img" tag.

         <img src="/path/to/images/foo.png">
         <img alt="Foo" src="/path/to/images/foo.png">

         %= input_tag 'first_name'
         %= input_tag first_name => 'Default'
         %= input_tag 'employed', type => 'checkbox'

       Generate "input" tag. Previous input values will automatically get
       picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="first_name">
         <input name="first_name" value="Default">
         <input name="employed" type="checkbox">

         %= javascript '/script.js'
         %= javascript '/script.js', defer => undef
         %= javascript begin
           const a = 'b';
         % end

       Generate portable "script" tag for JavaScript asset.

         <script src="/path/to/script.js"></script>
         <script defer src="/path/to/script.js"></script>
           const a = 'b';

         %= label_for first_name => 'First name'
         %= label_for first_name => 'First name', class => 'user'
         %= label_for first_name => begin
           First name
         % end
         %= label_for first_name => (class => 'user') => begin
           First name
         % end

       Generate "label" tag.

         <label for="first_name">First name</label>
         <label class="user" for="first_name">First name</label>
         <label for="first_name">
           First name
         <label class="user" for="first_name">
           First name

         %= link_to Home => 'index'
         %= link_to Home => 'index' => {format => 'txt'} => (class => 'menu')
         %= link_to index => {format => 'txt'} => (class => 'menu') => begin
         % end
         %= link_to Contact => ''
         <%= link_to index => begin %>Home<% end %>
         <%= link_to '/file.txt' => begin %>File<% end %>
         <%= link_to '' => begin %>Mojolicious<% end %>
         <%= link_to url_for->query(foo => 'bar')->to_abs => begin %>Retry<% end %>

       Generate portable "a" tag with "url_for" in Mojolicious::Controller,
       defaults to using the capitalized link target as content.

         <a href="/path/to/index">Home</a>
         <a class="menu" href="/path/to/index.txt">Home</a>
         <a class="menu" href="/path/to/index.txt">
         <a href="">Contact</a>
         <a href="/path/to/index">Home</a>
         <a href="/path/to/file.txt">File</a>
         <a href="">Mojolicious</a>
         <a href="">Retry</a>

       The first argument to "link_to" is the link content, except when the
       final argument is Perl code such as a template block (created with the
       "begin" and "end" keywords); in that case, the link content is omitted
       at the start of the argument list, and the block will become the link

         %= month_field 'vacation'
         %= month_field vacation => '2012-12'
         %= month_field vacation => '2012-12', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "month". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="vacation" type="month">
         <input name="vacation" type="month" value="2012-12">
         <input id="foo" name="vacation" type="month" value="2012-12">

         %= number_field 'age'
         %= number_field age => 25
         %= number_field age => 25, id => 'foo', min => 0, max => 200

       Generate "input" tag of type "number". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="age" type="number">
         <input name="age" type="number" value="25">
         <input id="foo" max="200" min="0" name="age" type="number" value="25">

         %= password_field 'pass'
         %= password_field 'pass', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "password".

         <input name="pass" type="password">
         <input id="foo" name="pass" type="password">

         %= radio_button 'test'
         %= radio_button country => 'germany'
         %= radio_button country => 'germany', checked => undef, id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "radio". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="test" type="radio">
         <input name="country" type="radio" value="germany">
         <input checked id="foo" name="country" type="radio" value="germany">

         %= range_field 'age'
         %= range_field age => 25
         %= range_field age => 25, id => 'foo', min => 0, max => 200

       Generate "input" tag of type "range". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="age" type="range">
         <input name="age" type="range" value="25">
         <input id="foo" max="200" min="200" name="age" type="range" value="25">

         %= search_field 'q'
         %= search_field q => 'perl'
         %= search_field q => 'perl', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "search". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="q" type="search">
         <input name="q" type="search" value="perl">
         <input id="foo" name="q" type="search" value="perl">

         %= select_field country => ['de', 'en']
         %= select_field country => [[Germany => 'de'], 'en'], id => 'eu'
         %= select_field country => [[Germany => 'de', selected => 'selected'], 'en']
         %= select_field country => [c(EU => [[Germany => 'de'], 'en'], id => 'eu')]
         %= select_field country => [c(EU => ['de', 'en']), c(Asia => ['cn', 'jp'])]

       Generate "select" and "option" tags from array references and
       "optgroup" tags from Mojo::Collection objects.  Previous input values
       will automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <select name="country">
           <option value="de">de</option>
           <option value="en">en</option>
         <select id="eu" name="country">
           <option value="de">Germany</option>
           <option value="en">en</option>
         <select name="country">
           <option selected="selected" value="de">Germany</option>
           <option value="en">en</option>
         <select name="country">
           <optgroup id="eu" label="EU">
             <option value="de">Germany</option>
             <option value="en">en</option>
         <select name="country">
           <optgroup label="EU">
             <option value="de">de</option>
             <option value="en">en</option>
           <optgroup label="Asia">
             <option value="cn">cn</option>
             <option value="jp">jp</option>

         %= stylesheet '/foo.css'
         %= stylesheet '/foo.css', title => 'Foo style'
         %= stylesheet begin
           body {color: #000}
         % end

       Generate portable "style" or "link" tag for CSS asset.

         <link href="/path/to/foo.css" rel="stylesheet">
         <link href="/path/to/foo.css" rel="stylesheet" title="Foo style">
           body {color: #000}

         %= submit_button
         %= submit_button 'Ok!', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "submit".

         <input type="submit" value="Ok">
         <input id="foo" type="submit" value="Ok!">

         %= t div => 'test & 123'

       Alias for "tag".

         <div>test &amp; 123</div>

         %= tag 'br'
         %= tag 'div'
         %= tag 'div', id => 'foo', hidden => undef
         %= tag 'div', 'test & 123'
         %= tag 'div', id => 'foo', 'test & 123'
         %= tag 'div', data => {my_id => 1, Name => 'test'}, 'test & 123'
         %= tag div => begin
           test & 123
         % end
         <%= tag div => (id => 'foo') => begin %>test & 123<% end %>

       Alias for "new_tag" in Mojo::DOM.

         <div id="foo" hidden></div>
         <div>test &amp; 123</div>
         <div id="foo">test &amp; 123</div>
         <div data-my-id="1" data-name="test">test &amp; 123</div>
           test & 123
         <div id="foo">test & 123</div>

       Very useful for reuse in more specific tag helpers.

         my $output = $c->tag('meta');
         my $output = $c->tag('meta', charset => 'UTF-8');
         my $output = $c->tag('div', '<p>This will be escaped</p>');
         my $output = $c->tag('div', sub { '<p>This will not be escaped</p>' });

       Results are automatically wrapped in Mojo::ByteStream objects to
       prevent accidental double escaping in "ep" templates.

         %= tag_with_error 'input', class => 'foo'

       Same as "tag", but adds the class "field-with-error".

         <input class="foo field-with-error">

         %= tel_field 'work'
         %= tel_field work => '123456789'
         %= tel_field work => '123456789', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "tel". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="work" type="tel">
         <input name="work" type="tel" value="123456789">
         <input id="foo" name="work" type="tel" value="123456789">

         %= text_area 'story'
         %= text_area 'story', cols => 40
         %= text_area story => 'Default', cols => 40
         %= text_area story => (cols => 40) => begin
         % end

       Generate "textarea" tag. Previous input values will automatically get
       picked up and shown as default.

         <textarea name="story"></textarea>
         <textarea cols="40" name="story"></textarea>
         <textarea cols="40" name="story">Default</textarea>
         <textarea cols="40" name="story">

         %= text_field 'first_name'
         %= text_field first_name => 'Default'
         %= text_field first_name => 'Default', class => 'user'

       Generate "input" tag of type "text". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="first_name" type="text">
         <input name="first_name" type="text" value="Default">
         <input class="user" name="first_name" type="text" value="Default">

         %= time_field 'start'
         %= time_field start => '23:59:59'
         %= time_field start => '23:59:59', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "time". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="start" type="time">
         <input name="start" type="time" value="23:59:59">
         <input id="foo" name="start" type="time" value="23:59:59">

         %= url_field 'address'
         %= url_field address => ''
         %= url_field address => '', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "url". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="address" type="url">
         <input name="address" type="url" value="">
         <input id="foo" name="address" type="url" value="">

         %= week_field 'vacation'
         %= week_field vacation => '2012-W17'
         %= week_field vacation => '2012-W17', id => 'foo'

       Generate "input" tag of type "week". Previous input values will
       automatically get picked up and shown as default.

         <input name="vacation" type="week">
         <input name="vacation" type="week" value="2012-W17">
         <input id="foo" name="vacation" type="week" value="2012-W17">


       Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers inherits all methods from
       Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones.


       Register helpers in Mojolicious application.


       Mojolicious(3), Mojolicious::Guides(3), <>.

perl v5.34.1                      2023-08-15

mojolicious 9.340.0 - Generated Wed Sep 13 18:43:47 CDT 2023
© 2000-2025
Individual documents may contain additional copyright information.