MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer(library call)
MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer -- Allocates a hierarchy ID and opens a buffer containing a memory image of a UID file
#include <Mrm/MrmPublic.h> Cardinal MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer( unsigned char uid_buffer, MrmHierarchy *hierarchy_id);
MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer allows you to specify a buffer containing information from UID files that MRM searches in subsequent fetch opera- tions. This function also allocates a hierarchy ID and initializes the optimized search lists in the hierarchy. buffer Specifies a stream of bytes containing information from UID files hierarchy_id Returns the search hierarchy ID. The search hierarchy ID identifies the buffer that MRM searches when performing sub- sequent fetch calls.
This function returns one of the following status return constants: MrmSUCCESS The function executed successfully. MrmFAILURE The function failed.
MrmCloseHierarchy(3) and MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay(3). MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer(library call)
openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Fri Nov 28 18:40:46 CST 2008