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OSSL_HPKE_CTX_NEW(3ossl)            OpenSSL           OSSL_HPKE_CTX_NEW(3ossl)


       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_new, OSSL_HPKE_CTX_free, OSSL_HPKE_encap,
       OSSL_HPKE_decap, OSSL_HPKE_seal, OSSL_HPKE_open, OSSL_HPKE_export,
       OSSL_HPKE_suite_check, OSSL_HPKE_str2suite, OSSL_HPKE_keygen,
       OSSL_HPKE_get_grease_value, OSSL_HPKE_get_ciphertext_size,
       OSSL_HPKE_get_public_encap_size, OSSL_HPKE_get_recommended_ikmelen,
       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_psk, OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_ikme,
       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_authpriv, OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_authpub,
       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_get_seq, OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set_seq - Hybrid Public Key
       Encryption (HPKE) functions


        #include <openssl/hpke.h>

        typedef struct {
            uint16_t    kem_id;
            uint16_t    kdf_id;
            uint16_t    aead_id;
        } OSSL_HPKE_SUITE;

        OSSL_HPKE_CTX *OSSL_HPKE_CTX_new(int mode, OSSL_HPKE_SUITE suite, int role,
                                         OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx, const char *propq);
        void OSSL_HPKE_CTX_free(OSSL_HPKE_CTX *ctx);

        int OSSL_HPKE_encap(OSSL_HPKE_CTX *ctx,
                            unsigned char *enc, size_t *enclen,
                            const unsigned char *pub, size_t publen,
                            const unsigned char *info, size_t infolen);
        int OSSL_HPKE_seal(OSSL_HPKE_CTX *ctx,
                           unsigned char *ct, size_t *ctlen,
                           const unsigned char *aad, size_t aadlen,
                           const unsigned char *pt, size_t ptlen);

        int OSSL_HPKE_keygen(OSSL_HPKE_SUITE suite,
                             unsigned char *pub, size_t *publen, EVP_PKEY **priv,
                             const unsigned char *ikm, size_t ikmlen,
                             OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx, const char *propq);
        int OSSL_HPKE_decap(OSSL_HPKE_CTX *ctx,
                            const unsigned char *enc, size_t enclen,
                            EVP_PKEY *recippriv,
                            const unsigned char *info, size_t infolen);
        int OSSL_HPKE_open(OSSL_HPKE_CTX *ctx,
                           unsigned char *pt, size_t *ptlen,
                           const unsigned char *aad, size_t aadlen,
                           const unsigned char *ct, size_t ctlen);

        int OSSL_HPKE_export(OSSL_HPKE_CTX *ctx,
                             unsigned char *secret, size_t secretlen,
                             const unsigned char *label, size_t labellen);

        int OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_authpriv(OSSL_HPKE_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *priv);
        int OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_authpub(OSSL_HPKE_CTX *ctx,
                                       unsigned char *pub, size_t publen);
        int OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_psk(OSSL_HPKE_CTX *ctx,
                                   const char *pskid,
                                   const unsigned char *psk, size_t psklen);

        int OSSL_HPKE_CTX_get_seq(OSSL_HPKE_CTX *ctx, uint64_t *seq);
        int OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set_seq(OSSL_HPKE_CTX *ctx, uint64_t seq);

        int OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_ikme(OSSL_HPKE_CTX *ctx,
                                    const unsigned char *ikme, size_t ikmelen);

        int OSSL_HPKE_suite_check(OSSL_HPKE_SUITE suite);
        int OSSL_HPKE_get_grease_value(const OSSL_HPKE_SUITE *suite_in,
                                       OSSL_HPKE_SUITE *suite,
                                       unsigned char *enc, size_t *enclen,
                                       unsigned char *ct, size_t ctlen,
                                       OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx, const char *propq);

        int OSSL_HPKE_str2suite(const char *str, OSSL_HPKE_SUITE *suite);
        size_t OSSL_HPKE_get_ciphertext_size(OSSL_HPKE_SUITE suite, size_t clearlen);
        size_t OSSL_HPKE_get_public_encap_size(OSSL_HPKE_SUITE suite);
        size_t OSSL_HPKE_get_recommended_ikmelen(OSSL_HPKE_SUITE suite);


       These functions provide an API for using the form of Hybrid Public Key
       Encryption (HPKE) defined in RFC9180. Understanding the HPKE
       specification is likely required before using these APIs.  HPKE is used
       by various other IETF specifications, including the TLS Encrypted
       Client Hello (ECH) specification and others.

       HPKE is a standardised, highly flexible construct for encrypting "to" a
       public key that supports combinations of a key encapsulation method
       (KEM), a key derivation function (KDF) and an authenticated encryption
       with additional data (AEAD) algorithm, with optional sender

       The sender and a receiver here will generally be using some application
       or protocol making use of HPKE. For example, with ECH, the sender will
       be a browser and the receiver will be a web server.

   Data Structures
       OSSL_HPKE_SUITE is a structure that holds identifiers for the
       algorithms used for KEM, KDF and AEAD operations.

       OSSL_HPKE_CTX is a context that maintains internal state as HPKE
       operations are carried out. Separate OSSL_HPKE_CTX objects must be used
       for the sender and receiver. Attempting to use a single context for
       both will result in errors.

   OSSL_HPKE_SUITE Identifiers
       The identifiers used by OSSL_HPKE_SUITE are:

       The KEM identifier kem_id is one of the following:

       0x10 OSSL_HPKE_KEM_ID_P256
       0x11 OSSL_HPKE_KEM_ID_P384
       0x12 OSSL_HPKE_KEM_ID_P521
       0x20 OSSL_HPKE_KEM_ID_X25519
       0x21 OSSL_HPKE_KEM_ID_X448

       The KDF identifier kdf_id is one of the following:

       0x01 OSSL_HPKE_KDF_ID_HKDF_SHA256
       0x02 OSSL_HPKE_KDF_ID_HKDF_SHA384
       0x03 OSSL_HPKE_KDF_ID_HKDF_SHA512

       The AEAD identifier aead_id is one of the following:

       0x01 OSSL_HPKE_AEAD_ID_AES_GCM_128
       0x02 OSSL_HPKE_AEAD_ID_AES_GCM_256
           The last identifier above indicates that AEAD operations are not
           needed.  OSSL_HPKE_export() can be used, but OSSL_HPKE_open() and
           OSSL_HPKE_seal() will return an error if called with a context
           using that AEAD identifier.

   HPKE Modes
       HPKE supports the following variants of Authentication using a mode

       OSSL_HPKE_MODE_BASE, 0x00
           Authentication is not used.

       OSSL_HPKE_MODE_PSK, 0x01
           Authenticates possession of a pre-shared key (PSK).

       OSSL_HPKE_MODE_AUTH, 0x02
           Authenticates possession of a KEM-based sender private key.

           A combination of OSSL_HPKE_MODE_PSK and OSSL_HPKE_MODE_AUTH.  Both
           the PSK and the senders authentication public/private must be
           supplied before the encapsulation/decapsulation operation will

       For further information related to authentication see "Pre-Shared Key
       HPKE modes" and "Sender-authenticated HPKE Modes".

   HPKE Roles
       HPKE contexts have a role - either sender or receiver. This is used to
       control which functions can be called and so that senders do not reuse
       a key and nonce with different plaintexts.

       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_free(), OSSL_HPKE_export(), OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_psk(), and
       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_get_seq() can be called regardless of role.

           An OSSL_HPKE_CTX with this role can be used with OSSL_HPKE_encap(),
           OSSL_HPKE_seal(), OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_ikme() and

           An OSSL_HPKE_CTX with this role can be used with OSSL_HPKE_decap(),
           OSSL_HPKE_open(), OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_authpub() and

       Calling a function with an incorrect role set on OSSL_HPKE_CTX will
       result in an error.

   Parameter Size Limits
       In order to improve interoperability, RFC9180, section 7.2.1 suggests a
       RECOMMENDED maximum size of 64 octets for various input parameters.  In
       this implementation we apply a limit of 66 octets for the ikmlen,
       psklen, and labellen parameters, and for the length of the string pskid
       for HPKE functions below. The constant OSSL_HPKE_MAX_PARMLEN is defined
       as the limit of this value.  (We chose 66 octets so that we can
       validate all the test vectors present in RFC9180, Appendix A.)

       In accordance with RFC9180, section 9.5, we define a constant
       OSSL_HPKE_MIN_PSKLEN with a value of 32 for the minimum length of a
       pre-shared key, passed in psklen.

       While RFC9180 also RECOMMENDS a 64 octet limit for the infolen
       parameter, that is not sufficient for TLS Encrypted ClientHello (ECH)
       processing, so we enforce a limit of OSSL_HPKE_MAX_INFOLEN with a value
       of 1024 as the limit for the infolen parameter.

   Context Construct/Free
       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_new(3) creates a OSSL_HPKE_CTX context object used for
       subsequent HPKE operations, given a mode (See "HPKE Modes"), suite (see
       "OSSL_HPKE_SUITE Identifiers") and a role (see "HPKE Roles"). The
       libctx and propq are used when fetching algorithms from providers and
       may be set to NULL.

       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_free() frees the ctx OSSL_HPKE_CTX that was created
       previously by a call to OSSL_HPKE_CTX_new(3).  If the argument to
       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_free() is NULL, nothing is done.

   Sender APIs
       A sender's goal is to use HPKE to encrypt using a public key, via use
       of a KEM, then a KDF and finally an AEAD.  The first step is to
       encapsulate (using OSSL_HPKE_encap()) the sender's public value using
       the recipient's public key, (pub) and to internally derive secrets.
       This produces the encapsulated public value (enc) to be sent to the
       recipient in whatever protocol is using HPKE. Having done the
       encapsulation step, the sender can then make one or more calls to
       OSSL_HPKE_seal() to encrypt plaintexts using the secret stored within

       OSSL_HPKE_encap() uses the HPKE context ctx, the recipient public value
       pub of size publen, and an optional info parameter of size infolen, to
       produce the encapsulated public value enc.  On input enclen should
       contain the maximum size of the enc buffer, and returns the output
       size. An error will occur if the input enclen is smaller than the value
       returned from OSSL_HPKE_get_public_encap_size().  info may be used to
       bind other protocol or application artefacts such as identifiers.
       Generally, the encapsulated public value enc corresponds to a single-
       use ephemeral private value created as part of the encapsulation
       process. Only a single call to OSSL_HPKE_encap() is allowed for a given

       OSSL_HPKE_seal() takes the OSSL_HPKE_CTX context ctx, the plaintext
       buffer pt of size ptlen and optional additional authenticated data
       buffer aad of size aadlen, and returns the ciphertext ct of size ctlen.
       On input ctlen should contain the maximum size of the ct buffer, and
       returns the output size. An error will occur if the input ctlen is
       smaller than the value returned from OSSL_HPKE_get_public_encap_size().

       OSSL_HPKE_encap() must be called before the OSSL_HPKE_seal().
       OSSL_HPKE_seal() may be called multiple times, with an internal "nonce"
       being incremented by one after each call.

   Recipient APIs
       Recipients using HPKE require a typically less ephemeral private value
       so that the public value can be distributed to potential senders via
       whatever protocol is using HPKE. For this reason, recipients will
       generally first generate a key pair and will need to manage their
       private key value using standard mechanisms outside the scope of this
       API. Private keys use normal EVP_PKEY(3) pointers so normal private key
       management mechanisms can be used for the relevant values.

       In order to enable encapsulation, the recipient needs to make it's
       public value available to the sender. There is no generic HPKE format
       defined for that - the relevant formatting is intended to be defined by
       the application/protocols that makes use of HPKE. ECH for example
       defines an ECHConfig data structure that combines the public value with
       other ECH data items. Normal library functions must therefore be used
       to extract the public value in the required format based on the
       EVP_PKEY(3) for the private value.

       OSSL_HPKE_keygen() provides a way for recipients to generate a key pair
       based on the HPKE suite to be used. It returns a EVP_PKEY(3) pointer
       for the private value priv and a encoded public key pub of size publen.
       On input publen should contain the maximum size of the pub buffer, and
       returns the output size. An error will occur if the input publen is too
       small.  The libctx and propq are used when fetching algorithms from
       providers and may be set to NULL.  The HPKE specification also defines
       a deterministic key generation scheme where the private value is
       derived from initial keying material (IKM), so OSSL_HPKE_keygen() also
       has an option to use that scheme, using the ikm parameter of size
       ikmlen. If either ikm is NULL or ikmlen is zero, then a randomly
       generated key for the relevant suite will be produced.  If required
       ikmlen should be greater than or equal to

       OSSL_HPKE_decap() takes as input the sender's encapsulated public value
       produced by OSSL_HPKE_encap() (enc) and the recipient's EVP_PKEY(3)
       pointer (prov), and then re-generates the internal secret derived by
       the sender. As before, an optional info parameter allows binding that
       derived secret to other application/protocol artefacts. Only a single
       call to OSSL_HPKE_decap() is allowed for a given OSSL_HPKE_CTX.

       OSSL_HPKE_open() is used by the recipient to decrypt the ciphertext ct
       of size ctlen using the ctx and additional authenticated data aad of
       size aadlen, to produce the plaintext pt of size ptlen.  On input ptlen
       should contain the maximum size of the pt buffer, and returns the
       output size. A pt buffer that is the same size as the ct buffer will
       suffice - generally the plaintext output will be a little smaller than
       the ciphertext input.  An error will occur if the input ptlen is too
       small.  OSSL_HPKE_open() may be called multiple times, but as with
       OSSL_HPKE_seal() there is an internally incrementing nonce value so
       ciphertexts need to be presented in the same order as used by the
       OSSL_HPKE_seal().  See "Re-sequencing" if you need to process multiple
       ciphertexts in a different order.

   Exporting Secrets
       HPKE defines a way to produce exported secrets for use by the

       OSSL_HPKE_export() takes as input the OSSL_HPKE_CTX, and an application
       supplied label label of size labellen, to produce a secret secret of
       size secretlen. The sender must first call OSSL_HPKE_encap(), and the
       receiver must call OSSL_HPKE_decap() in order to derive the same shared

       Multiple calls to OSSL_HPKE_export() with the same inputs will produce
       the same secret.  OSSL_HPKE_AEAD_ID_EXPORTONLY may be used as the
       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_new(3) if the
       user needs to produce a shared secret, but does not wish to perform
       HPKE encryption.

   Sender-authenticated HPKE Modes
       HPKE defines modes that support KEM-based sender-authentication
       OSSL_HPKE_MODE_AUTH and OSSL_HPKE_MODE_PSKAUTH. This works by binding
       the sender's authentication private/public values into the
       encapsulation and decapsulation operations. The key used for such modes
       must also use the same KEM as used for the overall exchange.
       OSSL_HPKE_keygen() can be used to generate the private value required.

       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_authpriv() can be used by the sender to set the
       senders private priv EVP_PKEY key into the OSSL_HPKE_CTX ctx before
       calling OSSL_HPKE_encap().

       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_authpub() can be used by the receiver to set the
       senders encoded pub key pub of size publen into the OSSL_HPKE_CTX ctx
       before calling OSSL_HPKE_decap().

   Pre-Shared Key HPKE modes
       HPKE also defines a symmetric equivalent to the authentication
       described above using a pre-shared key (PSK) and a PSK identifier. PSKs
       can be used with the OSSL_HPKE_MODE_PSK and OSSL_HPKE_MODE_PSKAUTH

       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_psk() sets the PSK identifier pskid string, and PSK
       buffer psk of size psklen into the ctx. If required this must be called
       before OSSL_HPKE_encap() or OSSL_HPKE_decap().  As per RFC9180, if
       required, both psk and pskid must be set to non-NULL values.  As PSKs
       are symmetric the same calls must happen on both sender and receiver

   Deterministic key generation for senders
       Normally the senders ephemeral private key is generated randomly inside
       OSSL_HPKE_encap() and remains secret.  OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_ikme() allows
       the user to override this behaviour by setting a deterministic input
       key material ikm of size ikmlen into the OSSL_HPKE_CTX ctx.  If
       required OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_ikme() can optionally be called before
       OSSL_HPKE_encap().  ikmlen should be greater than or equal to

       It is generally undesirable to use OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_ikme(), since it
       exposes the relevant secret to the application rather then preserving
       it within the library, and is more likely to result in use of
       predictable values or values that leak.

       Some protocols may have to deal with packet loss while still being able
       to decrypt arriving packets later. We provide a way to set the
       increment used for the nonce to the next subsequent call to
       OSSL_HPKE_open() (but not to OSSL_HPKE_seal() as explained below).  The
       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set_seq() API can be used for such purposes with the seq
       parameter value resetting the internal nonce increment to be used for
       the next call.

       A baseline nonce value is established based on the encapsulation or
       decapsulation operation and is then incremented by 1 for each call to
       seal or open. (In other words, the first seq increment defaults to

       If a caller needs to determine how many calls to seal or open have been
       made the OSSL_HPKE_CTX_get_seq() API can be used to retrieve the
       increment (in the seq output) that will be used in the next call to
       seal or open. That would return 0 before the first call a sender made
       to OSSL_HPKE_seal() and 1 after that first call.

       Note that reuse of the same nonce and key with different plaintexts
       would be very dangerous and could lead to loss of confidentiality and
       integrity.  We therefore only support application control over seq for
       decryption (i.e. OSSL_HPKE_open()) operations.

       For compatibility with other implementations these seq increments are
       represented as uint64_t.

   Protocol Convenience Functions
       Additional convenience APIs allow the caller to access internal details
       of local HPKE support and/or algorithms, such as parameter lengths.

       OSSL_HPKE_suite_check() checks if a specific OSSL_HPKE_SUITE suite is
       supported locally.

       To assist with memory allocation, OSSL_HPKE_get_ciphertext_size()
       provides a way for the caller to know by how much ciphertext will be
       longer than a plaintext of length clearlen.  (AEAD algorithms add a
       data integrity tag, so there is a small amount of ciphertext

       OSSL_HPKE_get_public_encap_size() provides a way for senders to know
       how big the encapsulated public value will be for a given HPKE suite.

       OSSL_HPKE_get_recommended_ikmelen() returns the recommended Input Key
       Material size (in bytes) for a given suite. This is needed in cases
       where the same public value needs to be regenerated by a sender before
       calling OSSL_HPKE_seal().  ikmlen should be at least this size.

       OSSL_HPKE_get_grease_value() produces values of the appropriate length
       for a given suite_in value (or a random value if suite_in is NULL) so
       that a protocol using HPKE can send so-called GREASE (see RFC8701)
       values that are harder to distinguish from a real use of HPKE. The
       buffer sizes should be supplied on input. The output enc value will
       have an appropriate length for suite_out and a random value, and the ct
       output will be a random value. The relevant sizes for buffers can be
       found using OSSL_HPKE_get_ciphertext_size() and

       OSSL_HPKE_str2suite() maps input str strings to an OSSL_HPKE_SUITE
       object.  The input str should be a comma-separated string with a KEM,
       KDF and AEAD name in that order, for example
       "x25519,hkdf-sha256,aes128gcm".  This can be used by command line tools
       that accept string form names for HPKE codepoints. Valid (case-
       insensitive) names are: "p-256", "p-384", "p-521", "x25519" and "x448"
       for KEM, "hkdf-sha256", "hkdf-sha384" and "hkdf-sha512" for KDF, and
       "aes-gcm-128", "aes-gcm-256", "chacha20-poly1305" and "exporter" for
       AEAD.  String variants of the numbers listed in "OSSL_HPKE_SUITE
       Identifiers" can also be used.


       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_new(3) returns an OSSL_HPKE_CTX pointer or NULL on error.

       OSSL_HPKE_get_ciphertext_size(), OSSL_HPKE_get_public_encap_size(),
       OSSL_HPKE_get_recommended_ikmelen() all return a size_t with the
       relevant value or zero on error.

       All other functions return 1 for success or zero for error.


       This example demonstrates a minimal round-trip using HPKE.

           #include <stddef.h>
           #include <string.h>
           #include <openssl/hpke.h>
           #include <openssl/evp.h>

            * this is big enough for this example, real code would need different
            * handling
           #define LBUFSIZE 48

           /* Do a round-trip, generating a key, encrypting and decrypting */
           int main(int argc, char **argv)
               int ok = 0;
               int hpke_mode = OSSL_HPKE_MODE_BASE;
               OSSL_HPKE_SUITE hpke_suite = OSSL_HPKE_SUITE_DEFAULT;
               OSSL_HPKE_CTX *sctx = NULL, *rctx = NULL;
               EVP_PKEY *priv = NULL;
               unsigned char pub[LBUFSIZE];
               size_t publen = sizeof(pub);
               unsigned char enc[LBUFSIZE];
               size_t enclen = sizeof(enc);
               unsigned char ct[LBUFSIZE];
               size_t ctlen = sizeof(ct);
               unsigned char clear[LBUFSIZE];
               size_t clearlen = sizeof(clear);
               const unsigned char *pt = "a message not in a bottle";
               size_t ptlen = strlen((char *)pt);
               const unsigned char *info = "Some info";
               size_t infolen = strlen((char *)info);
               unsigned char aad[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
               size_t aadlen = sizeof(aad);

                * Generate receiver's key pair.
                * The receiver gives this public key to the sender.
               if (OSSL_HPKE_keygen(hpke_suite, pub, &publen, &priv,
                                    NULL, 0, NULL, NULL) != 1)
                   goto err;

               /* sender's actions - encrypt data using the receivers public key */
               if ((sctx = OSSL_HPKE_CTX_new(hpke_mode, hpke_suite,
                                             NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
                   goto err;
               if (OSSL_HPKE_encap(sctx, enc, &enclen, pub, publen, info, infolen) != 1)
                   goto err;
               if (OSSL_HPKE_seal(sctx, ct, &ctlen, aad, aadlen, pt, ptlen) != 1)
                   goto err;

               /* receiver's actions - decrypt data using the receivers private key */
               if ((rctx = OSSL_HPKE_CTX_new(hpke_mode, hpke_suite,
                                             NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
                   goto err;
               if (OSSL_HPKE_decap(rctx, enc, enclen, priv, info, infolen) != 1)
                   goto err;
               if (OSSL_HPKE_open(rctx, clear, &clearlen, aad, aadlen, ct, ctlen) != 1)
                   goto err;
               ok = 1;
               /* clean up */
               printf(ok ? "All Good!\n" : "Error!\n");
               return 0;


       Note that the OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set_seq() API could be dangerous - if used
       with GCM that could lead to nonce-reuse, which is a known danger. So
       avoid that entirely, or be very very careful when using that API.

       Use of an IKM value for deterministic key generation (via
       OSSL_HPKE_CTX_set1_ikme() or OSSL_HPKE_keygen()) creates the potential
       for leaking keys (or IKM values). Only use that if really needed and if
       you understand how keys or IKM values could be abused.


       The RFC9180 specification:


       This functionality described here was added in OpenSSL 3.2.


       Copyright 2022-2025 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.

       Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License").  You may not use
       this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
       in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at

3.4.1                             2025-02-12          OSSL_HPKE_CTX_NEW(3ossl)

openssl 3.4.1 - Generated Thu Feb 20 15:09:05 CST 2025
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