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Path::Tiny(3)         User Contributed Perl Documentation        Path::Tiny(3)


       Path::Tiny - File path utility


       version 0.144


         use Path::Tiny;

         # Creating Path::Tiny objects

         my $dir = path("/tmp");
         my $foo = path("foo.txt");

         my $subdir = $dir->child("foo");
         my $bar = $subdir->child("bar.txt");

         # Stringifies as cleaned up path

         my $file = path("./foo.txt");
         print $file; # "foo.txt"

         # Reading files

         my $guts = $file->slurp;
            $guts = $file->slurp_utf8;

         my @lines = $file->lines;
            @lines = $file->lines_utf8;

         my ($head) = $file->lines( {count => 1} );
         my ($tail) = $file->lines( {count => -1} );

         # Writing files

         $bar->spew( @data );
         $bar->spew_utf8( @data );

         # Reading directories

         for ( $dir->children ) { ... }

         my $iter = $dir->iterator;
         while ( my $next = $iter->() ) { ... }


       This module provides a small, fast utility for working with file paths.
       It is friendlier to use than File::Spec and provides easy access to
       functions from several other core file handling modules.  It aims to be
       smaller and faster than many alternatives on CPAN, while helping people
       do many common things in consistent and less error-prone ways.

       Path::Tiny does not try to work for anything except Unix-like and Win32
       platforms.  Even then, it might break if you try something particularly
       obscure or tortuous.  (Quick!  What does this mean:
       "///../../..//./././a//b/.././c/././"?  And how does it differ on

       All paths are forced to have Unix-style forward slashes.  Stringifying
       the object gives you back the path (after some clean up).

       File input/output methods "flock" handles before reading or writing, as
       appropriate (if supported by the platform and/or filesystem).

       The *_utf8 methods ("slurp_utf8", "lines_utf8", etc.) operate in raw
       mode.  On Windows, that means they will not have CRLF translation from
       the ":crlf" IO layer.  Installing Unicode::UTF8 0.58 or later will
       speed up *_utf8 situations in many cases and is highly recommended.
       Alternatively, installing PerlIO::utf8_strict 0.003 or later will be
       used in place of the default ":encoding(UTF-8)".

       This module depends heavily on PerlIO layers for correct operation and
       thus requires Perl 5.008001 or later.


           $path = path("foo/bar");
           $path = path("/tmp", "file.txt"); # list
           $path = path(".");                # cwd

       Constructs a "Path::Tiny" object.  It doesn't matter if you give a file
       or directory path.  It's still up to you to call directory-like methods
       only on directories and file-like methods only on files.  This function
       is exported automatically by default.

       The first argument must be defined and have non-zero length or an
       exception will be thrown.  This prevents subtle, dangerous errors with
       code like "path( maybe_undef() )->remove_tree".

       DEPRECATED: If and only if the first character of the first argument to
       "path" is a tilde ('~'), then tilde replacement will be applied to the
       first path segment. A single tilde will be replaced with "glob('~')"
       and a tilde followed by a username will be replaced with output of
       "glob('~username')". No other method does tilde expansion on its
       arguments.  See "Tilde expansion (deprecated)" for more.

       On Windows, if the path consists of a drive identifier without a path
       component ("C:" or "D:"), it will be expanded to the absolute path of
       the current directory on that volume using "Cwd::getdcwd()".

       If called with a single "Path::Tiny" argument, the original is returned
       unless the original is holding a temporary file or directory reference
       in which case a stringified copy is made.

           $path = path("foo/bar");
           $temp = Path::Tiny->tempfile;

           $p2 = path($path); # like $p2 = $path
           $t2 = path($temp); # like $t2 = path( "$temp" )

       This optimizes copies without proliferating references unexpectedly if
       a copy is made by code outside your control.

       Current API available since 0.017.

           $path = Path::Tiny->new("foo/bar");

       This is just like "path", but with method call overhead.  (Why would
       you do that?)

       Current API available since 0.001.

           $path = Path::Tiny->cwd; # path( Cwd::getcwd )
           $path = cwd; # optional export

       Gives you the absolute path to the current directory as a "Path::Tiny"
       object.  This is slightly faster than "path(".")->absolute".

       "cwd" may be exported on request and used as a function instead of as a

       Current API available since 0.018.

           $path = Path::Tiny->rootdir; # /
           $path = rootdir;             # optional export

       Gives you "File::Spec->rootdir" as a "Path::Tiny" object if you're too
       picky for "path("/")".

       "rootdir" may be exported on request and used as a function instead of
       as a method.

       Current API available since 0.018.

   tempfile, tempdir
           $temp = Path::Tiny->tempfile( @options );
           $temp = Path::Tiny->tempdir( @options );
           $temp = $dirpath->tempfile( @options );
           $temp = $dirpath->tempdir( @options );
           $temp = tempfile( @options ); # optional export
           $temp = tempdir( @options );  # optional export

       "tempfile" passes the options to "File::Temp->new" and returns a
       "Path::Tiny" object with the file name.  The "TMPDIR" option will be
       enabled by default, but you can override that by passing "TMPDIR => 0"
       along with the options.  (If you use an absolute "TEMPLATE" option, you
       will want to disable "TMPDIR".)

       The resulting "File::Temp" object is cached. When the "Path::Tiny"
       object is destroyed, the "File::Temp" object will be as well.

       "File::Temp" annoyingly requires you to specify a custom template in
       slightly different ways depending on which function or method you call,
       but "Path::Tiny" lets you ignore that and can take either a leading
       template or a "TEMPLATE" option and does the right thing.

           $temp = Path::Tiny->tempfile( "customXXXXXXXX" );             # ok
           $temp = Path::Tiny->tempfile( TEMPLATE => "customXXXXXXXX" ); # ok

       The tempfile path object will be normalized to have an absolute path,
       even if created in a relative directory using "DIR".  If you want it to
       have the "realpath" instead, pass a leading options hash like this:

           $real_temp = tempfile({realpath => 1}, @options);

       "tempdir" is just like "tempfile", except it calls "File::Temp->newdir"

       Both "tempfile" and "tempdir" may be exported on request and used as
       functions instead of as methods.

       The methods can be called on an instances representing a directory. In
       this case, the directory is used as the base to create the temporary
       file/directory, setting the "DIR" option in File::Temp.

           my $target_dir = path('/to/destination');
           my $tempfile = $target_dir->tempfile('foobarXXXXXX');
           $tempfile->spew('A lot of data...');  # not atomic
           $tempfile->move($target_dir->child('foobar')); # hopefully atomic

       In this case, any value set for option "DIR" is ignored.

       Note: for tempfiles, the filehandles from File::Temp are closed and not
       reused.  This is not as secure as using File::Temp handles directly,
       but is less prone to deadlocks or access problems on some platforms.
       Think of what "Path::Tiny" gives you to be just a temporary file name
       that gets cleaned up.

       Note 2: if you don't want these cleaned up automatically when the
       object is destroyed, File::Temp requires different options for
       directories and files.  Use "CLEANUP => 0" for directories and "UNLINK
       => 0" for files.

       Note 3: Don't lose the temporary object by chaining a method call
       instead of storing it:

           my $lost = tempdir()->child("foo"); # tempdir cleaned up right away

       Note 4: The cached object may be accessed with the "cached_temp"
       method.  Keeping a reference to, or modifying the cached object may
       break the behavior documented above and is not supported.  Use at your
       own risk.

       Current API available since 0.119.


           $abs = path("foo/bar")->absolute;
           $abs = path("foo/bar")->absolute("/tmp");

       Returns a new "Path::Tiny" object with an absolute path (or itself if
       already absolute).  If no argument is given, the current directory is
       used as the absolute base path.  If an argument is given, it will be
       converted to an absolute path (if it is not already) and used as the
       absolute base path.

       This will not resolve upward directories ("foo/../bar") unless
       "canonpath" in File::Spec would normally do so on your platform.  If
       you need them resolved, you must call the more expensive "realpath"
       method instead.

       On Windows, an absolute path without a volume component will have it
       added based on the current drive.

       Current API available since 0.101.

   append, append_raw, append_utf8
           path("foo.txt")->append({binmode => ":raw"}, @data);

       Appends data to a file.  The file is locked with "flock" prior to
       writing and closed afterwards.  An optional hash reference may be used
       to pass options.  Valid options are:

       o   "binmode": passed to "binmode()" on the handle used for writing.

       o   "truncate": truncates the file after locking and before appending

       The "truncate" option is a way to replace the contents of a file in
       place, unlike "spew" which writes to a temporary file and then replaces
       the original (if it exists).

       "append_raw" is like "append" with a "binmode" of ":unix" for a fast,
       unbuffered, raw write.

       "append_utf8" is like "append" with an unbuffered "binmode"
       ":unix:encoding(UTF-8)" (or ":unix:utf8_strict" with
       PerlIO::utf8_strict).  If Unicode::UTF8 0.58+ is installed, an
       unbuffered, raw append will be done instead on the data encoded with

       Current API available since 0.060.

           $path = path("foo.txt")->assert( sub { $_->exists } );

       Returns the invocant after asserting that a code reference argument
       returns true.  When the assertion code reference runs, it will have the
       invocant object in the $_ variable.  If it returns false, an exception
       will be thrown.  The assertion code reference may also throw its own

       If no assertion is provided, the invocant is returned without error.

       Current API available since 0.062.

           $name = path("foo/bar.txt")->basename;        # bar.txt
           $name = path("foo.txt")->basename('.txt');    # foo
           $name = path("foo.txt")->basename(qr/.txt/);  # foo
           $name = path("foo.txt")->basename(@suffixes);

       Returns the file portion or last directory portion of a path.

       Given a list of suffixes as strings or regular expressions, any that
       match at the end of the file portion or last directory portion will be
       removed before the result is returned.

       Current API available since 0.054.

           $canonical = path("foo/bar")->canonpath; # foo\bar on Windows

       Returns a string with the canonical format of the path name for the
       platform.  In particular, this means directory separators will be "\"
       on Windows.

       Current API available since 0.001.

       Returns the cached "File::Temp" or "File::Temp::Dir" object if the
       "Path::Tiny" object was created with "/tempfile" or "/tempdir".  If
       there is no such object, this method throws.

       WARNING: Keeping a reference to, or modifying the cached object may
       break the behavior documented for temporary files and directories
       created with "Path::Tiny" and is not supported.  Use at your own risk.

       Current API available since 0.101.

           $file = path("/tmp")->child("foo.txt"); # "/tmp/foo.txt"
           $file = path("/tmp")->child(@parts);

       Returns a new "Path::Tiny" object relative to the original.  Works like
       "catfile" or "catdir" from File::Spec, but without caring about file or

       WARNING: because the argument could contain ".." or refer to symlinks,
       there is no guarantee that the new path refers to an actual descendent
       of the original.  If this is important to you, transform parent and
       child with "realpath" and check them with "subsumes".

       Current API available since 0.001.

           @paths = path("/tmp")->children;
           @paths = path("/tmp")->children( qr/\.txt\z/ );

       Returns a list of "Path::Tiny" objects for all files and directories
       within a directory.  Excludes "." and ".." automatically.

       If an optional "qr//" argument is provided, it only returns objects for
       child names that match the given regular expression.  Only the base
       name is used for matching:

           @paths = path("/tmp")->children( qr/^foo/ );
           # matches children like the glob foo*

       Current API available since 0.028.


       Sets file or directory permissions.  The argument can be a numeric
       mode, a octal string beginning with a "0" or a limited subset of the
       symbolic mode use by /bin/chmod.

       The symbolic mode must be a comma-delimited list of mode clauses.
       Clauses must match "qr/\A([augo]+)([=+-])([rwx]+)\z/", which defines
       "who", "op" and "perms" parameters for each clause.  Unlike /bin/chmod,
       all three parameters are required for each clause, multiple ops are not
       allowed and permissions "stugoX" are not supported.  (See File::chmod
       for more complex needs.)

       Current API available since 0.053.


       Copies the current path to the given destination using File::Copy's
       "copy" function. Upon success, returns the "Path::Tiny" object for the
       newly copied file.

       Current API available since 0.070.

           $obj = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->digest;        # SHA-256
           $obj = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->digest("MD5"); # user-selected
           $obj = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->digest( { chunk_size => 1e6 }, "MD5" );

       Returns a hexadecimal digest for a file.  An optional hash reference of
       options may be given.  The only option is "chunk_size".  If
       "chunk_size" is given, that many bytes will be read at a time.  If not
       provided, the entire file will be slurped into memory to compute the

       Any subsequent arguments are passed to the constructor for Digest to
       select an algorithm.  If no arguments are given, the default is

       Current API available since 0.056.

   dirname (deprecated)
           $name = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->dirname; # "/tmp/"

       Returns the directory portion you would get from calling
       "File::Spec->splitpath( $path->stringify )" or "." for a path without a
       parent directory portion.  Because File::Spec is inconsistent, the
       result might or might not have a trailing slash.  Because of this, this
       method is deprecated.

       A better, more consistently approach is likely
       "$path->parent->stringify", which will not have a trailing slash except
       for a root directory.

       Deprecated in 0.056.

   edit, edit_raw, edit_utf8
           path("foo.txt")->edit( \&callback, $options );
           path("foo.txt")->edit_utf8( \&callback );
           path("foo.txt")->edit_raw( \&callback );

       These are convenience methods that allow "editing" a file using a
       single callback argument. They slurp the file using "slurp", place the
       contents inside a localized $_ variable, call the callback function
       (without arguments), and then write $_ (presumably mutated) back to the
       file with "spew".

       An optional hash reference may be used to pass options.  The only
       option is "binmode", which is passed to "slurp" and "spew".

       "edit_utf8" and "edit_raw" act like their respective "slurp_*" and
       "spew_*" methods.

       Current API available since 0.077.

   edit_lines, edit_lines_utf8, edit_lines_raw
           path("foo.txt")->edit_lines( \&callback, $options );
           path("foo.txt")->edit_lines_utf8( \&callback );
           path("foo.txt")->edit_lines_raw( \&callback );

       These are convenience methods that allow "editing" a file's lines using
       a single callback argument.  They iterate over the file: for each line,
       the line is put into a localized $_ variable, the callback function is
       executed (without arguments) and then $_ is written to a temporary
       file.  When iteration is finished, the temporary file is atomically
       renamed over the original.

       An optional hash reference may be used to pass options.  The only
       option is "binmode", which is passed to the method that open handles
       for reading and writing.

       "edit_lines_raw" is like "edit_lines" with a buffered "binmode" of

       "edit_lines_utf8" is like "edit_lines" with a buffered "binmode"
       ":raw:encoding(UTF-8)" (or ":raw:utf8_strict" with

       Current API available since 0.077.

   exists, is_file, is_dir
           if ( path("/tmp")->exists ) { ... }     # -e
           if ( path("/tmp")->is_dir ) { ... }     # -d
           if ( path("/tmp")->is_file ) { ... }    # -e && ! -d

       Implements file test operations, this means the file or directory
       actually has to exist on the filesystem.  Until then, it's just a path.

       Note: "is_file" is not "-f" because "-f" is not the opposite of "-d".
       "-f" means "plain file", excluding symlinks, devices, etc. that often
       can be read just like files.

       Use "-f" instead if you really mean to check for a plain file.

       Current API available since 0.053.

           $fh = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->filehandle($mode, $binmode);
           $fh = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->filehandle({ locked => 1 }, $mode, $binmode);
           $fh = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->filehandle({ exclusive => 1  }, $mode, $binmode);

       Returns an open file handle.  The $mode argument must be a Perl-style
       read/write mode string ("<" ,">", ">>", etc.).  If a $binmode is given,
       it is set during the "open" call.

       An optional hash reference may be used to pass options.

       The "locked" option governs file locking; if true, handles opened for
       writing, appending or read-write are locked with "LOCK_EX"; otherwise,
       they are locked with "LOCK_SH".  When using "locked", ">" or "+>" modes
       will delay truncation until after the lock is acquired.

       The "exclusive" option causes the open() call to fail if the file
       already exists.  This corresponds to the O_EXCL flag to sysopen /
       open(2).  "exclusive" implies "locked" and will set it for you if you
       forget it.

       See "openr", "openw", "openrw", and "opena" for sugar.

       Current API available since 0.066.

           if ( path("foo.txt")->has_same_bytes("bar.txt") ) {
              # ...

       This method returns true if both the invocant and the argument can be
       opened as file handles and the handles contain the same bytes.  It
       returns false if their contents differ.  If either can't be opened as a
       file (e.g. a directory or non-existent file), the method throws an
       exception.  If both can be opened and both have the same "realpath",
       the method returns true without scanning any data.

       Current API available since 0.125.

   is_absolute, is_relative
           if ( path("/tmp")->is_absolute ) { ... }
           if ( path("/tmp")->is_relative ) { ... }

       Booleans for whether the path appears absolute or relative.

       Current API available since 0.001.

           while ( ! $path->is_rootdir ) {
               $path = $path->parent;

       Boolean for whether the path is the root directory of the volume.  I.e.
       the "dirname" is "q[/]" and the "basename" is "q[]".

       This works even on "MSWin32" with drives and UNC volumes:

           path("C:/")->is_rootdir;             # true
           path("//server/share/")->is_rootdir; #true

       Current API available since 0.038.

           $iter = path("/tmp")->iterator( \%options );

       Returns a code reference that walks a directory lazily.  Each
       invocation returns a "Path::Tiny" object or undef when the iterator is

           $iter = path("/tmp")->iterator;
           while ( $path = $iter->() ) {

       The current and parent directory entries ("." and "..") will not be

       If the "recurse" option is true, the iterator will walk the directory
       recursively, breadth-first.  If the "follow_symlinks" option is also
       true, directory links will be followed recursively.  There is no
       protection against loops when following links. If a directory is not
       readable, it will not be followed.

       The default is the same as:

           $iter = path("/tmp")->iterator( {
               recurse         => 0,
               follow_symlinks => 0,
           } );

       For a more powerful, recursive iterator with built-in loop avoidance,
       see Path::Iterator::Rule.

       See also "visit".

       Current API available since 0.016.

   lines, lines_raw, lines_utf8
           @contents = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->lines;
           @contents = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->lines(\%options);
           @contents = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->lines_raw;
           @contents = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->lines_utf8;

           @contents = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->lines( { chomp => 1, count => 4 } );

       Returns a list of lines from a file.  Optionally takes a hash-reference
       of options.  Valid options are "binmode", "count" and "chomp".

       If "binmode" is provided, it will be set on the handle prior to

       If a positive "count" is provided, that many lines will be returned
       from the start of the file.  If a negative "count" is provided, the
       entire file will be read, but only "abs(count)" will be kept and
       returned.  If "abs(count)" exceeds the number of lines in the file, all
       lines will be returned.

       If "chomp" is set, any end-of-line character sequences ("CR", "CRLF",
       or "LF") will be removed from the lines returned.

       Because the return is a list, "lines" in scalar context will return the
       number of lines (and throw away the data).

           $number_of_lines = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->lines;

       "lines_raw" is like "lines" with a "binmode" of ":raw".  We use ":raw"
       instead of ":unix" so PerlIO buffering can manage reading by line.

       "lines_utf8" is like "lines" with a "binmode" of ":raw:encoding(UTF-8)"
       (or ":raw:utf8_strict" with PerlIO::utf8_strict).  If Unicode::UTF8
       0.58+ is installed, a raw, unbuffered UTF-8 slurp will be done and then
       the lines will be split.  This is actually faster than relying on IO
       layers, though a bit memory intensive.  If memory use is a concern,
       consider "openr_utf8" and iterating directly on the handle.

       Current API available since 0.065.

           path("foo/bar/baz")->mkdir( \%options );

       Like calling "make_path" from File::Path.  An optional hash reference
       is passed through to "make_path".  Errors will be trapped and an
       exception thrown.  Returns the the path object to facilitate chaining.

       NOTE: unlike Perl's builtin "mkdir", this will create intermediate
       paths similar to the Unix "mkdir -p" command.  It will not error if
       applied to an existing directory.

       Current API available since 0.125.

   mkpath (deprecated)
       Like calling "mkdir", but returns the list of directories created or an
       empty list if the directories already exist, just like "make_path".

       Deprecated in 0.125.


       Moves the current path to the given destination using File::Copy's
       "move" function. Upon success, returns the "Path::Tiny" object for the
       newly moved file.

       If the destination already exists and is a directory, and the source is
       not a directory, then the source file will be renamed into the
       directory specified by the destination.

       If possible, move() will simply rename the file. Otherwise, it copies
       the file to the new location and deletes the original. If an error
       occurs during this copy-and-delete process, you may be left with a
       (possibly partial) copy of the file under the destination name.

       Current API available since 0.124. Prior versions used Perl's -built-in
       (and less robust) rename function and did not return an object.

   openr, openw, openrw, opena
           $fh = path("foo.txt")->openr($binmode);  # read
           $fh = path("foo.txt")->openr_raw;
           $fh = path("foo.txt")->openr_utf8;

           $fh = path("foo.txt")->openw($binmode);  # write
           $fh = path("foo.txt")->openw_raw;
           $fh = path("foo.txt")->openw_utf8;

           $fh = path("foo.txt")->opena($binmode);  # append
           $fh = path("foo.txt")->opena_raw;
           $fh = path("foo.txt")->opena_utf8;

           $fh = path("foo.txt")->openrw($binmode); # read/write
           $fh = path("foo.txt")->openrw_raw;
           $fh = path("foo.txt")->openrw_utf8;

       Returns a file handle opened in the specified mode.  The "openr" style
       methods take a single "binmode" argument.  All of the "open*" methods
       have "open*_raw" and "open*_utf8" equivalents that use buffered I/O
       layers ":raw" and ":raw:encoding(UTF-8)" (or ":raw:utf8_strict" with

       An optional hash reference may be used to pass options.  The only
       option is "locked".  If true, handles opened for writing, appending or
       read-write are locked with "LOCK_EX"; otherwise, they are locked for

           $fh = path("foo.txt")->openrw_utf8( { locked => 1 } );

       See "filehandle" for more on locking.

       Current API available since 0.011.

           $parent = path("foo/bar/baz")->parent; # foo/bar
           $parent = path("foo/wibble.txt")->parent; # foo

           $parent = path("foo/bar/baz")->parent(2); # foo

       Returns a "Path::Tiny" object corresponding to the parent directory of
       the original directory or file. An optional positive integer argument
       is the number of parent directories upwards to return.  "parent" by
       itself is equivalent to parent(1).

       Current API available since 0.014.

           $real = path("/baz/foo/../bar")->realpath;
           $real = path("foo/../bar")->realpath;

       Returns a new "Path::Tiny" object with all symbolic links and upward
       directory parts resolved using Cwd's "realpath".  Compared to
       "absolute", this is more expensive as it must actually consult the

       If the parent path can't be resolved (e.g. if it includes directories
       that don't exist), an exception will be thrown:

           $real = path("doesnt_exist/foo")->realpath; # dies

       However, if the parent path exists and only the last component (e.g.
       filename) doesn't exist, the realpath will be the realpath of the
       parent plus the non-existent last component:

           $real = path("./aasdlfasdlf")->realpath; # works

       The underlying Cwd module usually worked this way on Unix, but died on
       Windows (and some Unixes) if the full path didn't exist.  As of version
       0.064, it's safe to use anywhere.

       Current API available since 0.001.

           $rel = path("/tmp/foo/bar")->relative("/tmp"); # foo/bar

       Returns a "Path::Tiny" object with a path relative to a new base path
       given as an argument.  If no argument is given, the current directory
       will be used as the new base path.

       If either path is already relative, it will be made absolute based on
       the current directly before determining the new relative path.

       The algorithm is roughly as follows:

       o   If the original and new base path are on different volumes, an
           exception will be thrown.

       o   If the original and new base are identical, the relative path is

       o   If the new base subsumes the original, the relative path is the
           original path with the new base chopped off the front

       o   If the new base does not subsume the original, a common prefix path
           is determined (possibly the root directory) and the relative path
           will consist of updirs ("..") to reach the common prefix, followed
           by the original path less the common prefix.

       Unlike "File::Spec::abs2rel", in the last case above, the calculation
       based on a common prefix takes into account symlinks that could affect
       the updir process.  Given an original path "/A/B" and a new base
       "/A/C", (where "A", "B" and "C" could each have multiple path

       o   Symlinks in "A" don't change the result unless the last component
           of A is a symlink and the first component of "C" is an updir.

       o   Symlinks in "B" don't change the result and will exist in the
           result as given.

       o   Symlinks and updirs in "C" must be resolved to actual paths, taking
           into account the possibility that not all path components might
           exist on the filesystem.

       Current API available since 0.001.  New algorithm (that accounts for
       symlinks) available since 0.079.


       This is just like "unlink", except for its error handling: if the path
       does not exist, it returns false; if deleting the file fails, it throws
       an exception.

       Current API available since 0.012.

           # directory
           path("foo/bar/baz")->remove_tree( \%options );
           path("foo/bar/baz")->remove_tree( { safe => 0 } ); # force remove

       Like calling "remove_tree" from File::Path, but defaults to "safe"
       mode.  An optional hash reference is passed through to "remove_tree".
       Errors will be trapped and an exception thrown.  Returns the number of
       directories deleted, just like "remove_tree".

       If you want to remove a directory only if it is empty, use the built-in
       "rmdir" function instead.

           rmdir path("foo/bar/baz/");

       Current API available since 0.013.

           $foo = path("/tmp/foo.txt");
           $sib = $foo->sibling("bar.txt");        # /tmp/bar.txt
           $sib = $foo->sibling("baz", "bam.txt"); # /tmp/baz/bam.txt

       Returns a new "Path::Tiny" object relative to the parent of the
       original.  This is slightly more efficient than

       Current API available since 0.058.

   size, size_human
           my $p = path("foo"); # with size 1025 bytes

           $p->size;                            # "1025"
           $p->size_human;                      # "1.1 K"
           $p->size_human( {format => "iec"} ); # "1.1 KiB"

       Returns the size of a file.  The "size" method is just a wrapper around

       The "size_human" method provides a human-readable string similar to "ls
       -lh".  Like "ls", it rounds upwards and provides one decimal place for
       single-digit sizes and no decimal places for larger sizes.  The only
       available option is "format", which has three valid values:

       o   'ls' (the default): base-2 sizes, with "ls" style single-letter
           suffixes (K, M, etc.)

       o   'iec': base-2 sizes, with IEC binary suffixes (KiB, MiB, etc.)

       o   'si': base-10 sizes, with SI decimal suffixes (kB, MB, etc.)

       If "-s" would return "undef", "size_human" returns the empty string.

       Current API available since 0.122.

   slurp, slurp_raw, slurp_utf8
           $data = path("foo.txt")->slurp;
           $data = path("foo.txt")->slurp( {binmode => ":raw"} );
           $data = path("foo.txt")->slurp_raw;
           $data = path("foo.txt")->slurp_utf8;

       Reads file contents into a scalar.  Takes an optional hash reference
       which may be used to pass options.  The only available option is
       "binmode", which is passed to "binmode()" on the handle used for

       "slurp_raw" is like "slurp" with a "binmode" of ":unix" for a fast,
       unbuffered, raw read.

       "slurp_utf8" is like "slurp" with a "binmode" of
       ":unix:encoding(UTF-8)" (or ":unix:utf8_strict" with
       PerlIO::utf8_strict).  If Unicode::UTF8 0.58+ is installed, a
       unbuffered, raw slurp will be done instead and the result decoded with
       "Unicode::UTF8". This is just as strict and is roughly an order of
       magnitude faster than using ":encoding(UTF-8)".

       Note: "slurp" and friends lock the filehandle before slurping.  If you
       plan to slurp from a file created with File::Temp, be sure to close
       other handles or open without locking to avoid a deadlock:

           my $tempfile = File::Temp->new(EXLOCK => 0);
           my $guts = path($tempfile)->slurp;

       Current API available since 0.004.

   spew, spew_raw, spew_utf8
           path("foo.txt")->spew({binmode => ":raw"}, @data);

       Writes data to a file atomically.  The file is written to a temporary
       file in the same directory, then renamed over the original.  An
       optional hash reference may be used to pass options.  The only option
       is "binmode", which is passed to "binmode()" on the handle used for

       "spew_raw" is like "spew" with a "binmode" of ":unix" for a fast,
       unbuffered, raw write.

       "spew_utf8" is like "spew" with a "binmode" of ":unix:encoding(UTF-8)"
       (or ":unix:utf8_strict" with PerlIO::utf8_strict).  If Unicode::UTF8
       0.58+ is installed, a raw, unbuffered spew will be done instead on the
       data encoded with "Unicode::UTF8".

       NOTE: because the file is written to a temporary file and then renamed,
       the new file will wind up with permissions based on your current umask.
       This is a feature to protect you from a race condition that would
       otherwise give different permissions than you might expect.  If you
       really want to keep the original mode flags, use "append" with the
       "truncate" option.

       Current API available since 0.011.

   stat, lstat
           $stat = path("foo.txt")->stat;
           $stat = path("/some/symlink")->lstat;

       Like calling "stat" or "lstat" from File::stat.

       Current API available since 0.001.

           $path = path("foo.txt");
           say $path->stringify; # same as "$path"

       Returns a string representation of the path.  Unlike "canonpath", this
       method returns the path standardized with Unix-style "/" directory

       Current API available since 0.001.

           path("foo/bar")->subsumes("foo/bar/baz"); # true
           path("/foo/bar")->subsumes("/foo/baz");   # false

       Returns true if the first path is a prefix of the second path at a
       directory boundary.

       This does not resolve parent directory entries ("..") or symlinks:

           path("foo/bar")->subsumes("foo/bar/../baz"); # true

       If such things are important to you, ensure that both paths are
       resolved to the filesystem with "realpath":

           my $p1 = path("foo/bar")->realpath;
           my $p2 = path("foo/bar/../baz")->realpath;
           if ( $p1->subsumes($p2) ) { ... }

       Current API available since 0.048.


       Like the Unix "touch" utility.  Creates the file if it doesn't exist,
       or else changes the modification and access times to the current time.
       If the first argument is the epoch seconds then it will be used.

       Returns the path object so it can be easily chained with other methods:

           # won't die if foo.txt doesn't exist
           $content = path("foo.txt")->touch->slurp;

       Current API available since 0.015.


       Combines "mkdir" and "touch".  Creates the parent directory if it
       doesn't exist, before touching the file.  Returns the path object like
       "touch" does.

       If you need to pass options, use "mkdir" and "touch" separately:

           path("bar/baz")->mkdir( \%options )->child("foo.txt")->touch($epoch_secs);

       Current API available since 0.022.

           path("/tmp")->visit( \&callback, \%options );

       Executes a callback for each child of a directory.  It returns a hash
       reference with any state accumulated during iteration.

       The options are the same as for "iterator" (which it uses internally):
       "recurse" and "follow_symlinks".  Both default to false.

       The callback function will receive a "Path::Tiny" object as the first
       argument and a hash reference to accumulate state as the second
       argument.  For example:

           # collect files sizes
           my $sizes = path("/tmp")->visit(
               sub {
                   my ($path, $state) = @_;
                   return if $path->is_dir;
                   $state->{$path} = -s $path;
               { recurse => 1 }

       For convenience, the "Path::Tiny" object will also be locally aliased
       as the $_ global variable:

           # print paths matching /foo/
           path("/tmp")->visit( sub { say if /foo/ }, { recurse => 1} );

       If the callback returns a reference to a false scalar value, iteration
       will terminate.  This is not the same as "pruning" a directory search;
       this just stops all iteration and returns the state hash reference.

           # find up to 10 files larger than 100K
           my $files = path("/tmp")->visit(
               sub {
                   my ($path, $state) = @_;
                   $state->{$path}++ if -s $path > 102400
                   return \0 if keys %$state == 10;
               { recurse => 1 }

       If you want more flexible iteration, use a module like

       Current API available since 0.062.

           $vol = path("/tmp/foo.txt")->volume;   # ""
           $vol = path("C:/tmp/foo.txt")->volume; # "C:"

       Returns the volume portion of the path.  This is equivalent to what
       File::Spec would give from "splitpath" and thus usually is the empty
       string on Unix-like operating systems or the drive letter for an
       absolute path on "MSWin32".

       Current API available since 0.001.


       Simple usage errors will generally croak.  Failures of underlying Perl
       functions will be thrown as exceptions in the class

       A "Path::Tiny::Error" object will be a hash reference with the
       following fields:

       o   "op" -- a description of the operation, usually function call and
           any extra info

       o   "file" -- the file or directory relating to the error

       o   "err" -- hold $! at the time the error was thrown

       o   "msg" -- a string combining the above data and a Carp-like short
           stack trace

       Exception objects will stringify as the "msg" field.


       If the environment variable "PERL_PATH_TINY_NO_FLOCK" is set to a true
       value then flock will NOT be used when accessing files (this is not


   Subclassing not supported
       For speed, this class is implemented as an array based object and uses
       many direct function calls internally.  You must not subclass it and
       expect things to work properly.

   Tilde expansion (deprecated)
       Tilde expansion was a nice idea, but it can't easily be applied
       consistently across the entire API.  This was a source of bugs and
       confusion for users.  Therefore, it is deprecated and its use is
       discouraged.  Limitations to the existing, legacy behavior follow.

       Tilde expansion will only occur if the first argument to "path" begins
       with a tilde. No other method does tilde expansion on its arguments.
       If you want tilde expansion on arguments, you must explicitly wrap them
       in a call to "path".

           path( "~/foo.txt" )->copy( path( "~/bar.txt" ) );

       If you need a literal leading tilde, use "path("./~whatever")" so that
       the argument to "path" doesn't start with a tilde, but the path still
       resolves to the current directory.

       Behaviour of tilde expansion with a username for non-existent users
       depends on the output of "glob" on the system.

   File locking
       If flock is not supported on a platform, it will not be used, even if
       locking is requested.

       In situations where a platform normally would support locking, but the
       flock fails due to a filesystem limitation, Path::Tiny has some
       heuristics to detect this and will warn once and continue in an unsafe
       mode.  If you want this failure to be fatal, you can fatalize the
       'flock' warnings category:

           use warnings FATAL => 'flock';

       See additional caveats below.

       NFS and BSD

       On BSD, Perl's flock implementation may not work to lock files on an
       NFS filesystem.  If detected, this situation will warn once, as
       described above.


       The Lustre filesystem does not support flock.  If detected, this
       situation will warn once, as described above.

       AIX and locking

       AIX requires a write handle for locking.  Therefore, calls that
       normally open a read handle and take a shared lock instead will open a
       read-write handle and take an exclusive lock.  If the user does not
       have write permission, no lock will be used.

   utf8 vs UTF-8
       All the *_utf8 methods by default use ":encoding(UTF-8)" -- either as
       ":unix:encoding(UTF-8)" (unbuffered, for whole file operations) or
       ":raw:encoding(UTF-8)" (buffered, for line-by-line operations). These
       are strict against the Unicode spec and disallows illegal Unicode
       codepoints or UTF-8 sequences.

       Unfortunately, ":encoding(UTF-8)" is very, very slow.  If you install
       Unicode::UTF8 0.58 or later, that module will be used by some *_utf8
       methods to encode or decode data after a raw, binary input/output
       operation, which is much faster.  Alternatively, if you install
       PerlIO::utf8_strict, that will be used instead of ":encoding(UTF-8)"
       and is also very fast.

       If you need the performance and can accept the security risk,
       "slurp({binmode => ":unix:utf8"})" will be faster than
       ":unix:encoding(UTF-8)" (but not as fast as "Unicode::UTF8").

       Note that the *_utf8 methods read in raw mode.  There is no CRLF
       translation on Windows.  If you must have CRLF translation, use the
       regular input/output methods with an appropriate binmode:

         $path->spew_utf8($data);                            # raw
         $path->spew({binmode => ":encoding(UTF-8)"}, $data; # LF -> CRLF

   Default IO layers and the open pragma
       If you have Perl 5.10 or later, file input/output methods ("slurp",
       "spew", etc.) and high-level handle opening methods ( "filehandle",
       "openr", "openw", etc. ) respect default encodings set by the "-C"
       switch or lexical open settings of the caller.  For UTF-8, this is
       almost certainly slower than using the dedicated "_utf8" methods if you
       have Unicode::UTF8 or PerlIP::utf8_strict.


       A standard MooseX::Types library is available at
       MooseX::Types::Path::Tiny.  A Type::Tiny equivalent is available as


       These are other file/path utilities, which may offer a different
       feature set than "Path::Tiny".

       o   File::chmod(3)

       o   File::Fu(3)

       o   IO::All(3)

       o   Path::Class(3)

       These iterators may be slightly faster than the recursive iterator in

       o   Path::Iterator::Rule(3)

       o   File::Next(3)

       There are probably comparable, non-Tiny tools.  Let me know if you want
       me to add a module to the list.

       This module was featured in the 2013 Perl Advent Calendar


   Bugs / Feature Requests
       Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at
       <>.  You will be notified
       automatically of any progress on your issue.

   Source Code
       This is open source software.  The code repository is available for
       public review and contribution under the terms of the license.


         git clone


       David Golden <>


       o   Alex Efros <>

       o   Aristotle Pagaltzis <>

       o   Chris Williams <>

       o   Dan Book <>

       o   Dave Rolsky <>

       o   David Steinbrunner <>

       o   Doug Bell <>

       o   Elvin Aslanov <>

       o   Flavio Poletti <>

       o   Gabor Szabo <>

       o   Gabriel Andrade <>

       o   George Hartzell <>

       o   Geraud Continsouzas <>

       o   Goro Fuji <>

       o   Graham Knop <>

       o   Graham Ollis <>

       o   Ian Sillitoe <>

       o   James Hunt <>

       o   John Karr <>

       o   Karen Etheridge <>

       o   Mark Ellis <>

       o   Martin H. Sluka <>

       o   Martin Kjeldsen <>

       o   Mary Ehlers <>

       o   Michael G. Schwern <>

       o   Nicolas R <>

       o   Nicolas Rochelemagne <>

       o   Nigel Gregoire <>

       o   Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <>

       o   regina-verbae <>

       o   Roy Ivy III <>

       o   Shlomi Fish <>

       o   Smylers <>

       o   Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>

       o   Toby Inkster <>

       o   Yanick Champoux <>

       o   <?><?><?> - Keedi Kim <>


       This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by David Golden.

       This is free software, licensed under:

         The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004

perl v5.34.1                      2022-12-01                     Path::Tiny(3)

path-tiny 0.144.0 - Generated Sun Apr 7 19:01:46 CDT 2024
© 2000-2025
Individual documents may contain additional copyright information.