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man SVK::Command::Branch(3)
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       SVK::Command::Branch - Manage a project with its branches


        branch --create BRANCH [DEPOTPATH]

        branch --list [--all]
        branch --create BRANCH [--tag] [--local] [--switch-to] [--from|--from-tag BRANCH|TAG] [DEPOTPATH]
        branch --move BRANCH1 BRANCH2
        branch --merge BRANCH1 BRANCH2 ... TARGET
        branch --checkout BRANCH [PATH] [DEPOTPATH]
        branch --delete BRANCH1 BRANCH2 ...
        branch --setup DEPOTPATH
        branch --push [BRANCH]
        branch --pull [BRANCH]
        branch --offline [BRANCH]
        branch --online [BRANCH]


        -l [--list]        : list branches for this project
        --listprojects     : list avaliable projects
        --create           : create a new branch
        --tag              : create in the tags directory
        --local            : targets in local branch
        --delete [--rm|del]: delete BRANCH(s)
        --checkout [--co]  : checkout BRANCH in current directory
        --switch-to        : switch the current checkout to another branch
                                 (can be paired with --create)
        --merge            : automatically merge all changes from BRANCH1, BRANCH2,
                                 etc, to TARGET
        --project          : specify the target project name
        --push             : move changes to wherever this branch was copied from
        --pull             : sync changes from wherever this branch was copied from
        --setup            : setup a project for a specified DEPOTPATH
        --from BRANCH      : specify the source branch name
        --from-tag TAG     : specify the source tag name
        -C [--check-only]  : try a create, move or merge operation but make no
        -P [--patch] FILE  : Write the patch between the branch and where it was
                             copied from to FILE
        --export           : used with --checkout to create a detached copy
        --offline          : takes the current branch offline, making a copy
                             under //local
        --online           : takes the current branch online, pushing changes back
                             to the mirror path, and then switches to the mirror


       SVK provides tools to more easily manage your project's branching and
       merging, so long as you use the standard "trunk/, branches/, tags/"
       directory layout for your project or specifically tell SVK where your
       branches live.

Usage (without projects)

       A very simple sample usage might be to checkout the trunk from a
       project you want to work on but don't have upstream commit rights for.
       This allows you to maintain a local branch and to send in patches.

       Assuming you have alread mirrored this repository to //mirror/Project

           svk co //mirror/Project/trunk
           svk branch --co trunk //mirror/Project/

       and then

           svk branch --offline

       You're now working in a local branch, make local commits and changes as
       you need to.  If you want to bring in changes from your remote
       repository, you can pull them down

           svk branch --pull

       To see what changes you've made, you can create a patch between the
       local branch and the remote repository

           svk branch -P - --push

       If you have commit rights to the remote repository, you can also

           svk branch --push

       to send your changes.

       You can use svk branch's branching capability in this mode, but it will
       be much friendlier if you set up a project

Usage (projects)

       To initialize a project in a repository, run the setup command

           svk branch --setup //mirror/Project

       If you have the standard trunk branches tags directories svk will offer
       them as the starting point.  In fact, if you have trunk branches and
       tags directories, svk will try to use them without neeting --setup, but
       you won't be able to use the --project flag and will need to use
       depotpaths in commands.

       The rest of this documentation assumes you've set up a project called
       Example in //mirror/Project

       If you're in a working copy of svk where it can work out the Project
       name, you can leave off the --project flag from the examples below, but
       you can branch/tag/merge without having working copies


       To check out the trunk, you can run

           svk branch --co trunk --project Example

       To create a branch for release engineering

           svk branch --create Exmaple-1.0-releng --project Example

       Since you have a checkout of trunk already, you can convert that

           cd trunk
           svk branch --switch-to Example-1.0-releng

       Or you can get a clean checkout

           svk branch --co Example-1.0-releng --project Example

       If changes are made on trunk and you wish to bring them down to the
       release engineering branch, you can do that with the branch merge

           svk branch --merge trunk Example-1.0-releng

       If you're cautious, use the check flags first:

           svk branch -C --merge trunk Example-1.0-releng
           svk branch -P -  --merge trunk Example-1.0-releng

       These will show you what svk wants to do.

       Lets say you want to add a feature to trunk but work on a branch so you
       don't inconvenience others who are working on trunk:

           svk branch --create Feature --project Example

       work on your feature, svk ci some changes

           svk branch --merge Feature trunk --project Example

       continue to bring down changes several ways

           svk branch --pull
           svk branch --merge trunk Feature
           svk branch --merge trunk .   (if you're in a working copy of the branch)

       and then merge back more feature work as you need to

       To get rid of a branch when you're done with it

           svk branch --delete Feature --project Example

       To see all of your branches, you can do:

           svk branch --list --project Example


       If you've been working on your releng branch and are ready to cut a
       release, you can easily create a tag

           svk branch --tag --create 1.0rc1 --from Example-1.0-releng --project Example

       If you would like to check out this tag, use

           svk branch --tag --co 1.0rc1 --project Example

Project Property Details

       SVK branch also provides another project loading mechanism by setting
       properties on root path. Current usable properties for SVK branch are


       These properties are useful when you are not using the standard
       "trunk/, branches/, tags/" directory layout. For example, a mirrored
       depotpath '//mirror/projA' may have trunk in "/trunk/projA/" directory,
       branches in "/branches/projA", and have a standard "/tags" directory.
       Then by setting the following properties on root path of remote
       repository, it can use SVK branch to help manage the project:

         'svk:project:projA:path-trunk => /trunk/projA'
         'svk:project:projA:path-branches => /branches/projA'
         'svk:project:projA:path-tags => /tags'

       Be sure to have all "path-trunk", "path-branches" and "path-tags" set
       at the same time.

perl v5.10.0                      2008-09-13           SVK::Command::Branch(3)

Mac OS X 10.6 - Generated Thu Sep 17 20:15:13 CDT 2009
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