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man SWFMovieClip_setNumberOfFrames(3)
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SWFMovieClip_setNumberOfFrames(3)            SWFMovieClip_setNumberOfFrames(3)


       SWFMovieClip_setNumberOfFrames - set the frame count of a movie


       #include <ming.h>

       void SWFMovieClip_setNumberOfFrames
            SWFMovieClip clip,
            int totalFrames


       SWFMovieClip clip
              Not Documented.

       int totalFrames
              Not Documented.


       This  function sets the frame count for the movieclip. If the number of
       frames specified here exceeds the number of frame created  when  adding
       content  to the movie, then blank frames will be added to the movieclip
       to pad it to the specified frame count.

c2man movieclip.c                20 March SWFMovieClip_setNumberOfFrames(3)

ming 0.4.3 - Generated Wed Dec 8 18:47:58 CST 2010
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