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man SWFMovie_protect(3)
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SWFMovie_protect(3)                                        SWFMovie_protect(3)


       SWFMovie_protect - enable edit protections for a movie


       #include <ming.h>

       void SWFMovie_protect
            SWFMovie movie,
            const char *password


       SWFMovie movie
              Movie to protect.

       const char *password
              Mds5 encoded password.


       This  function adds a block that tells flash editors to require a pass-
       word to allow editing of this this movie. The  block  contains  an  md5
       encoded password which will be used by the flash editor to allow access
       to the movie.

c2man movie.c                   1 October 2008             SWFMovie_protect(3)

ming 0.4.3 - Generated Wed Dec 8 06:11:26 CST 2010
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