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man TIFFGetBitRevTable(3)
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TIFFSWAB(3tiff)                     LibTIFF                    TIFFSWAB(3tiff)


       TIFFswab - byte- and bit-swapping routines


          #include <tiffio.h>

       const unsigned char *TIFFGetBitRevTable(int reversed)

       void TIFFReverseBits(u_char *data, unsigned long nbytes)

       void TIFFSwabShort(uint16_t *data)

       void TIFFSwabLong(uint32_t *data)

       void TIFFSwabLong8(uint64_t *lp)

       void TIFFSwabFloat(float *fp)

       void TIFFSwabDouble(double *dp)

       void TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(uint16_t *wp, tmsize_t n)

       void TIFFSwabArrayOfTriples(uint8_t *tp, tmsize_t n)

       void TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(uint32_t *lp, tmsize_t n)

       void TIFFSwabArrayOfLong8(uint64_t *lp, tmsize_t n)

       void TIFFSwabArrayOfFloat(float *fp, tmsize_t n)

       void TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble(double *dp, tmsize_t n)


       The following routines are used by the library to swap 16-, 32- and
       64-bit data and to reverse the order of bits in bytes.

       TIFFSwabShort() and TIFFSwabLong() and TIFFSwabFloat() swap the bytes
       in a single 16- and 32-bit item, respectively.

       TIFFSwabLong8() and TIFFSwabDouble() swap the bytes in a single 64-bit

       TIFFSwabArrayOfTriples() swap the first and the third byte of each
       triple (three bytes) within the byte array. The second byte of each
       triple stays untouched.

       TIFFSwabArrayOfShort() and  TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(),
       TIFFSwabArrayOfFloat() swap the bytes in an array of 16- and 32-bit
       items, respectively.

       TIFFSwabArrayOfLong8() and TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble() swap the bytes in an
       array of 64-bit items.

       TIFFReverseBits() replaces each byte in data with the equivalent
       bit-reversed value. This operation is performed with a lookup table,
       which is returned using the TIFFGetBitRevTable() function.  The
       reversed parameter specifies which table should be returned. Supply 1
       if you want bit reversal table. Supply 0 to get the table that do not
       reverse bit values. It is a lookup table that can be used as an
       "identity function"; i.e. TIFFNoBitRevTable[n]  ==  n.






       LibTIFF contributors


       1988-2022, LibTIFF contributors

4.7                           September 11, 2024               TIFFSWAB(3tiff)

tiff 4.7.0 - Generated Thu Oct 3 15:03:59 CDT 2024
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