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man Time::Epoch(3)
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Epoch(3)              User Contributed Perl Documentation             Epoch(3)


       Time::Epoch - Convert between Perl epoch and other epochs


         #!/usr/bin/perl -wl
         use Time::Epoch;
         my $perlsec  = 966770660;  # Sun Aug 20 07:24:21 2000 -0400 on Mac OS
         my $epochsec = perl2epoch($perlsec, 'macos', '-0400');
         my $perlsec2 = epoch2perl($epochsec, 'macos', '-0400');

         print $perlsec;
         print $perlsec2;
         print $epochsec;
         # correct time on Unix:
         print scalar localtime $perlsec;
         # correct time on Mac OS (-0400):
         print scalar localtime $epochsec;


       Exports two functions, "perl2epoch" and "epoch2perl".  Currently only
       goes between Perl (Unix) epoch and Mac OS epoch.  This is in
       preparation for an eventual move of Perl to its own universal epoch, so
       we can get the system epoch of any platform that differs from Perl's.


       o   macos

           Takes additional optional parameter of time zone differential.  If
           time zone differential not supplied, we guess by getting the
           different between "localtime" and "gmtime" with


       o   Hm.  With the above test, "scalar localtime $perlsec" under my
           Linux box and "scalar localtime $epochsec" under my Mac OS box are
           off by one second from each other.  Maybe a leap second thing?


       Chris Nandor <>,

       Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Chris Nandor.  All rights reserved.  This
       program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the terms of the Artistic License, distributed with Perl.


       perl(1), perlport(1), Time::Local(3).

perl v5.10.0                      2003-05-21                          Epoch(3)

Mac OS X 10.6 - Generated Thu Sep 17 20:17:07 CDT 2009
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