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man Tk_RestackWindow(3)
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Tk_RestackWindow(3)          Tk Library Procedures         Tk_RestackWindow(3)


       Tk_RestackWindow - Change a window's position in the stacking order


       #include <tk.h>

       Tk_RestackWindow(tkwin, aboveBelow, other)


       Token  for window to restack.  Indicates new position of tkwin relative
       to other; must be Above or Below.   Tkwin  will  be  repositioned  just
       above or below this window.  Must be a sibling of tkwin or a descendant
       of a sibling.  If NULL then tkwin is restacked above or below all  sib-


       Tk_RestackWindow  changes  the stacking order of window relative to its
       siblings.  If other is specified as NULL then window is repositioned at
       the  top or bottom of its stacking order, depending on whether aboveBe-
       low is Above or Below.  If other has a non-NULL value  then  window  is
       repositioned just above or below other.

       The  aboveBelow  argument must have one of the symbolic values Above or
       Below.   Both  of  these  values  are  defined  by  the  include   file


       above, below, obscure, stacking order

Tk                                                         Tk_RestackWindow(3)

Restack 8.5.4 - Generated Sun Aug 24 13:11:12 CDT 2008
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