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man Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap(3)
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Tk_ConfigureWindow(3)        Tk Library Procedures       Tk_ConfigureWindow(3)


       Tk_ConfigureWindow,  Tk_MoveWindow,  Tk_ResizeWindow, Tk_MoveResizeWin-
       dow, Tk_SetWindowBorderWidth, Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes,  Tk_SetWindow-
       Background,      Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap,      Tk_SetWindowBorder,
       Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmap,    Tk_SetWindowColormap,     Tk_DefineCursor,
       Tk_UndefineCursor - change window configuration or attributes


       #include <tk.h>

       Tk_ConfigureWindow(tkwin, valueMask, valuePtr)

       Tk_MoveWindow(tkwin, x, y)

       Tk_ResizeWindow(tkwin, width, height)

       Tk_MoveResizeWindow(tkwin, x,  y, width, height)

       Tk_SetWindowBorderWidth(tkwin, borderWidth)

       Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes(tkwin, valueMask, attsPtr)

       Tk_SetWindowBackground(tkwin, pixel)

       Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap(tkwin, pixmap)

       Tk_SetWindowBorder(tkwin, pixel)

       Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmap(tkwin, pixmap)

       Tk_SetWindowColormap(tkwin, colormap)

       Tk_DefineCursor(tkwin, cursor)



       Token  for  window.   OR-ed  mask  of values like CWX or CWBorderPixel,
       indicating which fields of *valuePtr or *attsPtr to use.  Points  to  a
       structure  containing  new  values  for  the  configuration  parameters
       selected by valueMask.  Fields not selected by valueMask  are  ignored.
       New  x-coordinate for tkwin's top left pixel (including border, if any)
       within tkwin's parent.  New y-coordinate for  tkwin's  top  left  pixel
       (including  border, if any) within tkwin's parent.  New width for tkwin
       (interior, not including border).  New height for tkwin (interior,  not
       including  border).   New width for tkwin's border.  Points to a struc-
       ture containing new values for the attributes given  by  the  valueMask
       argument.  Attributes not selected by valueMask are ignored.  New back-
       ground or border color for window.  New pixmap to use for background or
       border  of  tkwin.  WARNING: cannot necessarily be deleted immediately,
       as for Xlib calls.  See note below.  New colormap  to  use  for  tkwin.
       New cursor to use for tkwin.  If None is specified, then tkwin will not
       have its own cursor;  it will use the cursor of its parent.


       These procedures are analogous to the X library procedures with similar
       names,  such  as  XConfigureWindow.   Each  one of the above procedures
       calls the corresponding X procedure and also  saves  the  configuration
       information  in  Tk's  local structure for the window.  This allows the
       information to be retrieved quickly by the  application  (using  macros
       such as Tk_X and Tk_Height) without having to contact the X server.  In
       addition, if no X window has actually been created for tkwin yet, these
       procedures  do  not  issue  X  operations or cause event handlers to be
       invoked;  they save the information in Tk's  local  structure  for  the
       window;   when  the window is created later, the saved information will
       be used to configure the window.

       See the X library documentation for details on what these procedures do
       and how they use their arguments.

       In  the  procedures Tk_ConfigureWindow, Tk_MoveWindow, Tk_ResizeWindow,
       Tk_MoveResizeWindow, and Tk_SetWindowBorderWidth, if tkwin is an inter-
       nal  window  then  event  handlers  interested  in configure events are
       invoked immediately, before the procedure returns.  If tkwin is a  top-
       level window then the event handlers will be invoked later, after X has
       seen the request and returned an event for it.

       Applications using Tk should never call procedures like  XConfigureWin-
       dow  directly;  they should always use the corresponding Tk procedures.

       The size and location of a window should only be modified by the appro-
       priate  geometry  manager  for that window and never by a window itself
       (but see Tk_MoveToplevelWindow for moving a top-level window).

       You may not use Tk_ConfigureWindow to change the stacking  order  of  a
       window  (valueMask  may not contain the CWSibling or CWStackMode bits).
       To change the stacking order, use the procedure Tk_RestackWindow.

       The procedure Tk_SetWindowColormap will automatically add tkwin to  the
       TK_COLORMAP_WINDOWS  property  of its nearest top-level ancestor if the
       new colormap is different from that of tkwin's parent and tkwin is  not
       already in the TK_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property.


       Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap    and   Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmap   differ
       slightly from their Xlib counterparts in that the pixmap  argument  may
       not  necessarily be deleted immediately after calling one of these pro-
       cedures.  This is because tkwin's window may not exist yet at the  time
       of  the  call, in which case pixmap is merely saved and used later when
       tkwin's window is actually created.  If you wish to delete pixmap, then
       call Tk_MakeWindowExist first to be sure that tkwin's window exists and
       pixmap has been passed to the X server.

       A  similar  problem  occurs  for  the   cursor   argument   passed   to
       Tk_DefineCursor.   The  solution is the same as for pixmaps above: call
       Tk_MakeWindowExist before freeing the cursor.


       Tk_MoveToplevelWindow(3), Tk_RestackWindow(3)


       attributes, border, color, configure,  height,  pixel,  pixmap,  width,
       window, x, y

Tk                                    4.0                Tk_ConfigureWindow(3)

ConfigWind 8.5.4 - Generated Sat Aug 23 06:18:15 CDT 2008
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