Wx::XSP::Node - Base class for the parser output. Wx::XSP::Node::print Return a string to be output in the final XS file. Every class must override this method.
Contains data that should be output "as is" in the destination file. Wx::XSP::Node::Raw::rows Returns an array reference holding the rows to be output in the final file.
A class. Wx::XSP::Node::Class::cpp_name Returns the C++ name for the class. Wx::XSP::Node::Class::perl_name Returns the Perl name for the class. Wx::XSP::Node::Class::methods
A function; this is also a base class for "Method". Wx::XSP::Node::Function::cpp_name Wx::XSP::Node::Function::perl_name Wx::XSP::Node::Function::arguments Wx::XSP::Node::Function::ret_type Wx::XSP::Node::Function::code Wx::XSP::Node::Function::cleanup perl v5.10.0 2008-11-05 build::Wx::XSP::Node(3)
Mac OS X 10.6 - Generated Thu Sep 17 20:17:54 CDT 2009