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man XDestroySubwindows(3)
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XDestroyWindow(3)               XLIB FUNCTIONS               XDestroyWindow(3)


       XDestroyWindow, XDestroySubwindows - destroy windows


       int XDestroyWindow(Display *display, Window w);

       int XDestroySubwindows(Display *display, Window w);


       display   Specifies the connection to the X server.

       w         Specifies the window.


       The  XDestroyWindow  function  destroys the specified window as well as
       all of its subwindows and causes the X server to generate a  DestroyNo-
       tify  event  for  each  window.   The window should never be referenced
       again.  If the window specified by the w  argument  is  mapped,  it  is
       unmapped  automatically.   The  ordering of the DestroyNotify events is
       such that for any given window being destroyed, DestroyNotify is gener-
       ated  on any inferiors of the window before being generated on the win-
       dow itself.  The ordering among siblings and across  subhierarchies  is
       not  otherwise constrained.  If the window you specified is a root win-
       dow, no windows are destroyed.  Destroying a mapped window will  gener-
       ate  Expose  events  on  other windows that were obscured by the window
       being destroyed.

       XDestroyWindow can generate a BadWindow error.

       The XDestroySubwindows function destroys all inferior  windows  of  the
       specified  window,  in  bottom-to-top  stacking order.  It causes the X
       server to generate a DestroyNotify  event  for  each  window.   If  any
       mapped  subwindows  were  actually destroyed, XDestroySubwindows causes
       the X server to generate Expose events on the specified  window.   This
       is much more efficient than deleting many windows one at a time because
       much of the work need be performed only once for all  of  the  windows,
       rather than for each window.  The subwindows should never be referenced

       XDestroySubwindows can generate a BadWindow error.


       BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.


       XChangeWindowAttributes(3),    XConfigureWindow(3),   XCreateWindow(3),
       XMapWindow(3), XRaiseWindow(3), XUnmapWindow(3)
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11                     libX11 1.6.9                XDestroyWindow(3)

xorg-libX11 1.6.9 - Generated Mon Oct 21 16:27:44 CDT 2019
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