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man XGetICValues(3)
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XSetICValues(3)                 XLIB FUNCTIONS                 XSetICValues(3)


       XSetICValues, XGetICValues - set and obtain XIC values


       char * XSetICValues(XIC ic, ...);

       char * XGetICValues(XIC ic, ...);


       ic        Specifies the input context.

       ...       Specifies the variable length argument list to set or get XIC


       The XSetICValues function returns NULL if no error occurred; otherwise,
       it  returns  the  name of the first argument that could not be set.  An
       argument might not be set for any of the following reasons:

       o    The argument is read-only (for example, XNFilterEvents).

       o    The argument name is not recognized.

       o    An implementation-dependent error occurs.

       Each value to be set must be an appropriate datum,  matching  the  data
       type imposed by the semantics of the argument.

       The  XSetICValues can generate BadAtom, BadColor, BadCursor, BadPixmap,
       and BadWindow errors.

       The XGetICValues function returns NULL if no error occurred; otherwise,
       it  returns  the name of the first argument that could not be obtained.
       An argument could not be obtained for any of the following reasons:

       o    The argument name is not recognized.

       o    The input method encountered an implementation-dependent error.

       Each IC attribute value argument (following a name)  must  point  to  a
       location  where the IC value is to be stored.  That is, if the IC value
       is of type T, the argument must be of  type  T*.   If  T  itself  is  a
       pointer  type,  then  XGetICValues allocates memory to store the actual
       data, and the client is responsible for freeing this  data  by  calling
       XFree  with the returned pointer.  The exception to this rule is for an
       IC value of type XNVaNestedList (for preedit  and  status  attributes).
       In  this case,  the argument must also be of type XVaNestedList.  Then,
       the rule of changing type T  to  T*  and  freeing  the  allocated  data
       applies to each element of the nested list.


       BadAtom   A value for an Atom argument does not name a defined Atom.

       BadColor  A  value for a Colormap argument does not name a defined Col-

       BadCursor A value for a Cursor argument does not name a defined Cursor.

       BadPixmap A value for a Pixmap argument does not name a defined Pixmap.

       BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.


       XCreateIC(3), XOpenIM(3), XSetICFocus(3), XmbResetIC(3)
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11                     libX11 1.6.9                  XSetICValues(3)

xorg-libX11 1.6.9 - Generated Sun Oct 20 13:30:23 CDT 2019
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