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man XGetOMValues(3)
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XOpenOM(3)                      XLIB FUNCTIONS                      XOpenOM(3)


       XOpenOM,  XCloseOM, XSetOMValues, XGetOMValues, XDisplayOfOM, XLocaleO-
       fOM - open output methods


       XOM XOpenOM(Display *display,  XrmDatabase  db,  char  *res_name,  char

       Status XCloseOM(XOM om);

       char *XSetOMValues(XOM om);

       char *XGetOMValues(XOM om);

       Display *XDisplayOfOM(XOM om);

       char *XLocaleOfOM(XOM om);


       display   Specifies the connection to the X server.

       db        Specifies a pointer to the resource database.

       res_name  Specifies the full resource name of the application.

       res_class Specifies the full class name of the application.

       om        Specifies the output method.

       ...       Specifies the variable length argument list to set or get XOM


       The XOpenOM function opens an output method matching the current locale
       and  modifiers  specification.   The  current  locale and modifiers are
       bound to the output method when XOpenOM is called.  The locale  associ-
       ated with an output method cannot be changed.

       The specific output method to which this call will be routed is identi-
       fied on the basis of the current locale and  modifiers.   XOpenOM  will
       identify  a  default output method corresponding to the current locale.
       That default can be modified using XSetLocaleModifiers to set the  out-
       put method modifier.

       The  db  argument  is  the  resource  database to be used by the output
       method for looking up resources that are private to the output  method.
       It  is  not  intended that this database be used to look up values that
       can be set as OC values in an output context.  If db is NULL, no  data-
       base is passed to the output method.

       The  res_name  and  res_class  arguments  specify the resource name and
       class of the application.  They are intended to be used as prefixes  by
       the output method when looking up resources that are common to all out-
       put contexts that may be created for this output method.   The  charac-
       ters  used  for  resource  names  and classes must be in the X Portable
       Character Set.  The resources looked up  are  not  fully  specified  if
       res_name or res_class is NULL.

       The  res_name  and  res_class arguments are not assumed to exist beyond
       the call to XOpenOM.  The specified resource  database  is  assumed  to
       exist for the lifetime of the output method.

       XOpenOM returns NULL if no output method could be opened.

       The XCloseOM function closes the specified output method.

       The XSetOMValues function presents a variable argument list programming
       interface for setting properties or features of  the  specified  output
       method.   This  function  returns  NULL  if  it succeeds; otherwise, it
       returns the name of the first argument that could  not  be  set.   Xlib
       does  not  attempt  to set arguments from the supplied list that follow
       the failed argument; all arguments in the  list  preceding  the  failed
       argument have been set correctly.

       No standard arguments are currently defined by Xlib.

       The XGetOMValues function presents a variable argument list programming
       interface for querying properties or features of the  specified  output
       method.   This  function  returns  NULL  if  it succeeds; otherwise, it
       returns the name of the first argument that could not be obtained.

       The XDisplayOfOM function returns the display associated with the spec-
       ified output method.

       The XLocaleOfOM returns the locale associated with the specified output


       XCreateOC(3), XCreateFontSet(3)
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11                     libX11 1.6.9                       XOpenOM(3)

xorg-libX11 1.6.9 - Generated Fri Oct 25 15:12:41 CDT 2019
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