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man XSetCommand(3)
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XSetCommand(3)                  XLIB FUNCTIONS                  XSetCommand(3)


       XSetCommand, XGetCommand - set or read a window's WM_COMMAND property


       int XSetCommand(Display *display, Window w, char **argv, int argc);

       Status XGetCommand(Display *display, Window w, char ***argv_return, int


       argc      Specifies the number of arguments.

                 Returns the number of arguments returned.

       argv      Specifies the application's argument list.

                 Returns the application's argument list.

       display   Specifies the connection to the X server.

       w         Specifies the window.


       The XSetCommand function sets the command and arguments used to  invoke
       the  application.  (Typically, argv is the argv array of your main pro-
       gram.)  If the strings are not in the Host Portable Character Encoding,
       the result is implementation-dependent.

       XSetCommand can generate BadAlloc and BadWindow errors.

       The  XGetCommand function reads the WM_COMMAND property from the speci-
       fied window and returns a string  list.   If  the  WM_COMMAND  property
       exists, it is of type STRING and format 8.  If sufficient memory can be
       allocated  to  contain  the  string  list,  XGetCommand  fills  in  the
       argv_return  and  argc_return  arguments  and returns a nonzero status.
       Otherwise, or if any other error is encountered, it returns a zero sta-
       tus.  If the data returned by the server is in the Latin Portable Char-
       acter Encoding, then the returned strings  are  in  the  Host  Portable
       Character Encoding.  Otherwise, the result is implementation-dependent.
       To free the memory allocated to the string list, use XFreeStringList.


                 The command and arguments, null-separated, used to invoke the


       BadAlloc  The  server  failed  to  allocate  the  requested resource or
                 server memory.

       BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.


       XAllocClassHint(3),    XAllocIconSize(3),    XAllocSizeHints(3),   XAl-
       locWMHints(3),  XSetTransientForHint(3),  XSetTextProperty(3),  XSetWM-
       ClientMachine(3),  XSetWMColormapWindows(3), XSetWMIconName(3), XSetWM-
       Name(3),   XSetWMProperties(3),   XSetWMProtocols(3),    XStringListTo-
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11                     libX11 1.6.9                   XSetCommand(3)

xorg-libX11 1.6.9 - Generated Sun Oct 20 11:57:32 CDT 2019
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