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man XSetWindowAttributes(3)
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XCreateWindow(3)                XLIB FUNCTIONS                XCreateWindow(3)


       XCreateWindow,  XCreateSimpleWindow, XSetWindowAttributes - create win-
       dows and window attributes structure


       Window XCreateWindow(Display *display, Window parent,  int  x,  int  y,
              unsigned  int  width,  unsigned  int  height,  unsigned int bor-
              der_width,  int  depth,  unsigned  int  class,  Visual  *visual,
              unsigned long valuemask, XSetWindowAttributes *attributes);

       Window  XCreateSimpleWindow(Display *display, Window parent, int x, int
              y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height,  unsigned  int  bor-
              der_width, unsigned long border, unsigned long background);


                 Specifies  the  structure from which the values (as specified
                 by the value mask) are to be taken.  The  value  mask  should
                 have  the  appropriate  bits set to indicate which attributes
                 have been set in the structure.

                 Specifies the background pixel value of the window.

       border    Specifies the border pixel value of the window.

                 Specifies the width of the created window's border in pixels.

       class     Specifies the created window's class.  You can pass InputOut-
                 put, InputOnly, or CopyFromParent.  A class of CopyFromParent
                 means the class is taken from the parent.

       depth     Specifies  the  window's  depth.   A  depth of CopyFromParent
                 means the depth is taken from the parent.

       display   Specifies the connection to the X server.

       parent    Specifies the parent window.

       valuemask Specifies  which  window  attributes  are  defined   in   the
                 attributes  argument.   This mask is the bitwise inclusive OR
                 of the valid attribute mask bits.  If valuemask is zero,  the
                 attributes are ignored and are not referenced.

       visual    Specifies  the visual type.  A visual of CopyFromParent means
                 the visual type is taken from the parent.

       height    Specify the width and height, which are the created  window's
                 inside  dimensions  and  do  not include the created window's

       y         Specify the x and y coordinates, which are the top-left  out-
                 side  corner  of the window's borders and are relative to the
                 inside of the parent window's borders.


       The XCreateWindow function creates an unmapped subwindow for  a  speci-
       fied  parent  window,  returns the window ID of the created window, and
       causes the X server to generate a CreateNotify event.  The created win-
       dow is placed on top in the stacking order with respect to siblings.

       The coordinate system has the X axis horizontal and the Y axis vertical
       with the origin [0, 0] at the upper-left corner.  Coordinates are inte-
       gral, in terms of pixels, and coincide with pixel centers.  Each window
       and pixmap has its own coordinate system.  For a window, the origin  is
       inside the border at the inside, upper-left corner.

       The  border_width  for  an InputOnly window must be zero, or a BadMatch
       error results.  For class InputOutput, the visual type and  depth  must
       be a combination supported for the screen, or a BadMatch error results.
       The depth need not be the same as the parent, but the parent  must  not
       be  a  window  of class InputOnly, or a BadMatch error results.  For an
       InputOnly window, the depth must be zero, and the visual  must  be  one
       supported  by  the  screen.  If either condition is not met, a BadMatch
       error results.  The parent window, however,  may  have  any  depth  and
       class.   If  you  specify  any invalid window attribute for a window, a
       BadMatch error results.

       The created window is not yet displayed (mapped) on the user's display.
       To  display the window, call XMapWindow.  The new window initially uses
       the same cursor as its parent.  A new cursor can be defined for the new
       window by calling XDefineCursor.  The window will not be visible on the
       screen unless it and all of its ancestors are  mapped  and  it  is  not
       obscured by any of its ancestors.

       XCreateWindow can generate BadAlloc BadColor, BadCursor, BadMatch, Bad-
       Pixmap, BadValue, and BadWindow errors.

       The XCreateSimpleWindow function creates an unmapped  InputOutput  sub-
       window for a specified parent window, returns the window ID of the cre-
       ated window, and causes the X server to generate a CreateNotify  event.
       The  created window is placed on top in the stacking order with respect
       to siblings.  Any part of the window that extends  outside  its  parent
       window  is  clipped.   The border_width for an InputOnly window must be
       zero, or a BadMatch error results.   XCreateSimpleWindow  inherits  its
       depth, class, and visual from its parent.  All other window attributes,
       except background and border, have their default values.

       XCreateSimpleWindow can generate BadAlloc, BadMatch, BadValue, and Bad-
       Window errors.


       The XSetWindowAttributes structure contains:

       /* Window attribute value mask bits */

       #define   CWBackPixmap                (1L<<0)
       #define   CWBackPixel                 (1L<<1)
       #define   CWBorderPixmap              (1L<<2)
       #define   CWBorderPixel               (1L<<3)
       #define   CWBitGravity                (1L<<4)
       #define   CWWinGravity                (1L<<5)
       #define   CWBackingStore              (1L<<6)
       #define   CWBackingPlanes             (1L<<7)
       #define   CWBackingPixel              (1L<<8)
       #define   CWOverrideRedirect          (1L<<9)
       #define   CWSaveUnder                 (1L<<10)
       #define   CWEventMask                 (1L<<11)
       #define   CWDontPropagate             (1L<<12)
       #define   CWColormap                  (1L<<13)
       #define   CWCursor                    (1L<<14)
       /* Values */

       typedef struct {
               Pixmap  background_pixmap;       /* background, None, or Paren-
       tRelative */
               unsigned long background_pixel; /* background pixel */
               Pixmap border_pixmap;           /*  border  of  the  window  or
       CopyFromParent */
               unsigned long border_pixel;     /* border pixel value */
               int bit_gravity;        /* one of bit gravity values */
               int win_gravity;        /* one of the window gravity values */
               int backing_store;      /* NotUseful, WhenMapped, Always */
               unsigned  long  backing_planes;    /* planes to be preserved if
       possible */
               unsigned long backing_pixel;    /* value to  use  in  restoring
       planes */
               Bool save_under;        /* should bits under be saved? (popups)
               long event_mask;        /* set of events that should  be  saved
               long  do_not_propagate_mask;      /*  set of events that should
       not propagate */
               Bool override_redirect; /* boolean value for  override_redirect
               Colormap colormap;      /* color map to be associated with win-
       dow */
               Cursor cursor;          /* cursor to be displayed (or None)  */
       } XSetWindowAttributes;

       For a detailed explanation of the members of this structure, see Xlib -
       C Language X Interface.


       BadAlloc  The server failed  to  allocate  the  requested  resource  or
                 server memory.

       BadColor  A  value for a Colormap argument does not name a defined Col-

       BadCursor A value for a Cursor argument does not name a defined Cursor.

       BadMatch  The values do not exist for an InputOnly window.

       BadMatch  Some  argument  or pair of arguments has the correct type and
                 range but fails to match in some other way  required  by  the

       BadPixmap A value for a Pixmap argument does not name a defined Pixmap.

       BadValue  Some numeric value falls outside the range of values accepted
                 by  the request.  Unless a specific range is specified for an
                 argument, the full range defined by the  argument's  type  is
                 accepted.   Any argument defined as a set of alternatives can
                 generate this error.

       BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.


       XChangeWindowAttributes(3), XConfigureWindow(3), XDefineCursor(3), XDe-
       stroyWindow(3), XMapWindow(3), XRaiseWindow(3), XUnmapWindow(3)
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11                     libX11 1.7.1                 XCreateWindow(3)

xorg-libX11 1.7.1 - Generated Thu May 20 08:03:57 CDT 2021
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