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Xaw(3)                     Library Functions Manual                     Xaw(3)


       Xaw - X Athena Widgets


       Xaw is a widget set based on the X Toolkit Intrinsics (Xt) Library.
       This release by the X.Org Foundation includes additions and
       modifications originally made for The XFree86 Project, Inc.  This
       manual page describes these changes as well as some of the common
       interfaces between its version and the previous X Consortium release

       The bulk of the Xaw documentation is located in the API specification
       which may be installed in /opt/local/share/doc/libXaw, or found on the
       X.Org website.


       All of the Xaw widgets now have the additional translations call-proc,
       declare, get-values and set-values.  The syntax for these actions is:

       action-name (boolean-expression, arguments)

       action-name is one of call-proc, declare, get-values or set-values.

       boolean-expression is composed with the operators

              | (or),

              & (and),

              ^ (xor), and

              ~ (not).

              Its operands can be

              o   a variable name, which starts with a $,

              o   a resource name without the bindings . or *, or

              o   a constant name, including

                  o   mine (event->xany.window == XtWindow(widget)),

                  o   faked (event->xany.send_event != 0),

                  o   true (1) and

                  o   false (0).

       arguments are self-explanatory:

              o   when starting with a $ they name a variable,

              o   otherwise they indicate a resource name.

       call-proc (boolean-expression, procedure-name)
               This action allows the evaluation of a boolean expression in
               the first parameter before calling a action procedure.  The
               procedure is only called if the expression evaluates as true.
               call-proc("$inside & $pressed", notify)

       declare (boolean-expression, variable, value, ...)
               This action is used to create new variables or change their
               values.  Any number of variable-value tuples may be specified.
               declare(1, $pressed, 1)

       get-values (boolean-expression, variable, value, ...)
               This action reads a widget resource value into a variable.  Any
               number of variable-value tuples may be specified.  Example:
               get-values(1, $fg, foreground, $bg, background)

       set-values (boolean-expression, variable, value, ...)
               This action sets a widget resource to the given value, which
               may be a variable.  Any number of variable-value tuples may be
               specified.  Example:
               set-values(1, foreground, $bg, background, $fg)

       Here is a sample translation to make a label widget behave like a

       <Map>:      get-values(1, $fg, foreground, $bg, background)\n\
       <Btn1Down>: set-values(1, foreground, yellow, background, gray30)\n\
       <Btn1Up>:   set-values(1, foreground, $fg, background, $bg)


       All of the Xaw widgets have now the additional resource displayList.
       This resource allows drawing the widget decorations using commands
       embedded in a resource string.  The displayList resource has the

       [class-name:]function-name arguments[[{;\n}]...]

       class-name is any registered set of functions to draw in the widget.
       Currently the only existing class is xlib, which provides access to the
       Xlib drawing primitives.

       function-name is the drawing or configuration function to be called,
       described below.

       arguments may be anything suitable to the displayList function being
       called.  When the function requires a coordinate, the syntax is

              {+-}<integer> or

              +0,+0      top, left
              -0,-0      bottom, right
              -+10,-+10  bottom+10, right+10
              +0,1/2     left, vertical-center

       arc-mode mode
               Sets the arc mode.  Accepted modes are "pieslice" and "chord",
               which set the arc to ArcPieSlice or ArcChord, respectively.
               arc-mode chord

       bg color-spec

       background color-spec
               Sets the background color.  color-spec must a valid color
               specification.  Example:
               background red

       cap-style style
               Sets the cap style.  Accepted styles are "notlast", "butt",
               "round", and "projecting", which set the cap style to
               CapNotLast, CapBut, CapRound or CapProjecting, respectively.
               cap-style round

       clip-mask pixmap-spec
               Sets the pixmap for the clip mask.  Requires a pixmap
               parameter, as described in the PIXMAPS section below.  Example:
               clip-mask xlogo11

       clip-origin x,y
               Sets the clip x and y origin.  Requires two arguments, the x
               and y coordinates.  Example:
               clip-origin 10,10

       clip-rects x1,y1,x2,y2 [...,xn,yn]

       clip-rectangles x1,y1,x2,y2 [...,xn,yn]
               Sets a list of rectangles to the clip mask.  The number of
               arguments must be a multiple of four.  The arguments are
               coordinates.  The parser calculates the width and height of the
               rectangles.  Example:
               clip-rects 0,0,10,20, 20,10,30,30

       coord-mode mode
               Changes the coordinate mode for fill-polygon, draw-lines, and
               draw-points.  Accepted parameters are "modeorigin" and
               "previous", that sets the coord mode to CoordModeOrigin or
               CoordModePrevious, respectively.  Example:
               coord-mode previous

       copy-area {pixmap-spec|.},dstx,dsty[,x2,y2,srcx,srcy]
               Calls XCopyArea.  The character . means copy the window
               contents; pixmap-spec is as defined in the PIXMAPS section
               below.  X2 and y2 are the coordinates of the end copy, not the
               width and height; if not defined, the parser calculates them.
               src_x and src_y default to zero.  Example:
               copy-area Term,10,10

       copy-plane {pixmap-spec|.},dstx,dsty[,x2,y2,srcx,srcy,plane]
               Calls XCopyPlane.  The character . means copy the window
               contents; pixmap-spec is as defined in the PIXMAPS section
               below.  X2 and y2 are the coordinates of the end copy, not the
               width and height; if not defined, the parser calculates them.
               src_x and src_y default to zero.  Plane defaults to one.
               copy-plane star,10,10

       dashes i1[...,in]
               Sets the dashes for line drawing.  Accepts up to 127 arguments.
               dashes 3,7 9,10

       draw-arc x1,y1,x2,y2[,start-angle,end-angle]
               Draws an arc.  The four first arguments are the rectangle
               enclosing the arc.  The two remaining arguments, if specified,
               are the start and end angle, in degrees.  Example:
               draw-arc +0,+0,-1,-1,0,90

       draw-rect x1,y1,x2,y2

       draw-rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2
               Draws a rectangle.  Requires four arguments, which are the
               start and end coordinate pairs.  Example:
               draw-rect +1,+1,-5,-5

       draw-string x,y,"string"
               Draws a text string.  Requires three arguments, a x coordinate,
               a y coordinate, and a string.  Strings that have white space
               can be quoted with the " character; the backslash character \
               can also be used, but it will be necessary escape it twice.
               draw-string 10,10, "Hello world!"

       exposures boolean
               Sets graphics exposures in the GC.  Allowed parameters are a
               integer or the strings "true", "false", "on" and "off".
               exposures true

       fill-arc x1,y1,x2,y2[,start-angle,end-angle]
               Like draw-arc, but fills the contents of the arc with the
               currently selected foreground.  Example:
               fill-arc +0,+0,-1,-1,0,180

       fill-poly x1,y1 [...,xn,yn]

       fill-polygon x1,y1 [...,xn,yn]
               Like draw-lines, but fills the enclosed polygon and joins the
               first and last point, if they are not at the same position.
               fill-poly +0,+10, +10,+20, +30,+0

       fill-rect x1,y1,x2,y2

       fill-rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2
               Like draw-rect, but fills the contents of the rectangle with
               the selected foreground color.  Example:
               fill-rect +10,+10,-20,-20

       fill-rule rule
               Sets the fill rule.  Accepted parameters are "evenodd" and
               "winding", which set the fill rule to EvenOddRule or
               WindingRule, respectively.  Example:
               fill-rule winding

       fill-style style
               Sets the fill style.  Allowed parameters are "solid", "tiled",
               "stippled" and "opaquestippled", which set the fill style to
               FillSolid, FillTiled, FillStippled or FillOpaqueStippled,
               respectively.  Example:
               fill-style tiled

       font font-spec
               Sets the font for text functions.  Example:
               font -*-*-*-R-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-ISO8859-1

       fg color-spec

       foreground color-spec
               Like background, but sets the current foreground color.
               foreground blue

       mask    This command is useful when you want to draw only in the region
               that really needs to be repainted.  It requires no arguments.

       function function-spec
               Sets the specific GC function.  Allowed parameters are "set",
               "clear", "and", "andreverse", "copy", "andinverted", "noop",
               "xor", "or", "nor", "equiv", "invert", "orreverse",
               "copyinverted" and "nand", which set the function to GXset,
               GXclear, GXand, GXandReverse, GXcopy, GXandInverted, GXnoop,
               GXxor, GXor, GXnor, GXequiv, GXinvert, GXorReverse,
               GXcopyInverted or GXnand, respectively.  Example:
               function xor

       join-style style
               Sets the join style.  Allowed parameters are "miter", "round"
               and "bevel", which set the join style to JoinMiter, JoinRound
               and JoinBevel, respectively.  Example:
               join-style round

       image {pixmap-spec},xs,ys,[xe,ye]
               This function is implemented as a way to quickly compose
               complex decorations in widgets.  Pixmap-spec is as defined in
               the PIXMAPS section below.  xs and ys are the coordinates from
               where to start copying the pixmap; xe and ye are optional (they
               default to xs + pixmap.width and ys + pixmap.height,
               respectively).  If the pixmap has a mask, the copy is masked
               accordingly.  Example:
               image pixmap.xpm,0,0,20,20

       line x1,y1,x2,y2

       draw-line x1,y1,x2,y2
               Draws a line with the current foreground color.  Requires four
               arguments, the starting and ending coordinate pairs.  Example:
               line +0,+0, -1,-1

       line-width integer
               Selects a line width for drawing.  Example:
               line-width 2

       line-style style
               Sets the line style.  Accepted parameters are "solid",
               "onoffdash" and "doubledash", which set the line style to
               LineSolid, LineOnOffDash or LineDoubleDash, respectively.
               line-style onoffdash

       lines x1,y1,x2,y2 [...,xn,yn]

       draw-lines x1,y1,x2,y2 [...,xn,yn]
               Draws a list of lines.  Any number of argument pairs may be
               supplied.  Example:
               lines +0,-1, -1,-1, -1,+0

       paint-string x,y,"string"
               Identical to draw-string, but also uses the background color.
               paint-string 10,20, "Sample text"

       point x,y

       draw-point x,y
               Draws a point.  Requires two arguments, a coordinate pair.
               point +10,+10

       plane-mask integer
               Sets the plane mask.  Requires an integer parameter.  Example:
               plane-mask -1

       points x1,y1 [...,xn,yn]

       draw-points x1,y1 [...,xn,yn]
               Draws a list of points at the specified coordinates.  Example:
               points +1,+2, +1,+4, +1,+6

       segments x1,y1,x2,y2 [...,xn,yn]

       draw-segments x1,y1,x2,y2 [...,xn,yn]
               Draws a list of segment lines.  The number of parameters must
               be multiple of 4.  Example:
               segments +1,+2,+1,-3, +2,-2,-3,-2

       shape-mode mode
               Sets the shape mode used in fill-polygon.  Accepted parameters
               are "complex", "convex" or "nonconvex", which set the shape
               mode to Complex, Convex or Nonconvex, accordingly.  Example:
               shape-mode convex

       stipple pixmap-spec
               Sets the pixmap for a stipple.  Requires a pixmap parameter, as
               described in the PIXMAPS section below.  Example:
               stipple plaid

       subwindow-mode mode
               Sets the subwindow mode in the GC.  Accepted parameters are
               "includeinferiors" and "clipbychildren", which set the
               subwindow mode to IncludeInferiors or ClipByChildren,
               respectively.  Example:
               subwindow-mode includeinferiors

       tile pixmap-spec
               Sets the pixmap for a tile.  Requires a pixmap parameter, as
               described in the PIXMAPS section below.  Example:
               tile xlogo11?foreground=red&background=gray80

       ts-origin x,y
               Sets the tile stipple x and y origin.  Requires two arguments,
               a x and y coordinate.  Example:
               ts-origin 10,10

       umask   Disables the GC mask, if it has been set with the command mask.
               Requires no arguments.

       Example for drawing a shadow effect in a widget:

       foreground gray30;\
       draw-lines +1,-1,-1,-1,-1,+1;\
       foreground gray85;\
       draw-lines -1,+0,+0,+0,+0,-1


       A String to Pixmap converter has been added to Xaw.  This converter is
       meant to be extended, and has enough abstraction to allow loading
       several image formats.  It uses a format that resembles a URL, with the


       type   can be one of bitmap, gradient or xpm.

       name   may be a file name, or, in the case of type gradient, may be
              either vertical or horizontal.

              is a list of arguments to the converter.

              An argument list is preceded by a question mark, and multiple
              arguments are separated by ampersands.

              The most common arguments are foreground and background.

              Gradients also support the arguments start and end (colors with
              which to start and end the gradient), the steps argument (to
              allow using fewer colors), and the dimension argument (to
              specify the size of the gradient).

              The xpm converter understands the closeness argument, which aids
              in using fewer colors (useful if you have a limited colormap).


       Most of the changes to this version of the Xaw library were done in the
       TextWidget, TextSrcObject, TextSinkObject and related files.

       A couple of highly visible changes in the Text widget are due to many
       bugs in the Xaw6 implementation involving scrollbars and auto-resizing.
       Scrollbars being added or removed caused several problems in keeping
       the text cursor visible, and in Xaw6 it was very easy to have a widget
       thinking the cursor was visible, when it was not.  Also, permitting
       automatic resizing of the widget to a larger geometry created other
       problems, making it difficult to have a consistent layout in the
       application, and, if the window manager did not interfere, windows
       larger than the screen could result.  Therefore, some functionality
       involving scrollbars and auto-resizing has been disabled; see the
       section on new and modified Text widget resources below.

       The Text widget's default key bindings were originally based on the
       Emacs text editor.  In this release, even more operations familiar to
       Emacs users have been added.  New text actions include:

       indent  Indents text blocks.  Not bound by default.  The Text widget
               also does not attempt to perform auto-indentation of its source
               object by default.

               Resets the keyboard state.  Reverts the action multiplier to 1,
               and if undo is enabled, toggles between undo and redo.  Bound
               by default to Control<Key>G.

               In this version of Xaw, text killed in any text field is kept
               in memory, allowing cut and paste operations internally to the
               program between text fields.  Bound by default to Meta<Key>Y.

       numeric Listed here only for purposes of documentation.  Called by
               default when one of the characters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
               0, or - is typed, allowing composition of the multiplication
               number of text actions.

               Sets the input focus of the top level widget to the text field.
               Not enabled by default, but bound to the <Btn1Down> event.

               Toggles overwrite mode.  In overwrite mode, any text inserted
               in a text field will replace existing text.  Bound by default
               to <Key>Insert.

       undo    Sets the enableUndo resource of the textSrcObject.  Not enabled
               by default, but bound to Control<Key>_.

       New and modified Text widget resources include:

       justify (Class Justify)
               Sets the text justification.  Can be one of left, right,
               center, or full.  Only enabled when the autoFill resource is
               set, and the resources leftColumn and rightColumn are correctly

       leftColumn (Class Column)
               Specifies the left column at which to break text.  Text lines
               started with an alphanumeric character will automatically start
               at this column.

       positionCallback (Class Callback)
               Allows installation of a callback to be called every time the
               cursor is moved, and/or the file changes its size.  The
               callback is called with a pointer to a structure containing the
               following data:

               typedef struct {
                   int line_number;
                   int column_number;
                   XawTextPosition insert_position;
                   XawTextPosition last_position;
                   Boolean overwrite_mode;
               } XawTextPositionInfo;

               This callback is intended to help programmers write text
               editors based on the Xaw widget set.

       resize (Class Resize)
               No longer supported, but recognized for backward compatibility
               with resource specifications written for the Xaw6 Text widget.

       rightColumn (Class Column)
               Specifies the right column at which to break text.  Text lines
               started with an alphanumeric character will automatically end
               at this column.

       scrollHorizontal (Class Scroll)

       scrollVertical (Class Scroll)
               These resources control the placement of scrollbars on the left
               and bottom edges of the Text widget.  They accept the values
               XawtextScrollAlways and XawtextScrollNever.  A converter is
               registered for this resource that will convert the following
               strings: always and never.  The value XawtextScrollWhenNeeded
               (and whenNeeded, recognized by the converter), is accepted for
               backwards compatibility with resource specifications written
               for the Xaw6 Text widget, but ignored (effectively treated as


       The textSrcObject allows display of its contents to more than one
       window, and also stores undo information.  The new resources for the
       textSrcObject are:

       callback (Class Callback)
               Previous versions of Xaw had this resource in subclasses of the
               TextSource object.  This was changed to make it possible to
               tell the callback the state of the text when undo is enabled.

       enableUndo (Class Undo)
               A boolean resource that enables or disables the undo function.
               The default value is False.

       sourceChanged (Class Changed)
               Like the callback resource, this resource was previously in
               subclasses of the TextSource object.  It is now in the
               textSrcObject to control the changed/unchanged state when undo
               is enabled.


       The textSinkObject subclasses asciiSinkObject and multiSinkObject have
       been changed slightly to use a new cursor shape (no longer a caret at
       the baseline) that indicates the input focus of the text widget, and
       allow specification of the cursor color.  The new resource is:

       cursorColor (Class Color)
               Sets the cursor color of the text.  This color is also used to
               draw selected text.


       The simpleMenuWidget algorithm to lay out menu entries has been changed
       to enable multiple columns when a single column does not fit on the
       screen.  It was also modified to enable submenus.


       A new resource has been added to the smeBSBObject to allow binding
       submenus to it.  The new resource is:

       menuName (Class MenuName)
               Specifies the name of the popup widget to be popped up when the
               pointer is over the menu entry, or NULL.  Note that the named
               menu must be a child of the popup parent of the smeBSBObject.


       The original X Consortium version of the Athena Widget Set and its
       documentation were the work of many people, including Chris D.
       Peterson, Ralph Swick, Mark Ackerman, Donna Converse, Jim Fulton,
       Loretta Guarino-Reid, Charles Haynes, Rich Hyde, Mary Larson, Joel
       McCormack, Ron Newman, Jeanne Rich, Terry Weissman, Mike Gancarz, Phil
       Karlton, Kathleen Langone, Ram Rao, Smokey Wallace, Al Mento, and Jean

       The additions and modifications to Xaw which were originally made for
       XFree86 were written by Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade.


       Athena Widget Set - C Language Interface

X Version 11                     libXaw 1.0.16                          Xaw(3)

xorg-libXaw 1.0.16 - Generated Sat Mar 16 15:31:27 CDT 2024
© 2000-2025
Individual documents may contain additional copyright information.