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XkbGetAccessXTimeout(3)           XKB FUNCTIONS          XkbGetAccessXTimeout(3)


       XkbGetAccessXTimeout - Queries the current AccessXTimeout options for a
       keyboard device


       Bool XkbGetAccessXTimeout (Display *display, unsigned int device_spec,
              unsigned short *timeout_rtrn, unsigned int *ctrls_mask_rtrn,
              unsigned int *ctrls_values_rtrn, unsigned short
              *options_mask_rtrn, unsigned short *options_values_rtrn);


              unsigned short

              device to query, or XkbUseCoreKbd

              delay until AccessXTimeout, seconds

              backfilled with controls to modify

              backfilled with on/off status for controls

              backfilled with ax_options to modify

              backfilled with values for ax_options


       In environments where computers are shared, features such as SlowKeys
       present a problem: if SlowKeys is on, the keyboard can appear to be
       unresponsive because keys are not accepted until they are held for a
       certain period of time. To help solve this problem, Xkb provides an
       AccessXTimeout control to automatically change the enabled/disabled state
       of any boolean controls and to change the value of the AccessXKeys and
       AccessXFeedback control attributes if the keyboard is idle for a
       specified period of time.

       When a timeout as specified by AccessXTimeout occurs and a control is
       consequently modified, Xkb generates an XkbControlsNotify event.

       XkbGetAccessXTimeout sends a request to the X server to obtain the
       current values for the AccessXTimeout attributes, waits for a reply, and
       backfills the values into the appropriate arguments. The parameters
       options_mask_rtrn and options_values_rtrn are backfilled with the options
       to modify and the values for ax_options, which is a field in the
       XkbControlsRec structure.  XkbGetAccessXTimeout returns True if
       successful; if a compatible version of the Xkb extension is not available
       in the server, XkbGetAccessXTimeout returns False.


       True           The XkbGetAccessXTimeout returns True when it successfully
                      sends a request to the X server to obtain the current
                      values for the AccessXTimeout attributes, waits for a
                      reply, and backfills the values into the appropriate

       False          The XkbGetAccessXTimeout function returns False if a
                      compatible version of the Xkb extension is not available
                      in the server.


       The XkbControlsRec structure is defined as follows:

       #define XkbMaxLegalKeyCode     255
       #define XkbPerKeyBitArraySize  ((XkbMaxLegalKeyCode+1)/8)

       typedef struct {
           unsigned char   mk_dflt_btn;      /* default button for keyboard driven mouse */
           unsigned char   num_groups;       /* number of keyboard groups */
           unsigned char   groups_wrap;      /* how to wrap out-of-bounds groups */
           XkbModsRec      internal;         /* defines server internal modifiers */
           XkbModsRec      ignore_lock;      /* modifiers to ignore when checking for grab */
           unsigned int    enabled_ctrls;    /* 1 bit => corresponding boolean control enabled */
           unsigned short  repeat_delay;     /* ms delay until first repeat */
           unsigned short  repeat_interval;  /* ms delay between repeats */
           unsigned short  slow_keys_delay;  /* ms minimum time key must be down to be ok */
           unsigned short  debounce_delay;   /* ms delay before key reactivated */
           unsigned short  mk_delay;         /* ms delay to second mouse motion event */
           unsigned short  mk_interval;      /* ms delay between repeat mouse events */
           unsigned short  mk_time_to_max;   /* # intervals until constant mouse move */
           unsigned short  mk_max_speed;     /* multiplier for maximum mouse speed */
           short           mk_curve;         /* determines mouse move curve type */
           unsigned short  ax_options;       /* 1 bit => Access X option enabled */
           unsigned short  ax_timeout;       /* seconds until Access X disabled */
           unsigned short  axt_opts_mask;    /* 1 bit => options to reset on Access X timeout */
           unsigned short  axt_opts_values;  /* 1 bit => turn option on, 0=> off */
           unsigned int    axt_ctrls_mask;   /* which bits in enabled_ctrls to modify */
           unsigned int    axt_ctrls_values; /* values for new bits in enabled_ctrls */
           unsigned char   per_key_repeat[XkbPerKeyBitArraySize];  /* per key auto repeat */
       } XkbControlsRec, *XkbControlsPtr;

X Version 11                      libX11 1.8.2           XkbGetAccessXTimeout(3)

xorg-libX11 1.8.2 - Generated Fri Nov 18 16:17:41 CST 2022
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