XkbOpenDisplay(3) XKB FUNCTIONS XkbOpenDisplay(3)
XkbOpenDisplay - Checks for a compatible version of the Xkb extension in both the library and the server, and initializes the extension for use.
Display *XkbOpenDisplay (char *display_name, int *event_rtrn, int *error_rtrn, int *major_in_out, int *minor_in_out, int *rea- son_rtrn);
display_name hardware display name, which determines the display and communi- cations domain to be used event_rtrn backfilled with the extension base event code error_rtrn backfilled with the extension base error code major_in_out compile time lib major version in, server major version out minor_in_out compile time lib min version in, server minor version out reason_rtrn backfilled with a status code
As a convenience, you can use the function XkbOpenDisplay to perform these three tasks at once: open a connection to an X server, check for a compatible version of the Xkb extension in both the library and the server, and initialize the extension for use. XkbOpenDisplay is a convenience function that opens an X display con- nection and initializes the X keyboard extension. In all cases, upon return reason_rtrn contains a status value indicating success or the type of failure. If major_in_out and minor_in_out are not NULL, XkbOpenDisplay first calls XkbLibraryVersion to determine whether the client library is compatible, passing it the values pointed to by major_in_out and minor_in_out. If the library is incompatible, XkbOpenDisplay backfills major_in_out and minor_in_out with the major and minor extension versions of the library being used and returns NULL. If the library is compatible, XkbOpenDisplay next calls XOpenDisplay with the display_name. If this fails, the function returns NULL. If successful, XkbOpenDisplay calls XkbQueryExtension and backfills the major and minor Xkb server extension version numbers in major_in_out and minor_in_out. If the server extension version is not compatible with the library extension version or if the server exten- sion is not present, XkbOpenDisplay closes the display and returns NULL. When successful, the function returns the display connection. The possible values for reason_rtrn are: o XkbOD_BadLibraryVersion indicates XkbLibraryVersion returned False. o XkbOD_ConnectionRefused indicates the display could not be opened. o XkbOD_BadServerVersion indicates the library and the server have incompatible extension versions. o XkbOD_NonXkbServer indicates the extension is not present in the X server. o XkbOD_Success indicates that the function succeeded.
NULL The XkbOpenDisplay function returns NULL if the library is incompatible. The XkbOpenDisplay function returns NULL if the call to XOpenDisplay with the display_name fails. The XkbOpenDisplay function returns NULL and closes the display if the server extension version is not compatible with the library extension version or if the server exten- sion is not present.
BadAccess The Xkb extension has not been properly initialized
XkbLibraryVersion(3), XkbQueryExtension(3), XOpenDisplay(3) X Version 11 libX11 1.6.6 XkbOpenDisplay(3)
libX11 1.6.6 - Generated Thu Aug 23 05:53:29 CDT 2018