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man XmColumn(3)
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XmColumn(library call)                                  XmColumn(library call)


       XmColumn -- The XmColumn widget class


       #include <Xm/Column.h>


       XmColumn  displays  its  children  stacked  in  a  column, each with an
       optional associated label: labels appear in one column, and children in
       another. This is useful for displaying, for example, labeled data-entry
       fields.  It can also display all label-child pairs in a horizontal ori-
       entation.This  widget  offers  several  constraint resources that allow
       specification of characteristics of the label, such as displaying  text
       or  a  pixmap,  alignment  of  text, font to use, and so forth. It also
       offers several resources for setting defaults for children that specify
       no specic values.


       XmColumn  inherits  behavior  and  resources from Core, Composite, Con-
       straint, XmManager, and XmBulletinBoard.

       The class pointer is xmColumnWidgetClass.

       The class name is XmColumn.

   New Resources
       The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the  pro-
       grammer  to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource val-
       ues for the inherited classes to set attributes  for  this  widget.  To
       reference  a  resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults file, remove
       the XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters (in  either  lower-
       case  or  uppercase,  but  include  any underscores between words). The
       codes in the access column indicate if the given  resource  can  be  at
       createion time (C), or is not applicable (N/A).

       |                                |     XmColumn Resource Set       |                       |        |
       |Name                            | Class           | Type          | Default               | Access |
       |XmNdefaultEntryLabelAlignment   | XmCAlignment    | unsigned char | XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING | CSG    |
       |XmNdefaultEntryLabelFontList    | XmCFontList     | XmRFontList   | dynamic               | CGS    |
       |XmNdefaultEntryLabelRenderTable | XmCRendertable  | XmRFontList   | dynamic               | CGS    |
       |XmNdefaultFillStyle             | XmCFillStyle    | unsigned char | XmFILL_RAGGED         | CGS    |
       |XmNdistribution                 | XmCDistribution | unsigned char | XmDISTRIBUTE_TIGHT    | CGS    |
       |XmNitemSpacing                  | XmCItemSpacing  | Dimension     | 2                     | CSG    |
       |XmNlabelSpacing                 | XmCLabelSpacing | Dimentsion    | 10                    | CSG    |
       |XmNorientation                  | XmCOrientation  | unsigned char | XmVERTICAL            | CSG    |
                 Specifies  the  default  XmNentryLabelAlignment to use when a
                 child specifies no significant value.  Resources that specify
                 Alignment have values of XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING,
                 FIED.  Valid string values that can be used  in  a  resources
                 file    are:   alignment_unspecified,   unspecified,   align-
                 ment_beginning, beginning, alignment_center,  center,  align-
                 ment_end, end.

                 Specifies  the  default  XmNentryLabelFontList  to use when a
                 child specifies no significant value.  If  unspecified,  uses
                 XmNlabelFontList resource of the XmBulletinBoard.

                 Specifies the default XmNfillStyle to use when a child speci-
                 fies no significant value.

                 Specifies whether the  spacing  between  each  pair  of  rows
                 should  be  increased equally (XmDISTRIBUTE_SPREAD) or remain
                 constant (XmDISTRIBUTE_TIGHT) when the column is resized ver-
                 tically to be larger than its natural size. This resource has
                 no effect if any child has its
                 XmNstretchable resource set to True. This resource  is  valid
                 only when the orientation is vertical.

                 Specifies  the spacing between each pair of rows (in vertical
                 orientation) or between pairs of labels and children (in hor-
                 izontal orientation).

                 Specifies  the  spacing  between  the  column  containing the
                 labels and the column containing the XmColumn's children.

                 Specifies the layout direction of the XmColumn. When XmVERTI-
                 CAL,  the widgets and their associated labels are laid out in
                 two vertical columns.  When  XmHORIZONTAL,  the  widgets  and
                 their associated labels are laid out in a single row.

       The  visual  appearance  of  columns  is affected by setting constraint
       resources on the children of the XmColumn.  These resources are derived
       from  those  supported  by XmLabel; see the manual page for XmLabel for
       valid values and usage.

       |                         |     XmColumn Constraint Resource Set                     |          |
       |Name                     | Class          | Type          | Default                 | AccessfP |
       |XmNentryLabelAlignment   | XmCAlignment   | unsigned char | XmALIGNMENT_UNSPECIFIED | CSG      |
       |XmNentryLabelFontList    | XmCFontList    | XmFontList    | dynamic                 | CSG      |
       |XmNentryLabelRenderTable | XmCRenderTable | XmRenderTable | dynamic                 | CSG      |
       |XmNentryLabelPixmap      | XmCLabelPixmap | Pixmap        | XmUNPECIFIED_PIXMAP     | CSG      |
       |XmNentryLabelString      | XmCLabelString | XmString      | NULL                    | CSG      |
       |XmNentryLabelType        | XmCLabelType   | unsigned char | XmSTRING                | CSG      |
       |XmNfillStyle             | XmCFillStyle   | unsigned char | XmFILL_UNSPECIFIED      | CSG      |
       |XmNshowEntryLabel        | XmCShowLabel   | Boolean       | True                    | CSG      |
       |XmNstretchable           | XmCStretchable | Boolean       | False                   | CG       |
                 Specifies justification of text within the child's associated
                 label.  Valid  values  are  the same as those for XmNdefault-

                 Specifies fontList used to render the text within the child's
                 associated label.

                 Specifies the pixmap used in the child's associated label.

                 Specifies the text used in the child's associated label.

                 Specifies  whether to display a string (XmSTRING) or a pixmap
                 (XmPIXMAP) in the child's associated label.

                 Specifies whether the child should be displayed at its  natu-
                 ral  size  (XmFILL_RAGGED)  or  stretched  to fill the entire
                 width of the column it is displayed within (XmFILL_FLUSH).
                 XmFILL_UNSPECIFIED uses the value of  the  XmColumn's  XmNde-

                 Specifies  whether  or  not to display the child's associated

                 Specifies whether the child should expand in size proportion-
                 ately  when  the  XmColumn is resized vertically to be larger
                 than its natural size.


       Composite(3), Core(3),  XmBulletinBoard(3),  XmCreateColumn(3),  XmMan-
       ager(3), XmVaCreateColumn(3), and XmVaCreateManagedColumn(3).


       This manual page documents the XmColumn widget shipped in Motif version

                                                        XmColumn(library call)

openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Sat Nov 29 09:27:44 CST 2008
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