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man XmDataFieldCut(3)
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XmDataFieldCut(library call)                      XmDataFieldCut(library call)


       XmDataFieldCut  --  A DataField function that copies the primary selec-
       tion to the clipboard and deletes the selected text


       #include <Xm/DataF.h>
       Boolean XmDataFieldCut(
       Widget widget,
       Time time);


       XmDataFieldCut copies the primary selected text to  the  clipboard  and
       then  deletes  the  primary selected text.  This routine calls the wid-
       get's XmNvalueChangedCallback and verification callbacks,  either  XmN-
       modifyVerifyCallback  or  XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs,  or both. If both
       verification callback lists are registered, the procedures of the  XmN-
       modifyVerifyCallback  list are executed first and the resulting data is
       passed to the XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs callbacks.

       This routine calls the XmNconvertCallback procedures, possibly multiple
       times,  with the selection member of the XmConvertCallbackStruct set to
       CLIPBOARD and with the parm member set to XmMOVE.  If the  transfer  is
       successful,  this  routine then calls the XmNconvertCallback procedures
       for the CLIPBOARD selection and the DELETE target.

       widget    Specifies the DataField widget ID.

       time      Specifies the time at which the selection value is to be mod-
                 ified.  This  should  be the time of the event that triggered
                 this request.

       For a complete definition of DataField and  its  associated  resources,
       see XmDataField(3).


       This  function  returns  False if the primary selection is NULL, if the
       widget does not own the primary selection, if the function is unable to
       gain  ownership  of the clipboard selection, or if no data is placed on
       the clipboard.  Otherwise, it returns True.



                                                  XmDataFieldCut(library call)

openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Sun Nov 30 09:41:38 CST 2008
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