XmDirection(library call) XmDirection(library call)
XmDirection -- Data type for the direction of widget components
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
XmDirection is the data type specifying the direction in which the sys- tem displays subwidgets, children of widgets, or other visual compo- nents that are to be laid out. This data type also affects traversal order within tab groups. XmDirection is implemented as an unsigned char bit mask. The horizon- tal and vertical directions can be specified independent of each other. XmDirection also specifies the precedence of the horizontal and verti- cal directions relative to each other. For example, a value of XmRIGHT_TO_LEFT_TOP_TO_BOTTOM lays out a component horizontally from right to left first, then vertically top to bottom. XmDirection provides the following masks, each of which corresponds to a particular bit in XmDirection: o XmRIGHT_TO_LEFT_MASK o XmLEFT_TO_RIGHT_MASK o XmTOP_TO_BOTTOM_MASK o XmBOTTOM_TO_TOP_MASK o XmPRECEDENCE_HORIZ_MASK o XmPRECEDENCE_VERT_MASK In addition to the preceding single bit masks, XmDirection also pro- vides the following multiple bit masks. These multiple bit masks are particularly useful as arguments to XmDirectionMatchPartial: o XmHORIZONTAL_MASK o XmPRECEDENCE_MASK o XmVERTICAL_MASK Motif also provides the following enumerated constants for specifying various combinations of directions: XmRIGHT_TO_LEFT_TOP_TO_BOTTOM Specifies that the components are laid out from right to left first, then top to bottom. XmLEFT_TO_RIGHT_TOP_TO_BOTTOM Specifies that the components are laid out from left to right first, then top to bottom. XmRIGHT_TO_LEFT_BOTTOM_TO_TOP Specifies that the components are laid out from right to left first, then bottom to top. XmLEFT_TO_RIGHT_BOTTOM_TO_TOP Specifies that the components are laid out from left to right first, then bottom to top. XmTOP_TO_BOTTOM_RIGHT_TO_LEFT Specifies that the components are laid out from top to bottom first, then right to left. XmTOP_TO_BOTTOM_LEFT_TO_RIGHT Specifies that the components are laid out from top to bottom first, then left to right. XmBOTTOM_TO_TOP_RIGHT_TO_LEFT Specifies that the components are laid out from bottom to top first, then right to left. XmBOTTOM_TO_TOP_LEFT_TO_RIGHT Specifies that the components are laid out from bottom to top first, then left to right. XmTOP_TO_BOTTOM Specifies that the components are laid out from top to bot- tom. If horizontal direction is important, do not use this constant. XmBOTTOM_TO_TOP Specifies that the components are laid out from bottom to top. If horizontal direction is important, do not use this constant. XmDEFAULT_DIRECTION Specifies that the components are laid out according to the default direction. (This constant is primarily for widget writers.) XmLEFT_TO_RIGHT Specifies that the components are laid out from left to right. If vertical direction is important, do not use this constant. XmRIGHT_TO_LEFT Specifies that the components are laid out from right to left. If vertical direction is important, do not use this constant.
XmDirectionMatch(3), XmDirectionMatchPartial(3), XmDirectionToStringDi- rection(3), XmString(3), XmStringDirection(3), and XmStringDirection- ToDirection(3). XmDirection(library call)
openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Sun Nov 30 10:43:53 CST 2008