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man XmFontListInitFontContext(3)
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XmFontListInitFontContext(library call)XmFontListInitFontContext(library call)


       XmFontListInitFontContext  -- A font list function that allows applica-
       tions to access the entries in a font list


       #include <Xm/Xm.h>
       Boolean XmFontListInitFontContext(
       XmFontContext *context,
       XmFontList fontlist);


       XmFontListInitFontContext establishes a context to  allow  applications
       to  access the contents of a font list. This context is used when read-
       ing the font list entry tag, font, or font  set  associated  with  each
       entry  in  the  font  list.  A  Boolean  status is returned to indicate
       whether or not the font list is valid.

       If an application deallocates the font list passed  to  XmFontListInit-
       FontContext  as  the fontlist argument, the context established by this
       function is rendered no longer valid.

       context   Specifies a pointer to the allocated context

       fontlist  Specifies the font list


       Returns True if the context was allocated;  otherwise,  returns  False.
       If the function allocated a context, the application is responsible for
       managing the allocated space. The application can recover the allocated
       space by calling XmFontListFreeFontContext.


       XmFontList(3),   XmFontListFreeFontContext(3),   and  XmFontListNextEn-

                                       XmFontListInitFontContext(library call)

openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Sun Nov 30 14:37:11 CST 2008
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