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man XmGetAtomName(3)
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XmGetAtomName(library call)                        XmGetAtomName(library call)


       XmGetAtomName  -- A function that returns the string representation for
       an atom


       #include <Xm/Xm.h>
       #include <Xm/AtomMgr.h>
       String XmGetAtomName(
       Display * display,
       Atom atom);


       XmGetAtomName returns the string representation for an atom.   It  mir-
       rors  the  Xlib interfaces for atom management but provides client-side
       caching. When and where caching is provided in Xlib, the routines  will
       become pseudonyms for the Xlib routines.

       display   Specifies the connection to the X server

       atom      Specifies the atom for the property name you want returned


       Returns  a  string.   The function allocates space to hold the returned
       string.  The application is  responsible  for  managing  the  allocated
       space.   The  application  can  recover  the allocated space by calling

                                                   XmGetAtomName(library call)

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