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man XmGetTabGroup(3)
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XmGetTabGroup(library call)                        XmGetTabGroup(library call)


       XmGetTabGroup -- Returns the widget ID of a tab group


       #include <Xm/Xm.h>
       Widget XmGetTabGroup(
       Widget widget);


       XmGetTabGroup  returns the widget ID of the tab group that contains the
       specified widget.

       widget    Specifies a widget ID within a tab group


       Returns the widget ID of a tab group or shell, determined as follows:

          o  If widget is a tab group or shell, returns widget

          o  If neither widget nor any ancestor up to the nearest shell  is  a
             tab group, returns the nearest ancestor of widget that is a shell

          o  Otherwise, returns the nearest ancestor of widget that is  a  tab


       XmAddTabGroup(3), XmManager(3), and XmPrimitive(3).

                                                   XmGetTabGroup(library call)

openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Sun Nov 30 16:21:16 CST 2008
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