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man XmImSetFocusValues(3)
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XmImSetFocusValues(library call)              XmImSetFocusValues(library call)


       XmImSetFocusValues  -- An input manager function that notifies an input
       manager that a widget has received input focus and  updates  the  input
       context attributes


       #include <Xm/XmIm.h>
       void XmImSetFocusValues(
       Widget widget,
       ArgList arglist,
       Cardinal argcount,


       XmImSetFocusValues notifies the input manager that the specified widget
       has received input focus. This function also updates the attributes  of
       the  input context associated with the widget. The focus window for the
       XIC is set to the window of the widget. The arglist argument is a  list
       of  attribute/value  pairs  for the input context. This function passes
       the attributes and values to XICSetValues. The caller of  this  routine
       should  pass in only those values that have changed since the last call
       to any of these  functions;  XmImSetValues,  XmImSetFocusValues,  XmIm-
       VaSetValues,  or XmImVaSetFocusValues. See the description in the XmIm-
       SetValues(3) reference page for a list of associated resources.

       If the previous parameters for the widget's XIC do not allow the previ-
       ously registered XIC to be reused, that XIC will be unregistered, and a
       new one will be created and registered with the widget. Note that shar-
       ing of data is preserved.

       widget    Specifies the ID of the widget registered with the input man-

       arglist   Specifies the list of attribute/value pairs to be  passed  to
                 XICSetValues. See the description in the XmImSetValues(3) man
                 page for a description of resources.

       argcount  Specifies the number of attribute/values pairs in  the  argu-
                 ment list (arglist)

       Note  that  the  Text and TextField widgets call the XmImSetFocusValues
       function when they receive focus. Therefore, further calls to the XmIm-
       SetFocusValues function for these widgets are unnecessary.


       XmImSetValues(3), XmImVaSetFocusValues(3), and XmImVaSetValues(3).

                                              XmImSetFocusValues(library call)

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