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man XmMultiListGetSelectedRowArray(3)
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XmMultiListGetSelectedRowArray(library call)


       XmMultiListGetSelectedRowArray -- an MultiList function that returns an
       array of integers which are selected row numbers.


       #include <Xm/MultiList.h>
       int * XmMultiListGetSelectedRowArray(
       Widget widget,
       int * num_rows);


       This routine creates an array of integers which are selected  row  num-
       bers in the MultiList widget.

       widget    Specifies the ID of the MultiList widget.

       num_rows  Specifies pointer to the integer indicates number of returned
                 row numbers.

       For a complete definition of MultiList and  its  associated  resources,
       see XmMultiList(3).


       The  int  *  returned by this function contains a selected rows numbers
       array.  The calling routine is responsible  for  freeing  the  returned
       pointer  with  XtFree().   The function will return NULL if no elements
       are selected.



                                  XmMultiListGetSelectedRowArray(library call)

openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Mon Dec 1 20:10:44 CST 2008
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