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man XmOutline(3)
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XmOutline(library call)                                XmOutline(library call)


       XmOutline -- The Outline widget class


       #include <Xm/Outline.h>


       The  Outline  widget  is a container that shows the relationship of its
       children in a graphical tree-like format. Each  child  of  the  Outline
       widget  is  a  node  in  the  Outline.   The parent-child relationships
       between these nodes are completely distinct from the widget  hierarchy.
       The  hierarchy  of  nodes is created by specifying the tree "parent" of
       each node as a constraint resource. If a node's parent is NULL then  it
       is assumed to be a root of the tree. Although each widget can only have
       one parent, the Outline widget supports adding  more  than  one  "root"
       node to a single Outline.

       Note:  The  Outline  widget assumes that it will be totally responsible
       for mapping and unmapping its children. Therefore no child of this wid-
       get  should ever modify its mappedWhenManaged resource. If a child does
       modify this resource the behavior is undefined.

   User Interaction
       Each node in the outline can have one of  four  states:  open,  closed,
       always  open, and hidden. The state of a node changes how it appears to
       the user and what actions are available to the user.

       Open           This node will have an open folder  shown  to  its  left
                      that  may  be  selected  by the user to close this node.
                      When a node is open all of its children will be  visible
                      to the user.

       Closed         This  node  will  have a closed folder shown to its left
                      that may be selected by the user to open this node. When
                      a node is closed none of its children will be visible to
                      the user.

       Always Open    This node will have no folder button associated with it.
                      All of its children will be visible to the user.

       Hidden         This  node  will not be shown to the user and all of its
                      children will appear and act exactly  as  if  they  were
                      children  of  this  node's parent. It will appear to the
                      user as if this node does not exist.

       To maintain consistency of the user interface we have found that it  is
       best  to  use  the node state "Always Open" for nodes with no children.
       This way the user will only see a folder button next to a node that has
       children to display. A folder button associated with a node that has no
       children has no defined semantics.

       Outline inherits behavior and resources from the Core, Composite,  Con-
       straint, XmManager, and XmHierarchy  classes.

       The class pointer is xmOutlineWidgetClass.

       The class name is XmOutline.

   New Resources
       The  following table defines a set of widget resources used by the pro-
       grammer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource  val-
       ues  for  the  inherited  classes to set attributes for this widget. To
       reference a resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults  file,  remove
       the  XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters. To specify one of
       the defined values for a resource in a .Xdefaults file, remove  the  Xm
       prefix and use the remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase,
       but include any underscores between words).  The codes  in  the  access
       column  indicate if the given resource can be set at creation time (C),
       set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues (G), or is
       not applicable (N/A).

       |                | XmOutline Resource Set|         |        |
       |Name            | Class     | Type      | Default | Access |
       |XmNconnectNodes | Boolean   | Boolean   | False   | CSG    |
       |XmNindentSpace  | Dimension | Dimension | 30      | CSG    |
                 Specifies  whether  to draw lines connecting a parent to each
                 of its children nodes.

                 This resource controls how many pixels divide  the  outline's

   Inherited Resources
       Outline inherits behavior and resources from the superclasses described
       in the following tables.  For a complete description of each  resource,
       refer to the reference page for that superclass.

       |                     |            XmHierarchy Resource Set   |                      |        |
       |Name                 | Class                | Type           | Default              | Access |
       |XmNautoClose         | XmCAutoClose         | Boolean        | True                 | CSG    |
       |XmNcloseFolderPixmap | XmCPixmap            | Pixmap         | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG    |
       |XmNhorizontalMargin  | XmCDimension         | Dimension      | 2                    | CSG    |
       |XmNnodeStateCallback | XmCNodeStateCallback | XtCallbackList | NULL                 | C      |
       |XmNopenFolderPixmap  | XmCPixmap            | Pixmap         | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG    |
       |XmNrefigureMode      | XmCBoolean           | Boolean        | True                 | CSG    |
       |XmNverticalMargin    | XmCDimension         | Dimension      | 2                    | CSG    |
       |                        |             XmManager Resource Set        |                      |        |
       |Name                    | Class                 | Type              | Default              | Access |
       |XmNbottomShadowColor    | XmCBottomShadowColor  | Pixel             | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNbottomShadowPixmap   | XmCBottomShadowPixmap | Pixmap            | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG    |
       |XmNforeground           | XmCForeground         | Pixel             | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNhelpCallback         | XmCCallback           | XtCallbackList    | NULL                 | C      |
       |XmNhighlightColor       | XmCHighlightColor     | Pixel             | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNhighlightPixmap      | XmCHighlightPixmap    | Pixmap            | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNinitialFocus         | XmCInitialFocus       | Widget            | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNlayoutDirection      | XmCLayoutDirection    | XmDirection       | dynamic              | CG     |
       |XmNnavigationType       | XmCNavigationType     | XmNavigationType  | XmTAB_GROUP          | CSG    |
       |XmNpopupHandlerCallback | XmCCallback           | XtCallbackList    | NULL                 | C      |
       |XmNshadowThickness      | XmCShadowThickness    | Dimension         | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNstringDirection      | XmCStringDirection    | XmStringDirection | dynamic              | CG     |
       |XmNtopShadowColor       | XmCTopShadowColor     | Pixel             | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNtopShadowPixmap      | XmCTopShadowPixmap    | Pixmap            | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNtraversalOn          | XmCTraversalOn        | Boolean           | True                 | CSG    |
       |XmNunitType             | XmCUnitType           | unsigned char     | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNuserData             | XmCUserData           | XtPointer         | NULL                 | CSG    |

       |                  |     Composite Resource Set      |         |        |
       |Name              | Class             | Type        | Default | Access |
       |XmNchildren       | XmCReadOnly       | WidgetList  | NULL    | G      |
       |XmNinsertPosition | XmCInsertPosition | XtOrderProc | NULL    | CSG    |
       |XmNnumChildren    | XmCReadOnly       | Cardinal    | 0       | G      |

       |                              |               Core Resource Set                |                      |        |
       |Name                          | Class                         | Type           | Default              | Access |
       |XmNaccelerators               | XmCAccelerators               | XtAccelerators | dynamic              | N/A    |
       |XmNancestorSensitive          | XmCSensitive                  | Boolean        | dynamic              | G      |
       |XmNbackground                 | XmCBackground                 | Pixel          | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNbackgroundPixmap           | XmCPixmap                     | Pixmap         | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG    |
       |XmNborderColor                | XmCBorderColor                | Pixel          | XtDefaultForeground  | CSG    |
       |XmNborderPixmap               | XmCPixmap                     | Pixmap         | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG    |
       |XmNborderWidth                | XmCBorderWidth                | Dimension      | 0                    | CSG    |
       |XmNcolormap                   | XmCColormap                   | Colormap       | dynamic              | CG     |
       |XmNdepth                      | XmCDepth                      | int            | dynamic              | CG     |
       |XmNdestroyCallback            | XmCCallback                   | XtCallbackList | NULL                 | C      |
       |XmNheight                     | XmCHeight                     | Dimension      | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNinitialResourcesPersistent | XmCInitialResourcesPersistent | Boolean        | True                 | C      |
       |XmNmappedWhenManaged          | XmCMappedWhenManaged          | Boolean        | True                 | CSG    |
       |XmNscreen                     | XmCScreen                     | Screen *       | dynamic              | CG     |
       |XmNsensitive                  | XmCSensitive                  | Boolean        | True                 | CSG    |
       |XmNtranslations               | XmCTranslations               | XtTranslations | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNwidth                      | XmCWidth                      | Dimension      | dynamic              | CSG    |
       |XmNx                          | XmCPosition                   | Position       | 0                    | CSG    |
       |XmNy                          | XmCPosition                   | Position       | 0                    | CSG    |

   Geometry Management
       The  preferred  size of the entire outline will be just large enough to
       contain all nodes in the hierarchy. As the node state changes the  out-
       line  will attempt to resize itself to just contain its currently visi-
       ble children. If the outline is forced away from its desired  size  the
       children will not be moved and will either be clipped, or appear in the
       upper left hand corner of the window. For this  reason  it  is  usually
       desirable to put the outline into a Scrolled Window widget.


       Composite(3),  Constraint(3),  Core(3), XmCreateHierarchy(3), XmHierar-
       chy(3), XmManager(3).

                                                       XmOutline(library call)

openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Tue Dec 2 06:18:51 CST 2008
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