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XmParseMapping(library call)                      XmParseMapping(library call)


       XmParseMapping -- Data type for a compound string parse mapping


       #include <Xm/Xm.h>


       XmParseMapping  is  an  opaque  data  type  for a parse mapping used by
       XmStringParseText to create a compound string.  A  parse  mapping  con-
       tains a pattern to be matched in text being parsed to create a compound
       string.  It also contains a  compound  string,  or  a  function  to  be
       invoked  to  provide  a compound string, to be included in the compound
       string being created whenever the pattern is matched.

       An application uses a resource-style interface  to  specify  components
       for  an  XmParseMapping.  XmParseMappingCreate creates a parse mapping,
       using a  resource-style  argument  list.   XmParseMappingGetValues  and
       XmParseMappingSetValues retrieve and set the components of a parse map-
       ping.  XmParseMappingFree recovers memory  used  by  a  parse  mapping.
       XmParseTable is an array of XmParseMapping objects.

       The  XmNinvokeParseProc  resource  is  a  function of type XmParseProc,
       which is defined as follows:

       XmIncludeStatus (*XmParseProc) (text_in_out, text_end, type, tag, entry, pattern_length,
       str_include, call_data)
               XtPointer *text_in_out;
               XtPointer text_end;
               XmTextType type;
               XmStringTag tag;
               XmParseMapping entry;
               int pattern_length;
               XmString *str_include;
               XtPointer call_data;

       A parse procedure provides an escape mechanism for arbitrarily  complex
       parsing.  This procedure is invoked when a pattern in the input text is
       matched with a pattern in a parse  mapping  whose  XmNincludeStatus  is

       The  input  text is a pointer to the first byte of the pattern that was
       matched to trigger the call to the parse procedure.  The  parse  proce-
       dure  consumes  as  many bytes of the input string as it needs and sets
       the input text pointer to the following byte.  It  returns  a  compound
       string  to be included in the compound string being constructed, and it
       also returns an XmIncludeStatus indicating how  the  returned  compound
       string  should  be  handled.   If  the parse procedure does not set the
       input text pointer ahead by at least one byte, the parsing routine con-
       tinues  trying to match the input text with the patterns in the remain-
       ing parse mappings in the parse table.  Otherwise, the parsing  routine
       begins  with  the  new  input text pointer and tries to match the input
       text with patterns in the parse mappings starting at the  beginning  of
       the parse table.

                 Specifies  the  text being parsed.  The value is a pointer to
                 the first byte of text matching the  pattern  that  triggered
                 the  call  to  the parse procedure.  When the parse procedure
                 returns, this argument is set to the  position  in  the  text
                 where  parsing  should resume--that is, to the byte following
                 the last character parsed by the parse procedure.

       text_end  Specifies a pointer to the end of the text_in_out string.  If
                 text_end  is NULL, the string is scanned until a NULL charac-
                 ter is found.  Otherwise, the string is scanned up to but not
                 including the character whose address is text_end.

       type      Specifies the type of text and the tag type.  If a locale tag
                 should be created,  type  has  a  value  of  either  XmMULTI-
                 BYTE_TEXT  or  XmWIDECHAR_TEXT.   If a charset should be cre-
                 ated, type has a value of XmCHARSET_TEXT.

       tag       Specifies the tag to be used in  creating  the  result.   The
                 type of string tag created (charset or locale) depends on the
                 text type and the passed in tag value.  If the tag  value  is
                 NULL  and  if type indicates that a charset string tag should
                 be created, the string tag has the value that is  the  result
                 of  mapping  XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET.   If  type indicates a
                 locale  string  tag,   the   string   tag   has   the   value

       entry     Specifies  the  parse  mapping that triggered the call to the
                 parse procedure.

                 Specifies the number of bytes in the  input  text,  following
                 text_in_out, that constitute the matched pattern.

                 Specifies  a  pointer to a compound string.  The parse proce-
                 dure creates a compound string to be included in the compound
                 string  being  constructed.  The parse procedure then returns
                 the compound string in this argument.

       call_data Specifies data passed by the application to the parsing  rou-

       The   parse   procedure   returns  an  XmIncludeStatus  indicating  how
       str_include is to be included in the compound string being constructed.
       Following are the possible values:

       XmINSERT  Concatenate  the  result  to  the  compound string being con-
                 structed and continue parsing.

                 Concatenate the result to  the  compound  string  being  con-
                 structed and terminate parsing.

   New Resources
       The  following  table defines a set of resources used by the programmer
       to specify data.  The codes in the access column indicate if the  given
       resource  can  be  set  at  creation time (C), set by using XmParseMap-
       pingSetValues (S), retrieved by using XmParseMappingGetValues  (G),  or
       is not applicable (N/A).

       |                   | XmParseMapping Resource Set              |        |
       |Name               | Class | Type            | Default        | Access |
       |XmNclientData      |       | XtPointer       | NULL           | CSG    |
       |XmNincludeStatus   |       | XmIncludeStatus | XmINSERT       | CSG    |
       |XmNinvokeParseProc |       | XmParseProc     | NULL           | CSG    |
       |XmNpattern         |       | XtPointer       | NULL           | CSG    |
       |XmNpatternType     |       | XmTextType      | XmCHARSET_TEXT | CSG    |
       |XmNsubstitute      |       | XmString        | NULL           | CSG    |
                 Specifies data to be used by the parse procedure.

                 Specifies  how the result of the mapping is to be included in
                 the compound string being constructed.  Unless the  value  is
                 XmINVOKE,  the  result of the mapping is the value of XmNsub-
                 stitute.  Following are the possible  values  for  XmNinclud-

                 XmINSERT  Concatenate the result to the compound string being
                           constructed and continue parsing.

                 XmINVOKE  Invoke the XmNinvokeParseProc  on  the  text  being
                           parsed and use the returned compound string instead
                           of XmNsubstitute as the result to be inserted  into
                           the compound string being constructed.  The include
                           status returned by the parse procedure (XmINSERT or
                           XmTERMINATE)  determines  how the returned compound
                           string is included.

                           Concatenate the result to the compound string being
                           constructed and terminate parsing.

                 Specifies  the  parse procedure to be invoked when XmNinclud-
                 eStatus is XmINVOKE.

                 Specifies a pattern to be matched in the text  being  parsed.
                 This is a maximum of one character.

                 Specifies  the  type of the pattern that is the value of XmN-
                 pattern.  Following are the possible values:

                    o  XmCHARSET_TEXT

                    o  XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT

                    o  XmWIDECHAR_TEXT

                 Specifies the compound string to be included in the  compound
                 string being constructed when XmNincludeStatus is XmINSERT or


       XmParseMappingCreate(3),  XmParseMappingFree(3),  XmParseMappingGetVal-
       ues(3), XmParseMappingSetValues(3), XmParseTable(3), and XmString(3).

                                                  XmParseMapping(library call)

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