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man XmRenderTableGetRenditions(3)
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XmRenderTableGetRenditions(library call)


       XmRenderTableGetRenditions  -- A convenience function that matches ren-
       dition tags


       #include <Xm/Xm.h>
       XmRendition *XmRenderTableGetRenditions(
       XmRenderTable table,
       XmStringTag *tags,
       Cardinal tag_count);


       XmRenderTableGetRenditions searches  table  and  returns  an  array  of
       copies  of  the  renditions whose XmNtag resources match a tag in tags.
       If no renditions match, then NULL is returned. The size of the returned
       array  is  tag_count.  The XmNtag resource of each rendition will match
       the corresponding tag in tags. If no match is found  for  a  particular
       tag, the corresponding slot in the return value will be NULL.

       It  is  the  responsibility  of  the caller to call the XmRenditionFree
       function to free the new renditions, and the XtFree  function  to  free
       the array.

       table     Specifies the table containing renditions to be searched.

       tags      Specifies the tags to search for.

       tag_count Specifies the number of tags in tags.


       Returns  NULL if there is no match; otherwise, this function returns an
       array of new XmRenditions.


       XmRenderTableGetRendition(3),  XmRenderTableGetTags(3),  and   XmRendi-

                                      XmRenderTableGetRenditions(library call)

openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Tue Dec 2 09:10:47 CST 2008
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