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man XmRenderTableGetTags(3)
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XmRenderTableGetTags(library call)          XmRenderTableGetTags(library call)


       XmRenderTableGetTags -- A convenience function that gets rendition tags


       #include <Xm/Xm.h>
       int XmRenderTableGetTags(
       XmRenderTable table,
       XmStringTag **tag_list);


       XmRenderTableGetTags  searches  the  specified  table  for  the  XmNtag
       resources  of  all  the  renditions  (XmRenditions)  entries. These tag
       resources are then composed into an array.

       table     Specifies the table containing the XmRenditions.

       tag_list  Is the array of XmStringTags generated by this function.  The
                 function  allocates  space  to  hold the returned tags and to
                 hold the tag_list itself.  The application is responsible for
                 managing  this allocated space.  This application can recover
                 this allocated space by calling XtFree once for each  of  the
                 returned  tags,  and  then  calling  XtFree  on  the returned
                 tag_list variable itself.


       Returns the number of tags in tag_list.



                                            XmRenderTableGetTags(library call)

openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Tue Dec 2 09:11:29 CST 2008
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