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man XmRepTypeAddReverse(3)
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XmRepTypeAddReverse(library call)            XmRepTypeAddReverse(library call)


       XmRepTypeAddReverse  --  A  representation  type  manager function that
       installs the reverse converter for a previously registered  representa-
       tion type


       #include <Xm/RepType.h>
       void XmRepTypeAddReverse(
       XmRepTypeId rep_type_id);


       XmRepTypeAddReverse  installs  the  reverse  converter for a previously
       registered representation type. The reverse converter takes a numerical
       representation  type  value and returns its corresponding string value.
       Certain applications may require this capability  to  obtain  a  string
       value to display on a screen or to build a resource file.

       The  values  argument  of the XmRepTypeRegister function can be used to
       register representation types with nonconsecutive values or with dupli-
       cate  names  for  the same value. If the list of numerical values for a
       representation type contains duplicate values,  the  reverse  converter
       uses  the first name in the value_names list that matches the specified
       numeric value. For example, if a value_names array has cancel, proceed,
       and abort, and the corresponding values array contains 0, 1, and 0, the
       reverse converter will return cancel instead  of  abort  for  an  input
       value of 0.

                 Specifies  the  identification  number  of the representation


       XmRepTypeGetId(3) and XmRepTypeRegister(3).

                                             XmRepTypeAddReverse(library call)

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